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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Update 57 Imbue Damage

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Changes from first preview are in this green!

    With Update 57 we are embarking on a series of global overhauls that aim to streamline and shake up the game and bring new cohesion across multiple builds. The Imbue system is one such overhaul and aims to drastically change how players approach certain builds, as well as open up a large variety of fun, flavorful, and powerful new ones. But enough talk - let's see the details!

    An Imbue is a new type of toggle in DDO that adds extra damage to your attacks. This extra damage can be specific to certain weapon types, certain combat styles, or even be focused on melee or ranged. Imbues can also scale with things, such as Melee or Ranged Power. You can only have one Imbue active at a time, which means turning on a new Imbue while one is already on will turn the old one off.

    Imbues scale their damage with bonus Imbue Dice. If an Imbue added, for example, 1d6 Fire damage, gaining 1 bonus Imbue dice will change that to 2d6 Fire damage. 2 bonus dice means 3d6, etc. Bonus Imbue Dice are global and universal - they do not care about which Imbue is active, and will scale each imbue based on the base Imbue's stats. This means that with the earlier example, if the Imbue in question actually did 1d12 Poison damage scaling with Melee Power, having 2 bonus dice means you'll do 3d12 damage. You can check your bonus Imbue Dice on the character sheet's Details+ Tab.

    If this sounds familiar, you're right! This is exactly how our current scaling toggles work - such as Eldritch Knight or Arcane Archer! The big difference here is that there are no more "Arcane Archer Dice" or "Eldritch Knight Dice" - they all now scale off of Imbue Dice together. One of the benefits of these dice being shared is that there is relatively little opportunity cost to switching to a different element from a different tree, should you so desire. You can also aim for very specific imbues in some trees and then boost them up elsewhere. It also means that gaining a bonus dice is something that a large variety of builds will want, making trees and feats that add bonus dice highly desirable.

    • (Assassin Tier 1) 1d8 Poison, melee or ranged power (note this swapped places with Toxin Affinity which is now tier 2)
    • (Assassin - Toxin Affinity) moves to t2 (swaps with imbue), +1/2/3 dice

    Been pretty silent on any Rogues responding about what this change can imply besides Venomed Blades.
    Thought also Poison Vulnerability should be in there as well, for many immune poison mobs.
    Last edited by VinoeWhines; 11-01-2022 at 10:27 PM.

  2. #2
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    I posted this on other thread but serves to be acknowledged and brought to awareness as a Rogue.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    If you are talking about well geared/built mythic reaper/crowned melee, then for comparison that's lvl 1 spell power:

    A level 5 caster has ~180 spell power, and let's be honest, if you are building for an imbue instead of straight AoE nuking the group for 3x their max hp non-crit in reaper mode you are doing it wrong. Sorc Fist OP.

    It's a fairly safe bet that there is no imbue build in the game that will ever match AoE 1 shotting groups. The least of the balance concerns should be a sorc fist running around whacking things with a stick.

    And this is were the devs have to look at.

    1. If DPS Caster is going to be the king of AOE damage, that's fine.
    2. Range should have similar Single target Range damage.
    3. Melee should have fastest biggest DPS damage.
    4. Assassinate isn't a Spell(deathward), if you can DPS something you should be physically able to Assassinate/physical damage a mob. Red Name/Boss excluded.

  3. #3
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    Not even one comment on how this affects this class?

    Does this even tie into Venomed Blades? In Assassin?

    Venomed Blades: Poison Stance: On hit: 1d4/1d6/1d8 poison damage with weapon attacks. This damage scales with 200% Melee Power.
    Is it changing to: On hit: 1d8/2d8/3d8 poison damage with weapon attacks? "Plus" (Assassin - Toxin Affinity) moves to t2 (swaps with Imbue), +1/2/3 dice

  4. #4
    Community Member DareDelvis's Avatar
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    Default My initial observations

    I have been playing several different classes to dabble in the imbues across my characters. I am not opitimized or using filigrees that add dice…

    When only a few dice are utilized, for example with my vistani assassin, the imbue is an accoutrement…not really all that noticeable compared to the weapon attack damage and backstab damage.

    I will keep experimenting
    Fellowship of the Bling Ghallanda
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  5. #5
    Community Member difasja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DareDelvis View Post
    I have been playing several different classes to dabble in the imbues across my characters. I am not opitimized or using filigrees that add dice…

    When only a few dice are utilized, for example with my vistani assassin, the imbue is an accoutrement…not really all that noticeable compared to the weapon attack damage and backstab damage.

    I will keep experimenting
    I don’t see any imbue option for the deep wood stalker ranger tree? Am I missing something or have the devs turned against this playing option?
    Any ideas?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by difasja View Post
    I don’t see any imbue option for the deep wood stalker ranger tree? Am I missing something or have the devs turned against this playing option?
    Any ideas?
    Not every tree had an imbue before it was renamed. The ones for which it was a major source of damage were pretty limited - AA, VC, Inq, EK off the top of my head. For the remainder it'll be flavor and a possible build trap.

    The other two Ranger trees have imbues, you can always splash Tempest and invest in AA if you want extra dice

  7. #7
    Community Member DareDelvis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by difasja View Post
    I don’t see any imbue option for the deep wood stalker ranger tree? Am I missing something or have the devs turned against this playing option?
    Any ideas?
    Certain racial trees have imbue damage, but, and as said above, the imbues are not a major source if damage for most builds.

    Having said that, Shiradi does appear to offer even more for ranged damage proc if 7 or more imbue die.

    Experiement and have fun
    Fellowship of the Bling Ghallanda
    Main: Shado
    Tier 1 Alts: DareDelvis; Ottis; Tortelvis
    Tier 2 Alts and Banks: JoeBiten; Hary Darkness; BurnyCynders; Ashhole; Mournfist; Maimonides; DareDelviss; Aeteentee; DareSoulvis; Rambam; Jawill; DoubleDee; Myzadventure; Krav Maga; Snakecobra; and others

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