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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Whirlwind attack bug

    Greetings All,

    With the new whirlwind attack added I was quite excited to try it out. However it appears bugged and I don't know the cause, it does not hit anything. It doesn't matter if I am a decent distance away, inside of the creature, or hugging them as close as possible. This includes being surrounded and letting them prevent me from moving and trying to use whirlwind attack. It does not attack any of them and is a waste of 3 feats for my current character.

    I am using it with handwraps on a Razorclaw Shifter which may be the culprit but it may be related to the enhancements I am using as well. All the Spellsword enhancements and the vampire form from Pale Master.

    Is anyone else able to duplicate this?

  2. #2
    Systems Designer
    Lynnabel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tokyooo24 View Post
    Greetings All,

    With the new whirlwind attack added I was quite excited to try it out. However it appears bugged and I don't know the cause, it does not hit anything. It doesn't matter if I am a decent distance away, inside of the creature, or hugging them as close as possible. This includes being surrounded and letting them prevent me from moving and trying to use whirlwind attack. It does not attack any of them and is a waste of 3 feats for my current character.

    I am using it with handwraps on a Razorclaw Shifter which may be the culprit but it may be related to the enhancements I am using as well. All the Spellsword enhancements and the vampire form from Pale Master.

    Is anyone else able to duplicate this?
    This has been fixed internally and will be released in an upcoming patch. Thank you!
    100% radical, enthusiasm enthusiast.

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  3. #3
    Community Member thegreatcthulhu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    This has been fixed internally and will be released in an upcoming patch. Thank you!
    I am guessing it has something to do with the OP's setup. It works fine with a 2 handed weapon - Dragonborn Paladin using a great sword. Not sure if this change is going to affect THF but hopefully it's something to keep in mind. And also, I want to mention that a Paladin using whirlwind was something I never thought I'd try but it's definitely a delight. Thanks for the work.

  4. #4
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    On the topic of WWA:
    The animation of WWA (at least the ones from sacred fist enh tree) is super slow on every attack speed % when done in Vistani double dagger stance. This of course resulting in the ability being virtually not usable in higher stages of play.

    Is it a bug, or for some reason a WAI?

  5. #5
    Community Member Andoir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daeronzw View Post
    On the topic of WWA:
    The animation of WWA (at least the ones from sacred fist enh tree) is super slow on every attack speed % when done in Vistani double dagger stance. This of course resulting in the ability being virtually not usable in higher stages of play.

    Is it a bug, or for some reason a WAI?
    I can confirm this. The first time I tried either "Exalted Whirlwind" or the actual "Whirlwind" feat, I thought I was PvP'ing again and someone hit me with "Limbchopper"
    Unarmed looks good. Daggers are extremely slow.

  6. #6
    Systems Designer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andoir View Post
    I can confirm this. The first time I tried either "Exalted Whirlwind" or the actual "Whirlwind" feat, I thought I was PvP'ing again and someone hit me with "Limbchopper"
    Unarmed looks good. Daggers are extremely slow.
    What race/gender are you playing as?

    (As a bit of a PSA - when reporting animation bugs, race and gender ALWAYS matter. With this you've made it clear that you're using dual daggers (aka combat style), so we need the other two parts to investigate completely. Remember, RGCS: Race, Gender, Combat Style!)
    Last edited by Lynnabel; 10-18-2022 at 11:23 AM.
    100% radical, enthusiasm enthusiast.

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  7. #7
    Community Member Andoir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    What race/gender are you playing as?

    (As a bit of a PSA - when reporting animation bugs, race and gender ALWAYS matter. With this you've made it clear that you're using dual daggers (aka combat style), so we need the other two parts to investigate completely. Remember, RGCS: Race, Gender, Combat Style!)
    Race: Human
    Gender: Male
    Combat Style: Two Weapon Fighting

  8. #8
    Community Member thegreatcthulhu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    What race/gender are you playing as?

    (As a bit of a PSA - when reporting animation bugs, race and gender ALWAYS matter. With this you've made it clear that you're using dual daggers (aka combat style), so we need the other two parts to investigate completely. Remember, RGCS: Race, Gender, Combat Style!)
    Lynn - Sorry to sorta derail, this just came to my head. Another POTENTIAL bug I have noticed a week ago is that the 4th core enhancement for Fury of The Wild doesn't seem to proc when you use whirlwind. I tried it on my Paladin recently and the whirlwinds don't seem to proc like it does with improved trip.

    For what it's worth, I'm using a THF Dragonborn male.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    What race/gender are you playing as?

    (As a bit of a PSA - when reporting animation bugs, race and gender ALWAYS matter. With this you've made it clear that you're using dual daggers (aka combat style), so we need the other two parts to investigate completely. Remember, RGCS: Race, Gender, Combat Style!)
    Hey Lynnabel,

    Just wanted to assure you that there is an issue with WWA feat and speed when you equip handwraps vs. having nothing equipped. You replied to this thread as well.

    essentially equipping handwraps slows down the feat tremendously, then it picks back up when you have 15% melee alacrity, but it is not as fast as Avenging Whirlwind. When I test both without any gear at all, they both were the same speed.


    Hope this helps! (tests in link below)
    Khyber: Main Nicodemous Alt: Ichuck

  10. #10
    Hero dTarkanan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    What race/gender are you playing as?

    (As a bit of a PSA - when reporting animation bugs, race and gender ALWAYS matter. With this you've made it clear that you're using dual daggers (aka combat style), so we need the other two parts to investigate completely. Remember, RGCS: Race, Gender, Combat Style!)
    As long as we're reporting dagger animation bugs - Halfling Female Vistani Knife-Fighter + Dual dagger - the first two attacks of the cycle, the daggers are in the opposing hands from where they are equipped in the doll or in other animations- if you interrupt the cycle at that point they'll fly under quickly to their proper hand, otherwise they'll just swap places.

    No idea if this occurs in any other Race/Gender combos

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    What race/gender are you playing as?

    (As a bit of a PSA - when reporting animation bugs, race and gender ALWAYS matter. With this you've made it clear that you're using dual daggers (aka combat style), so we need the other two parts to investigate completely. Remember, RGCS: Race, Gender, Combat Style!)
    Race: Shifter
    Gender: Male
    Fighting Style: Twf Daggers, vistani

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    What race/gender are you playing as?

    Remember, RGCS: Race, Gender, Combat Style!)
    Tiefling, male, twf with vistani daggers. Both Exalted Whirlwind and Avenging Whirlwind ultra slow. Cool looking, but not sped up at all.

    Also, when holding vistani daggers, animation of running backwards is not there - just sliding around. Same model details as above.

  13. #13
    Community Member ahpook's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Black_Ninja View Post
    Race: Shifter
    Gender: Male
    Fighting Style: Twf Daggers, vistani
    I am running a male shifter (rogue/sacred fist) and the WWA attack from Sacred Fist seems acceptably paced. I did not put points into "Vistani Knife Training I" though and I am using "normal" TWF attack animations. I am wondering if that is the difference?
    Last edited by ahpook; 10-18-2022 at 05:26 PM.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by ahpook View Post
    I am running a male shifter (rogue/sacred fist) and the WWA attack from Sacred Fist seems acceptably paced. I did not put points into "Vistani Knife Training I" though and I am using "normal" TWF attack animations. I am wondering if that is the difference?
    That's exactly why we always ask for weapon style and combat style and such - double daggers and regular two weapon are indeed separate animation flows.
    100% radical, enthusiasm enthusiast.

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  15. #15
    Community Member ahpook's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    That's exactly why we always ask for weapon style and combat style and such - double daggers and regular two weapon are indeed separate animation flows.
    I enabled the VKT I enhancement and the animation was noticeably slower than regular TWF for the whirlwind. Not certain it was "painfully slow", but it was slow enough that I respec'ed back out of VFT I.
    Last edited by ahpook; 10-18-2022 at 06:13 PM.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andoir View Post
    I can confirm this. The first time I tried either "Exalted Whirlwind" or the actual "Whirlwind" feat, I thought I was PvP'ing again and someone hit me with "Limbchopper"
    Unarmed looks good. Daggers are extremely slow.
    I was running a .... vistani tempest male aasimar scourge and I noticed this issue where the screen basically acted like I'd been hit with a trap and the damage seemed to come around 1/2 a second later. General consensus among most of the top end players I know is that the vistani fighting style is a net loss to dps due to animations "unless you are moving." I always trusted that idea until this life, where just for fun I tested it.. can confirm, any cleaves feel very delayed.

  17. #17
    Pale Fox
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    Female Trailblazer, TWF with wraps using Whirlwinds from Sacred Fist is giving both the wrong animation and only doing a single attack.

  18. #18
    Community Member liston33's Avatar
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    Default Another one for you Lynnabel

    Sacred fist, Aasimar, VKF, daggers... with wraps it is fast but with daggers its like it is slow motion...maybe change the play speed in the animstance???
    Rexshoo Gland

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