Originally Posted by
I feel you Songswrath.
I had the luck and time to play with you, I understand you are a specialist of melee, an experienced raid and reaper player, one who went for high end challenges and still offer some support to casual gamers.
At this rate, I must say I don't judge or disagree with your review of the game, I'll state that your opinion is forged by years of playing, full completionnism, hours of R10 and lot of zerging.
And as you project different game types into one single DDO, its as much as a flaw than a blessing.
Heroïc at your own pace has its own rules, Epic becomes slowly crazy, Legendary is going too fast when you need to TR again and Reaper can be as much a surprise success than a disappointing wipe.
When you don't have many more challenge to look for, all that remains is love of your build, active social on the server (and maybe forums) and ultimately a good pack of friends you want to venture with in the server and a friendlist full of contacts to look for. And changes coming might be seen like something bothering you and trying to force you changing your good build habits and recipe.
On the other side, when you are still on the early age of your account or past lives collection, you hang on, with determination, slowly grinding the gear and filling your bank, still hoping for more. You fancy a bad build just to test, you take challenges and remember with risks come excitment. You want more of those bonus others have and you think inside a small hidden part of your dark thougts that you'll be doing better - maybe.
Competition has its thrill and rules.
I might be slightly crazy because I love when the game I'm playing tells me there's new things coming, new mechanics in the battlesystem, more choice in one of the builds I fondly retried, more possibilities to change my role in the raid and even new way to solo that one dungeon resisting me.
I offer my support to a small group of others who use to refuse it because they want to discover by themselves - and they rightfully dont trust me enough!?
About your other point, even me seeing myself more of a caster specialist, I agree there should be more love of tanking, maybe more dedication to melee and players happy to see anything else than a group filled with Alchemists , Sorcerors and Inquisitives. I always thougt its easier to choose range and casters when you spend your time in solo, it changes the way you see the game and work inside - so after all I doomed myself early.
Now there are highs and lows playing all year long, aren't you just depressed looking at next update and realising its just annoying to your eyes, because at your state of the game, you won't see major changes helping players looking for tough melees enthousiats, and hard work on the enemy pack, with aggro rules and team support?
Why not make the work by asking the question around you, and use your experience to slowly push players to consider your way, if its not what you're already doing by this thread ^^
Tell them how much of an exciting challenge it is to melee, that balance of classes is an illusion in every MMO, and that making next update their own (since it will come whatever we do) is just clever.