Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
The problem i see now, especially for my Inquisitive, is most of the extra dice and ranged power scaling is going to improve in epics. But what the heck am I supposed to do in heroics? I'm loosing almost half my dice IN HEROICS. I don't get nearly enough ranged power IN HEROICS to make a difference. Epic destiny bonus dice don't mean anything to HEROICS. Filigree won't help IN HEROICS. Set bonus maybe if there is a heroic set with an added imbue. Scion feats won't help in HEROICS. But still it is in HEROICS that I am loosing 6 dice of damage. And honestly I'm getting sick and tired of rebuilding my characters because they keep changing things. So if your suggestion is to reincarnate and multiclass my character out the wazoo to make up the difference... well I'm just tired of it. Maybe that means I'm getting tired of the game but its a shocker to me that the game has evolved into Reincarnation & Character-Rebuild Anonymous instead of running the dang quests. I just want to quest. Why do I constantly feel my characters are under attack? Not by the mobs, no, by the devs.
Sub level 18 you are losing 1 dice, assuming you are not jaded, in which case you are losing none. Yeah, levels 18-20 definitely take a hit, not gonna deny that, but most of heroics is completely unchanged/buffed.