The Jaded change from preview one is definitely a good change. Glad to see that went in.
Still would argue that Pure AA needs something in it's T5 to compensate for it losing it's identity as a top tier imbue tree, and from a CC archer standpoint I'd love to see the Imbue system overhaul give the non-damaging imbues some love as well. I know that those of us that play full CC/Efffect archers are few and far between but we are out here. I wouldn't put any power in the lower tiers of the tree at all so it's not abusable to anyone other than true AAs tho. The idea would be to define and sharpen their identity as king of Imbues for pure AAs. RuneBow would be a prime candidate as far as places to add some spice. Also while we're on the topic, I'd love if the Capstone allowed you to choose between 4 Dex and 4 Wisdom.
See this one I disagree with. Part of the drawback of playing a free AA Splash (or off class AA) is that the progression is slower. You get way more firepower with this system overhaul by having access to AA, it should be gated. Granted, those secondary Imbues only work with Bows, it's still a very powerful additional tree for anyone building Imbue dice. I agree that it's sorta goofy to have to respec in your epic levels to adjust your heroic points, but for the extra power you get, I personally feel like it's a fair trade. If Elf/H-Elf AA had no drawbacks, it'd be the undisputed king of Imbues beating even the Default AA given it'll have access to the Imbue dice from other Class trees that True Ranger AA simply will not have without multiclassing. At endgame, E-AA will still be superior to ranger AA when played with any other class with decent Imbue dice (Silver Flame dark Apostate Arcane Archers are going to be kinda gross), so I personally don't feel that it's wrong to make it take some extra time to reach that point.