Use this thread to discuss feedback on new treasure coming with the U57 Adventure Pack "Grip of the Hidden Hand". The treasure list can be accessed by speaking with The Loot Guy in the Test Dojo.
Use this thread to discuss feedback on new treasure coming with the U57 Adventure Pack "Grip of the Hidden Hand". The treasure list can be accessed by speaking with The Loot Guy in the Test Dojo.
1) All weapons (heroic and legendary) have 4 Isle of Dread slots which are likely unintended.
2) H/L Bladed Handwraps are missing their enchantments.
3) Legendary Bladed Handwraps have only 1 augment slot, as opposed to all other weapons which have 2.
4) H/L Gavel of Daanvi has a "Do Not Use" enchantment.
5) H/L Thirteen has no enchantments and 7 augment slots (1 of each color) - might be WAI, unsure.
6) Legendary Shadow's Curve has +3 loaded dice instead of +2.
7) Legendary Thirteen has +3 loaded dice instead of +2.
8) H/L Bulwark of True Law has the wrong flavor text (carryover from ToEE).
9) H/L Commander Vishral's Dragonscale has the wrong flavor text (carryover from ToEE).
10) Heroic Goggles of Dusk have Evocation Focus +3 twice AND also have Spell Focus Mastery +3, which makes Evocation Focus redundant. As such they are essentially missing 2 enchantments (to replace the two Evocation Focus ones).
11) Legendary Goggles of Dusk have Evocation Focus +6 twice, and as such missing an enchantment (to replace the second copy of Evocation Focus).
12) H/L Pendant of Soaring Winds is missing most enchantments and its flavor text.
13) The Signet Ring of Dolurhh has "Dolurrh" incorrectly spelled as "Dolurhh" in both its name and its flavor text.
14) Most rings should probably use different icons (rings with different color stones, you already have the assets) based on which plane they represent.
15) Legendary Belt of Whirling Blades and Legendary Boots of the Thorn have an Isle of Dread slot which they probably shouldn't have.
16) The Eye of Shavarath has "Shavarath" incorrectly spelled as "Shavarrath" in its name.
17) The Eye of Shavarath should probably have an explanation of what the Shaken debuff is in its description.
Last edited by Firebreed; 10-12-2022 at 04:51 PM.
I would like to see the Spell Resistance on the two armors swapped for something much stronger, because as is I'd have to sacrifice the Sharn set bonus to wear them, and they are not remotely close to being worth it.
You will get far more comments if you actually post pictures of the items![]()
Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda
Also Heroic and Legendary Bulwark are invisible on Male Dragonborn and Tabaxi. (I assume other races as well, but...)
Also- might just be me, but can we not have Shield Bonuses on Caster rings? Dodge is great, Parrying fantastic, Magical Efficiency is usually useful, but the Signet of Daavi has a shiled bonus, which just doesn't seem to make sense. if you're a caster tank you're probably going to want a shield, if you're not a caster tank the minimal AC the shield bonus gives is not going to be worth anything.
Just a suggestion to duplicate one of the other ring effects, Dodge/Parrying/Magical Efficiency .any of them would be great.
Last edited by Khurse; 10-12-2022 at 06:24 PM.
Firebreed already posted some great feedback that matches most of what I noticed about the loot. Please give that list sufficient attention.
My only other callout is that we definitely don't need more items with Speed bonuses, and Spell Resistance in its current form is not sought after. Virtually any other enhancement would be more desirable than Speed or Spell Resistance for most characters.
The cosmetic appearance of the heroic Bulwark of True Law is not showing on a female human.
Sophie Cat Burglar - Creator, Dreamer, Explorer - Happy yet Sad - Seeker of Beauty and Wonder
Exotic Item Recovery Specialist. I wish you all many happy adventures!
Just to remember They got rid of Mythic Emerald Gaze because it has 11 stats on it. And now there is a ML 16 sword with 11 augment slots.
If this sword WAI, ML 28 Mythic Emerald Gaze should be dropped ingame again.
I'm disappointed here that there are no great swords in the new loot. The bastard sword looks interesting, but other than that... not too excited about what I am seeing right now.
Surprised there aren't gen3 raid filigree yet. - very few visuals. nice blade.
Last edited by cru121; 10-13-2022 at 08:12 AM.
This is why people say you guys don't check things before releasing them. There's not only a BUNCH of errors in items alone, there're things that we just don't KNOW if they're bugs or not. Dino slots on non-isle stuff?
Mains - Messam, Indalecio, Mozenrath, Quackerjack.
Could you change Doublestrike in Belt of Whirling Blades to Insightful Doublestrike? There is no belt with that affix, and there has been a blatant lack of new sources of it recently (last one was Feywild), which is a must for most melee players.
The pendant of the soaring winds and the bladed handwraps seem like they are missing some benefits...if left as is they are very underwhelming. For the pendant I would add accuracy, improved, destruction, and/or combat mastery (maybe even profane or quality combat mastery).
The handwraps should be made to bypass a all physical DR (slash, bludgeon and pierce) with some type of damage added. It would be nice to see a weapon that bypasses alignment DR based up the character's existing alignment. That would be a cool addition to the game.
I like the idea of the rings based upon plane of origin...they seem to fit well and have a good bit of variety.
Cannith! Too many alts to list. Lorrtusk, Lorrtank (my main), Lorrgar, Jimipage, Taurnish, etc.
Make this entire pack level 12 not 16 it will be a huge buyer what do we need what do we want
12 xp not every other fn level 12 i dont care bout loot just take my money so can can do 1-12 wo ripping my eyes out
Damonz Cannith
I'll add to what someone else said if you don't put pictures or even just text with what the items are supposed to be and have, your probably not going to get a lot of replies.
I don't tend to log into lamania much because when lamania is around, I don't have the free time to get it working and then look there and figure out where everything is.
Also if there is a representation of what it's supposed to be, then the people who do visit Lamania can say "yes, that's supposed to have dino slots because that's what was posted on the forums" or "On Lamania it's giving different bonuses than what was posted on the forums" and either way you get good feedback about if you just typed some text into the forums wrong (a fast and easy fix) or if the items are using the intended bonuses.
I know that it takes time to type out all of the new items, but without doing it you are making it more likely that something gets missed and making it so that until it hits live, not that many people will even see what the items are. I'm betting that most people logging into Lamania are there looking at other things because they already have items that work fine on the live servers. So that makes any item Tetris a secondary concern to "whats breaking or getting fixed for my builds". In most cases, we can wait on the Tetris ideas until it comes out on live.
Another consideration for putting the items on the forums. If we see an item that would just FIT into our gearset or be an upgrade or even just looks interesting, that would make it far more likely for someone to go looking for it on lamania to see if its working how they think.
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