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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    May 2017

    Default Server-Wide Chat Channel

    I'm in a small guild on my main server so I don't normally see people chatting with each other much - but getting to talk to people in various chat channels on Hardcore was an absolute blast. Wouldn't it be nice to have one chat channel that isn't location-locked? It's not like people couldn't just turn it off in their windows if they didn't want to see it

  2. #2
    Miss Stabby Stabby Zavina's Avatar
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    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by eternalDreamer View Post
    I'm in a small guild on my main server so I don't normally see people chatting with each other much - but getting to talk to people in various chat channels on Hardcore was an absolute blast. Wouldn't it be nice to have one chat channel that isn't location-locked? It's not like people couldn't just turn it off in their windows if they didn't want to see it
    What server are you on?
    Orien: Level 400 Cannith Crafter
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  3. #3
    Community Member TitusOvid's Avatar
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    Jul 2014


    That would be nice, yes.
    You can make your own, too. It is just a question of making it popular and known to others and rejoin it after every TR and I think even LR. But it is possible.

    Playing since 2010 | Don't do the fun wrong | New to Orien? Join the ingame Titan Channel | Soko Irrlicht freut sich immer über neue Mitglieder | Deutscher DDO Discord | Orien Raiding Discord | Toons: Titus Ovid , Bruder, Upload, Zzed, (Rubbel)

  4. #4
    Community Member Annex's Avatar
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    Over the years, many have made this suggestion. For whatever reason, the people at Standing Stone Games do not want players communicating with one another.

    About 7 years ago, developers for The Lord of the Rings Online instituted server wide channels. They are a mixed blessing because Standing Stone Games lacks the personnel to properly moderate them. This may explain why DDO never received such channels.

    You can make a custom chat channel but good luck getting anyone to use it. What private channels existence are all little cliques. Well, some are fairly big cliques, but they are not even close to server wide because the majority of players never join.
    Sophie Cat Burglar - Creator, Dreamer, Explorer - Happy yet Sad - Seeker of Beauty and Wonder
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  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Feb 2021


    agreed more communication is never bad, and we could report people for bad coduct

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