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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Apr 2013

    Default Proposal: Sell multibox multiplier copies of content at full price

    I propose that content should be able to be purchased at full price up to five additional times, with each additional time it is purchased it giving another multiplier of all loot dropped in that content.

    For example, one could purchase Ravenloft six times, once for 0.99 under the special and five additional times at full price, and if solo, would gain six times normal drop rate from it.

    If grouped, real players replace multibox drop rate, so 4 real players, one of which has purchased content 5x get a total of 6 persons worth of loot, with the person who purchased that content 5x times getting triple loot.

    If multibox purchases would exceed filling empty spots, those slots are filled by lottery of multibox slots. So four people, each of which purchased content two extra times each, fills that last two loot spots with a lottery of two drawn from the 8 multibox licenses.

    Like the HP pass, this can also serve as a catch-up mechanism for new players, where they can farm out their gear sets in reduced time in a way that contributes to the game.

    We can also give flavors to the multiboxes and allow the player to pick which one they want first, second, third, etc.. A bard one would start a player with bard songs. A cleric one would give divine buffs at the start. An Arti one disables all dungeon traps. A rogue one opens all dungeon locks, etc.

    Basically, fully support multiboxing, making it less of a mess to use.
    Last edited by Tilomere; 10-16-2022 at 09:34 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Aug 2020


    A much simpler option would be to simply fix the bugged loot tables and item drop-rates.

    But that's never going to happen.

    So I support this.
    If I can read the dev tracker, you can too.

  3. #3
    Community Member Jomee's Avatar
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    Dec 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Eantarus View Post
    A much simpler option would be to simply fix the bugged loot tables and item drop-rates.

    But that's never going to happen.

    So I support this.
    They can start by taking out the useless junk in the loot table. This was from a solo pull from legendary salt marsh rare.

  4. #4
    Pale Fox
    LightBear's Avatar
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    Sep 2010


    Are Healer kits used by anyone still? And if so when?

    But enough derailing, I would not mind seeing higher drop rates for additional purchases but think the drop rate should be additive for each purchase for each additional purchase instead of multiplicative as is the case with multiboxes.

    So on R1 that should give 33 (initial purchase) + 33 (second purchase) + 33 (third purchase) + 1 (from R1) chance of a named item.
    What item you'd get is still random.
    SO maxes out at two additional purchases when running R1.
    You could still have more ofc, to guarantee a drop for normal raids.
    Or be able to select two named items from a chest.

    Also story arc rewards should have double / triple xp stones on them and so should the daily dice rolls when VIP.

    Btw, this is super pay to win, but whatever. The hamsters need food to burn on the treadmill, so supported.

  5. #5
    Community Member thegreatcthulhu's Avatar
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    I'll second this, at this point I don't care about paying more money to expedite things. I've already let them know I've been willing to pay whatever high price it would be to get completionist so I don't have to wait until the next point sale and Otto box deal and then have to still sit through the manual chore and wait between reincarnation (assuming a sov. potion + exp stone gets you up to level 20 or reasonably close enough??). I like the idea of paying for the loot multiplier as well.

    Buuuuut.... I think SSG however will need to crunch the numbers themselves to see if a player paying for "faster service" outweighs or breaks even against a player paying for random ddo points and vip access over a specific period of time. I think there's a way for them to pull this off, but obviously they need to consider this first. Here's hoping they're open to this idea.

  6. 10-17-2022, 09:28 AM

  7. #6
    Pale Fox
    LightBear's Avatar
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    Boxes come with +30% xp boost elixers, to get to level 20 in one go you need a +50% xp elixer.
    The boxes also have a thingy in there that let's you skip the wait timer for reincarnation.

    You prob still need house k and coin lords favor to unlock 40 inventory and 40 personal bank space, right?
    Though, that is easier done at level 20 as you're way over level by then.

  8. #7
    Community Member
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    For one, having 5 boxes right now gives you a 1-(.67)^6 = 91% chance to pull one named item, plus a decreasing chance to pull 2, 3, etc. You cant simulate that in a true single-player setting because its over 100% and there's no way to roll over to a second named item. So at best you'd have people buy it twice to get 100% drop rate on R1 and still multibox with 5 other bots, each of which was also running x3 loot. You're not replacing boxing, you're facilitating it even more.

    For two, lol no, you cant have an option to pay to have the game permanently play itself for you

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