Hey guys, I'm Princze of Asphodel from the Cannith server. Every now and then, I run into a player who is relatively new to the game and gets to epics for the first time. I come across them while leveling and they're super confused as to where to go and what to do. I love helping new players in hopes of adding them to the DDO community but sometimes it's hard to stop what you're doing and teach them all the ropes.
I wanted a resource whose link I could share, that contained useful info on the content I was running, but did not force me to take the time to explain everything right then and there. So I created a video series called Guide to Dailies for Epic Leveling. Its purpose is to be just that. In its final form, it will be a video log for info on finding and completing every quest that is run multiple times in epic levels for its easy xp per minute. Feel free to check it out. Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?lis...XKNoCvo4UAqq3x
If someone you know has expressed confusion about running Spies in the House, getting to Offering of Blood, etc, etc. Then this may be a good resource to share. Hopefully you can check it out. Thanks for reading!