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Thread: Sorc Fist

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Sorc Fist

    This is one way you can heroic scale your SF, as well as any melee or ranged build in heroics. I've used sorc and arti and Favored Soul as example 10/10 splits.

    Sorc Fist
    DB 1-10S, 11-20SF

    Max + Lvls Cha, other stats based on what you want to do with extra feats/AP. Can go WWA, or THF, or divine healing (heal skill). I skill heal on paladin levels to max/spellcraft/concentration/some umd (cha maxes it out), balance, and spot. When you swap to paladin level up your heal, spellcraft, and perform I guess.

    1 Maximize
    3 Empower

    Racial AP Dragons breath/caster levels
    11 AP Air Savant +3 caster levels
    11 AP FI Color Spray
    23 AP Falconry helpless damage

    Nice Optional AP: Divine healing 8 more AP / More Dragonborn stuffs (DC/spell power/wings) / bit more spellcrit/maximize reduction / 25 % HP Falconry 9 more AP

    Lvl 1, would AoE 1 shot mobs in lvl 1 reaper dungeons, but went into lvl 2 (4 on reaper mode) instead, so almost 1 shot mobs with DB from racial AP.

    Can do Bringing the Light for first savant bubble, then go into reaper Kobolds New Ringleader for rest of lvl to 2.

    Lvl 2+ DB AoE 1 shots mobs in lvl 2 (4 on reaper mode) dungeons
    Lvl 4+ So does meta scorch on at-level reaper, hitting mobs fully meta for 3x max health (put 6 ap in fire savant +2 CL to use scorch well)

    Lvl 6+ so does fireball/Lightning bolt on at-lvl reaper (put 11 ap in fire savant when you want to use fireball for +3 max CL)
    Lvl 8+ So does Shout on at-lvl reaper, still hitting mobs in reaper mode for 3x max health (sonic means you no longer need AP in fire savant as off element)

    Lvl 10+ So does Ball lightning on at-lvl reaper

    At level 15 GH mobs have 400-700 hp ... lack of spell progression and caster levels means *only* non-crit hitting mobs in reaper mode for 2x max health:

    Sacred fist AC bonus is only when centered, but a staff is a centering weapon, so your AC spikes, saves spikes due to divine grace, and evasion rounds out defenses, with divine healing/LoH rounding out healing.

    The 17-18 gear including sentient staff will let you AoE 1 shot most Sharn mobs in low reaper. A few tougher mobs and reapers will live through it. Basically after you stop taking sorc levels your damage will drop from triple mob max hp non-crit in reaper mode down to around mob max hp non-crit in reaper mode by Sharn at 18. Doesn't quite non-crit 1 shot the tougher giant sized mobs in reaper mode, but it does edit the pack down to SF scaling levels so you can finish with melee:

    The following classes win splits when 10/10 with sorc for past lives:
    Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue

    So this lets you edit dungeons down to size for 5 out of 6 of the melee/ranged classes, and scales your SF through heroic reaper Sharn.
    Last edited by Tilomere; 11-24-2022 at 08:48 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member radule's Avatar
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    Will definitely use this for some of my heroic PLs, thank you for the build!
    Bakeen - Thelanis | Kabooom - HC

  3. #3
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    This is one way you can heroic scale your SF, as well as any melee or ranged build in heroics:
    The following classes win splits when 10/10 with sorc for past lives:
    Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue

    So this lets you edit dungeons down to size for 5 out of 6 of the melee/ranged classes, and scales your SF through heroic reaper Sharn.
    It seems completely counter-intuitive that only 10 levels of Sorc can carry the DPS to get to 20 with those non-synergetic classes. I believe you, but could you take a moment and comment on how that's working, where the juice is coming from? Is it largely the gear, or what?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-Dog View Post
    It seems completely counter-intuitive that only 10 levels of Sorc can carry the DPS to get to 20 with those non-synergetic classes. I believe you, but could you take a moment and comment on how that's working, where the juice is coming from? Is it largely the gear, or what?
    Realistically most of the nuking casters are able to do this, Sorc is just one particularly good one for it and this method isn't exactly *new* - Warlock, Bard, and to a lesser degree FvS have been doing this effectively for a while.

    You're cutting down on some of the insane overkill that dedicated nuking builds can put out in heroics if they stay in 'lower' difficulties for the player/character power level, especially when geared out like this or on maxed-out chars, and instead, you're picking up a new PL. I feel like templates like this used to be seen much more here.

    I guess this has become a fair bit less popular due to the racial grind and the 1-30 gameplay loop many vets stick to, so maybe it's just not talked about as often here these days?

    The main hurdle is in the difficulty spike for Sharn/older endgame stuff at 17-18 which this write-up definitely compensates for with gearing. You can also pretty happily just drop to Elite or even *Hard* at that point and put in less preparation time though but following the write-up will certainly get it done.

    (I'd add here that this is a build that'll get its goal done very well, but trying to take this and run epic+ content, or trying to make it work while skipping the gear/quest knowledge part will probably be pretty miserable)

  5. #5
    Founder & Hero
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    Might have to try it

    Beware the Sleepeater

  6. #6
    Community Member banjo174's Avatar
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    Well that is disappointing. I saw a "Sorc fist" posted by tilo, and I was expecting some kind of shenanigans, where they found a way to make a punchy sorc good. But, Im just seeing them demonstrate that sorc is so OP that even an under leveled one can be a past life farmer :/ I mean, everyone knew that.

  7. 11-15-2022, 10:02 PM

  8. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by banjo174 View Post
    Well that is disappointing. I saw a "Sorc fist" posted by tilo, and I was expecting some kind of shenanigans, where they found a way to make a punchy sorc good. But, Im just seeing them demonstrate that sorc is so OP that even an under leveled one can be a past life farmer :/ I mean, everyone knew that.
    I already made an absolutely gorgeous Sacred Fist build, years ago. It was a mathematical harmony of punches, kicks, and divine power.

    It hit for up through 400 non-crit with handwraps in heroic reaper mode (this was before multistrike, so per individual hit).

    And then the player base asked for nerfs, and SSG neutered it by nerfing helpless damage, bumping reaper mode spell saves bonus, nerfing divine might to non-stacking with insightful and non-trip resistance, nerfing power surge charges, and increasing reaper melee damage reduction, nerfing HeM melee power (or was this after that nerf, I forget), and also nerfing WWA animation.

    So then I designed an alternative melee paradigm, where you use a repeater and aimed shot for powering a dagger, and SSG also nerfed that by nerfing offhand versatility.

    I was going to make a more elegant Helf Monk>Fighter Dilli Staff > Mirana build, or maybe a SDK dagger doulble chain double WWA build but I think in the long run this is more necessary, and also a bit more hilarious. Neither the player base or SSG will allow a powerful melee paladin build. Plus it would be ineffective to nerf this, I'll just swap in 10 levels of a different caster, which everyone knows, so this becomes immune to nerfs, cleanly disarming both the player base and SSG. Which brings us full circle to sorc fist, the "acceptable" way to AoE 1 shot everything on a paladin.

    So I also had a bunch of past lives to catch up in the 7 months I was gone in bard/cleric/sf/tabaxi/tabaxi iconic. And this single gear set is going to let me do all of them in style. Sonic/lightning covers stormsinger and sorc fist, and also lightning domain cleric (with a swap of wisdom rings) tabaxi iconic, and pure warlock tabaxi (to try out celestial).
    Last edited by Tilomere; 02-28-2023 at 11:29 PM.

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