That is actually a great idea. I have to wonder if its even feasible to implement, though. Runearms are very tough to get a handle on from the part of the game where most of this script work is working.
Hmmm, I wonder...
Should Runearm imbues add Imbue Dice instead of their separate procs? or...
Should Runearm imbues instead switch the damage type of the Artificer imbue? But that would make it hard to stack spellpower...
Maybe Runearms should switch the imbue type only in certain situations? Or maybe we should build in a separate Feat that allows that switch to take place?
Lots to noodle on.
I feel the complete opposite - its very unlike D&D to have unique one-off scaling things that only work in a vacuum and only in narrow cases. There's no pen and paper equivalent for Arcane Archer Bonus Dice, yanno? But it is very D&D to have shared stats that do different things for different builds - the same way that Wisdom means very different things mechanically if you're a Monk versus a Cleric. And it's very D&D to gain abilities that add bonus dice to things. And it's also very D&D to build systems that cause players to go "hmmm I wonder if this build would work well with this multiclass"