Not sure if this was reported before, but the 3 dice available in the assassin tree don’t seem to add any damage. I tried them with the Assassin poison, Monk burning the candle, and half-elf warlock dilettante, and the damage seemed to not include the 3 assassin dice from Toxin Affinity.
Hope this helps, as it opens up a lot of you can splash rogue and keep getting some damage progression for imbues!
I believe that currently you can take either embodiment feat regardless of what alignment you are. I remember I at least had Embodiment of Chaos on a lawful character.
How about tying those to their respective alignments, and then it's a separate toggle that changes your current imbue to be lawful or chaos damage, scaling with whatever the original imbue scales with?
A "best-in-class" DPS option is never a good idea, it just becomes a 'must have' on every build of the same damage archetype.
DCs Law of the Divine essentially makes the Embodiment of Law a Flat 12D6 Law damage/Scaling with MP that stacks with other added on damage types. Playing Paladin (Class most likely to to go T5 DC potentially?), add on 7D6 Light Damage/scales with MP, so I can see the trouble this is causing because it requires heavy investment from your early example to get to this kind of Imbue Dice.
What about simply acknowledging that this extra damage doesn't fit the new Imbue system and throwing a different ability all together into the mix?
- Feat: Embodiment of Law: Weapon and Unarmed Attacks that have the Lawful damage type have a 3% to Stun an enemy, no save. +3 Imbue Dice.
- Feat: Harbinger of Chaos: Weapon and Unarmed Attacks that have the Chaos damage type have a 3% to Stun an enemy, no save. +3 Imbue Dice.
Then in the Destinies:
- DC: Law of the Divine: You gain the Embodiment of Law Feat and +3 Imbue Dice. If you already have the Embodiment of Law feat, your attacks now cause Vulnerability and Armour Destruction on Critical Hits.
- FotW: Scarred by Chaos: +50 Hit Points and +10 Physical Resistance Rating. Doubled if you have the Harbinger of Chaos feat, and your Melee and Unarmed Attacks that have the Chaos damage type have a 3% chance to cause Confusion in enemies, no save.
There's a few ways to add the Lawful/Chaos damage type to a weapon, Ruby of Law/Chaos, DC Holy Mantle, Weapon Imbues from Arti, and a lot of popular weapons have these as built in effects anyway.
and another simple clarification for those of us who don't excel in math.
If i am playing a multi class character, say Arti/Paly/Ranger with imbue dice in each class enhancement, so i have a 1D6/1D6/1d8 and then I pick up extra sources of imbue dice, do the extra sources apply to each of the imbue dice? or do they all get wrapped up in one bundle? Just trying to figure that out.
All the sources of +Imbue Die will apply collectively to whichever Imbue you have active. You can only have 1 active under the new system
So if you had a 1d6 and a 1d8 toggle and +3 die altogether, then the first one would be 4d6 and the second would be 4d8 when you had them on
Dont forget about T5 DC, that's pretty much handcuffed with EoL for all practical purposes
So its not just the 10+20 damage on the feat itself that needs to be preserved, its also the 10d6 scaling damage with the feat + T5 Destiny. Which is a pretty high opportunity cost, so it needs to have a commensurate value...
While not specifically about the feat itself, I'd like to talk about Divine Crusader's Law of the Divine T5 ability.
I think the ability should be changed to have the vulnerability + armor destruction stack proc on crit if you take it period. Legendary Dreadnought already gets an rough armor destruction equivalent on every hit in Terror just by being in their mantle, and get a vulnerability stack on every hit on enemies that have 5+ stacks of terror (available just hitting an enemy 5 times). Having Divine Crusader's T5 have AD+Vuln on only crits seems to be fairly powerful considering the investment to get there and how T5's lock out T5's from other trees, especially when equivalent abilities stacking similar or same procs do so every hit in another ED. If you think that AD+Vuln on every crit is still too much for a ED's T5, you can add the restriction that it only works with favored weapons, which fits the theme as some other abilities in Divine Crusader already.
I'm not sure if it should have any interaction with the Embodiment of the Law feat, but if it does (and embodiment of law remains something to do with imbues), I'll again suggest looking into one of the possible following effects if you take the feat + T5:
- Adding imbue die per every few epic levels. At current it essentially gives +1d6 per epic level, but that is probably a bit much in the fully converged system, so something akin to +1 die per every 2 or 3 epic levels.
- Changing the Embodiment of Law's toggle to always be d8's regardless of enemy alignment
- Having the AD+Vuln from the T5 be on-hit instead of on-crit if you use the Embodiment of Law imbue (or if it's too strong add multiple stacks per crit?)
Could also combine two of the above like +1 imbue die per 4 or 6 epic levels and guaranteed d6's regardless of alignment, or something of the sort for the combo of Law of the Divine T5 + Embodiment of Law.
For the feat itself, I don't have suggestions for it, aside from I think that as a system change, every ability that gives an imbue should probably also give an inherent +1 imbue die, As in, if you only have one imbue and no other imbue die adds, it's just one die if you use that imbue (Ex: only drow poison imbue, only does 1d6 poison), but if you have both say Drow's poison imbue and Paladin's KotC light imbue, and no other imbue die adds, using one of the two imbues should have 2d6 light or 2d6 poison. This would make taking other imbue options still inherently worthwhile for imbue die focused characters even if they don't plan on fully using the other imbues. For EK imbues, while they technically get 4 different imbues I think they should just count as a +1 die if you go with the whole every imbue you have access to adds another die thing.
Last edited by Talnar00; 10-13-2022 at 01:19 PM.
That would be the correct answer, it's simple and doesn't screw around with the rest of the game balance. Of course it also means it likely won't be done.
Embodiment of Law is just 10 bane damage on everything, 20 against chaotic monsters. It's the DC T5 that makes it actually useful at 12D6 (42) law damage scaling at 200% melee power. Nerfing one of the lower DPS / higher support tree's in the name of art seems pretty mean. Of course everything here seems to be an across the board nerf to any build with scaling proc dice cause math.
Last edited by nobodynobody1426; 10-13-2022 at 01:16 PM.
If we're going in this direction, I'd rip up the whole carpet and say death to Light spellpower.
Let Positive govern Positive Healing, Light, Good and Lawful, and Negative govern Negative Healing, Poison, Chaos and Evil.
That way the dichotomy makes sense and overall consolidates spellpowers that the affected classes would stack for their damage types anyway.
If that's too complicated to implement, I'd say any buff to less popular alignment casting is fine and as written seems good.
The 2 second cooldown and it only hit 1 mob when casting AoEs made this feel very meh when I tried it. Without the cooldown, it might make Helf a competitive choice with other caster preferred races; but with the 2-sec cooldown, it's a non-starter for me. It's a little damage where one has to invest AP/augments to get extra dice and with the cooldown it just not worth the effort vs reward.
I don't know if ignoring the comments on the Inquisitive changes is intentional or not. But there are enough of us saying it that I think you need to address it Lynnabel.
Is the nerf to Inquisitive dice intentional and if so what is the logic behind it? Please stop ignoring the people asking about it.
Should rework weapon/gear/guard procs to scale off melee/ranged power, spell power, & imbue dice to go along with this too.
Good gravy, such pessimism!I genuinely find your analysis spot-on - its why everyone is talking about the Law feat and not the Chaos one - and its not a bad idea to divorce the two sections of these mechanics entirely. Its why I am leaning towards changing the law/chaos feats into something that isn't an imbue at all, which would give us room to redesign the DC tier 5 into something equally as fun and powerful. I would only ask that you fine folks help me help you by keeping this a fun and lighthearted dialogue. If things get too spicy in here it makes it hard for me to have these discussions. There's still plenty of time for adjustments in every direction.
Last edited by Lynnabel; 10-13-2022 at 02:39 PM.
100% radical, enthusiasm enthusiast.
"Have you tried preproccing feat directory?"
This makes good thematic sense but it still leaves ES locks out in the cold, since they'd be Positive for their light imbue but Neg for their Utterdark damage, or Force. Think they'd need a version of Utterdark that changes it to Lawful under this scheme
Also gets a little wonky with Heal vs Spellcraft too, so locks might need a change to class skills
Other than that it's nice, should keep most gear aligned since fire/light/pos is already the trifecta for divine caster gear. And it'd let healers have some offense with their pos power too.
Yeah the more I see it discussed and modeled, the more inqui stands out as the gross outlier here
I think I get what they were afraid of, but I just don't see any real justification for treating them different. Inqui needs to remain as self-complete as it is already, you can't nerf it with the intention of making people make up the difference in their class tree. That's adding a huge new opportunity cost to just stay where we already are. 41 points should get you roughly what it already does, regardless what the other 27 get you.
And if, e.g., an EK wants to go 31 inqui just for the extra 7 imbue die....eh, ok, go for it. That isn't game breaking for what it costs. Someone totally selling out for imbue should have an awesome imbue, that's not a bad thing.
Last edited by droid327; 10-13-2022 at 02:42 PM.
You cant just take away 2 Strength from Frenzy (active) and leave it like that, at the very least it needs to be rolled into Death Frenzy, so the total is unchanged 6 Strength (while active).
Barb already struggle to hit their tactics DCs even maxed out item swap for trance and fully boosted strength.
Bug: OP says all Warchanter cores beyond first should give +1 imbue die, but Core 4 (Fighting Spirit) doesn't. Description is missing it, and I didn't see an additional bonus imbue die on character info upon taking it.
An unfortunate thing around all this is that a lot of the reaction around embodiment of/law of the divine is that Law of the Divine for many is half the reason they even consider divine crusader.
Divine Crusader for the playerbase is the melee raid support tree and its main saving grace personally for the player in that destiny is Law of the Divine, it's the entire reason a paladin or a sacred fist or whatever who takes Beckon Divinity to save raids from wipes doesn't feel awful when it isn't exactly needed.
Law of the Divine is just simply such a good asset of the tree people are angry at the idea of losing it and changing this one thing about said tree isn't going to be well received unless DC gets some more personal strength on par with what would be lost (and they probably aren't going to be happy with even more shield bashy stuff.)