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  1. #21
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    Apr 2006


    My main character has 106 past life feats.
    And all of my characters have access to pretty much any gear I really want. (with some raid exceptions.)

    That does not mean your first character is weak by any means.

    You just have to realize that there are a lot of players who have been here a loooooong time.
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  2. #22
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Dec 2011


    To get to the heart of the question, I'll add this...
    Quote Originally Posted by ImaginaryLogic View Post
    Is my character weak?
    There are several metrics which have been suggested in the forums as a "benchmark" for solid performance from a character. Note that, in this sense, "a character" is a combination of the build, the gear, the past lives and the player skill - don't discount the latter for making the most of the DPS you have and keeping a toon alive just a little longer.

    1) 3 strikes: If, at level, you can kill a target in 3 blows, you're doing well. Thwack, thwack, thwack, next. If it takes more/fewer, adjust the rating accordingly.

    2) Solo quest vs. Level. If you can solo Elite at level - that is, at Level 7, if you can solo most Level 5 Quests (+2 for Elite = 7, "at level"), you're doing very well. If you can't solo that on Hard (Character Level 7, Quest 5+1 for Hard), or a quest 1-2 levels lower on Elite, then your character is "weak". Note that this doesn't have to be a fast run (in fact, a zerg might be a flawed measure) - but if you can finish, even with a single healer hire, then you're doing fine. If you struggle to finish but finish, you're still probably above the average alt.

    3) Kill count vs. your gear. This is a tougher one (takes some experience), but if you have middling gear and can still match kills consistently with most of a party, you're doing fine. If your gear sucks but you're still getting half the kills of the leader, you're doing fine - but you do need better gear. (This varies with the build - as mentioned above, "Sword and Board" is not a high-DPS build, so adjust accordingly.)

    And there are a LOT of variables with all those - some quests are tougher at-level, some parties are one-shot killers, and vice versa. Don't look at one quest or one weekend of gaming, look at the overall picture.

  3. #23
    Community Member Oliphant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImaginaryLogic View Post
    Is this because they have past lives?
    Likely. There are 48 epic past lives, 40+ racial past lives, 40+ heroic past lives, iconic past lives. That stuff adds up.

    I'm assuming you are in a guild and get guild buffs, but those make a big difference too.
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