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  1. #1
    Community Member ImaginaryLogic's Avatar
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    Default Is my character weak?

    I'm hoping to get a sanity check on my new character. I just jumped back into the game after 10+ years so I made a human paladin following this build pretty closely:

    I got to level 7 recently and I've started doing some dungeons with other people of the same level. It seems like their characters are significantly better than mine at combat despite being the same level, and not being combat classes. They seem to just plow through enemies, taking less damage while I struggle to take down a few mobs.

    Is this because they have past lives/special gear or did I do something wrong in character creation? Here are my basic stats

    My gear is standard stuff from quest rewards.


  2. #2
    Community Member voxson5's Avatar
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    You're not being fair to yourself to compare a 28pt vanguard build, to likely twinked tomed multi-TR party mates.

    That said, you really need better gear to have a better experience, and that will come with grind. Don't stress about it too much for a first life.

    *edit - I hope those stats are naked. But, why is your wisdom so high?

    Level 7 gear should give you +5 to stats as a basic piece of gear, so if following the build you'd have 16+1(Levelup)+5(equipment) = 22 strength, ...and 19 con/13 wis/21 cha if you had those stats with level appropriate item bonuses.

    Vanguards need to focus on str because you can't really do much to change the to stat to hit/damage of shields if you are pure, some multiclass gives a bit more flexibility but it's really just easier to go full strength.

    If you've pumped wisdom to cast spells, you don't need to. 14 wisdom by level 14 is all you need to cast the highest paladin spells in the game. If someone told you to use it for falconry, that might be questionable advice. Either way, don't stress on a 1st lifer.
    Last edited by voxson5; 10-08-2022 at 12:50 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member jirksa's Avatar
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    Short asnwer: yes

    Longer answer: yes, but it is not your fault.

    Build seems OK. But the huge power gab between new and veteran player is the problem. There are many layers of grinding in this game, each one giving slight advantage... but if you combine all of them, the power boost is gigantic. So dont worry, be patient, do your research on ddowiki. Try to grind low hanging fruit and you will be fine.

    The main advantages veteran players get:
    • Ability tomes (up to +8 to all your abilities at some epic lvl)
    • Named gear with set bonuses (try to look for set bonuses on ddo wiki, there are many great gear from advanture pack and expansions)
    • Access to augments (you will farm them eventually)
    • Game knowledge (knowing what works and what not)
    • Past lives and completionist feats (Dont ask how many PLs can you benefit from...)
    • 32 point build
    • Probably Vorpal weapons (useful at lvl 7)
    • Bunch of reaper points (gives some advantage even in non reaper difficulty)
    • Custom crafted items (Not easy for first lifer to lvl up Cannith crafting)

    There are even more grinds on epic levels (sentient jewels, raid gear, perfected artifacts)

  4. #4
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    That type of build, by design and by concept, is relatively "weak" in DPS - however, it gains in defense and survivability, which can be a good thing for a new(er) player. That is, a Vanguard build will "never" lead the kill count, but it will still be standing when all the glass cannons have died.

    Quote Originally Posted by ImaginaryLogic View Post
    My gear is standard stuff from quest rewards.
    This is another part of it - others are using named weapons, and/or have some named gear sets that are pumping their offense/defense. At Level 7, Feywild (ML 5) will be seen, and Red Fens (ML 7). (Red Fens are pretty easy to farm up, maybe aim for one (or two?) of those pairs to start?)


    Quote Originally Posted by voxson5 View Post
    *edit - I hope those stats are naked. But, why is your wisdom so high?
    If you've pumped wisdom to cast spells, you don't need to...
    If you're going to follow a build, then follow the build! Things are done for a reason, and every one of those (Human) options starts with 16 Charisma - but you have only 14. By dumping Charisma you've cut one of the legs out from under one of the strongest parts of that build, the Lay On Hands. Whatever the reason, it wasn't worth it.

    But what's done is done, and it's not a dealbreaker, just not "optimal". Get some better gear, limp to 20, get the Pali Past Life (don't go to 30!), you'll be fine.

  5. #5
    Community Member ImaginaryLogic's Avatar
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    Thanks for the information, guys. Those stats are with gear but I'm pretty sure there is not stat buff from my gear.

    I can't remember exactly what I chose at character creation, I just chose the premade options and then followed the Vanguard build. It doesn't seem particularly survivable as is. I will try to get some better gear and limp to Lvl 20, then restart. I quite enjoy it on solo missions, it's only when I am in quests in others on high level quests that it feels weak.

    What is the best way for me to get better gear? Auctions?

  6. #6
    Community Member voxson5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImaginaryLogic View Post

    What is the best way for me to get better gear? Auctions?
    Named gear, typically from powercreep expansions - feywild/ravenloft/sharn/dread

    PTW yo

  7. #7
    Community Member jirksa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImaginaryLogic View Post
    Thanks for the information, guys. Those stats are with gear but I'm pretty sure there is not stat buff from my gear.

    I can't remember exactly what I chose at character creation, I just chose the premade options and then followed the Vanguard build. It doesn't seem particularly survivable as is. I will try to get some better gear and limp to Lvl 20, then restart. I quite enjoy it on solo missions, it's only when I am in quests in others on high level quests that it feels weak.

    What is the best way for me to get better gear? Auctions?

    Since I assume you are quite new, here are some information about gearing.
    Bonuses with same name does NOT stack. If you would helm that would say +4 to strenght and a belt that says +4 to strength, you will end up ONLY with +4. Only the highest bonus of that name applies. There are many type of bonuses though. Let me demosnstrate on an example:

    This says 'Enhancement bonus to strength'
    This says 'Enhancement bonus to strength'
    -> these 2 will not stack together

    But lets say this:
    Quality bonus to strength:
    Will stack with this helmet:
    And this helmet gi 'insightful bonus to strength' - so it will stack with enhancement and quality bonuses:

    So -> make sure every bonus you take for the same attribute/skill/ability have different 'type' (Enhancement, insightful, quality, profane, sacred, artifact, ...)

    Hope this helps

  8. #8
    Community Member DoctorOfLiterature's Avatar
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    Others have hit on most points. I would add only this. You can gain gear by letting group know you are new and don’t have gear;most will pass you named items then. Also getting a few reaper points by doing reapers with groups and letting them carry you will make you stronger; 10 or 20 reaper points will help a lot. Also you can get some ability and skill tomes as saga end rewards. Find a guild for ship buffs if you haven’t yet.

    But if you have more fun playing solo, then don’t group this life. Take it slow, learn the quests, and play at your pace on easier level. The game is designed to provide challenge at many different levels.

  9. #9
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImaginaryLogic View Post
    I can't remember exactly what I chose at character creation, I just chose the premade options and then followed the Vanguard build...
    Hrm... that may(?) be another source of the problems.

    There should have been no "premade" options - you skip the 3 various pre-selected "path" options for Pali ("Mighty Protector", "Flame of Justice", "Truthbringer") and go straight to selecting stats and go from there, following the build from the start. That might(?) explain how you got a huge, needless Wisdom.

    If, somehow, you did start on a "path", and then tried to shoehorn that into the Vanguard build you're following, both your stats and your initial, Level 1 feat are probably borked.

    Quote Originally Posted by ImaginaryLogic View Post
    Those stats are with gear but I'm pretty sure there is not stat buff from my gear.
    If you mouse-hover over the stats on your Character Sheet [c], you'll see what your "Base" is, and then "Items and Effects" - that will give you a hint which have some help from gear.

    But your Strength is what needs help. At Level 7, you need a +4 Str item - that's where your damage is coming from. Con wouldn't hurt either, a few more Hit Points.

    On droploot, Str can typically be found on gloves or belts. Con on belts too.

    Quote Originally Posted by ImaginaryLogic View Post
    What is the best way for me to get better gear? Auctions?
    Auctions will get you decent/good droploot, but Named Items are usually better than that. Especially "sets" (see link I posted above).

    When I was new, I'd surf thru the Wiki and see if there was anything I could use and reasonably farm up, and then chase that a bit. Especially if you're over-level - altho' lower level named items tend to be not ~as~ useful, some are, and are easier to farm if you're over-powered for that quest. (Create a F2P alt account (or five), and multi-box so you can drag those in so you have more pulls from any end-chest!)



  10. #10
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    I would recommend that beginning f2p sword & board characters use a longsword because the Nightforged Avenger Blade is available so easily from the Relic of the Sovereign Past quest.

  11. #11
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    As noted above, there is a huge power gap between first life with random gear, and those with more lives, reaper points, gear, knowledge etc.

    A couple of additional thoughts:
    - you can solo, you can tag along with groups and most people won't mind and often actively help if you ask, AND its also fine to post for groups and say that you are new - run stuff at Hard or Normal if its too tough on higher difficulties. In fact, just running heroic on hard is a pretty clear signal that you are a newbie group, though again ask for help in this game and people are pretty generous.
    - get to L20 best you can, and then definitely reincarnate; you'll get 10 healing amp (for ever) from your palladin life, which is worth having. You can do palladin over again, if you liked it, but read up about the build first. Or I'd suggest that at the moment, a (fire) sorcerer is the easiest for a relative new player. Cleric caster and rogue crossbows are some other fairly easy to play but not too underpowered builds. Lots of detailed builds on here.

    Enjoy the game, and good luck!

  12. #12
    Community Member Stoner81's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImaginaryLogic View Post
    I'm hoping to get a sanity check on my new character. I just jumped back into the game after 10+ years so I made a human paladin following this build pretty closely:

    I got to level 7 recently and I've started doing some dungeons with other people of the same level. It seems like their characters are significantly better than mine at combat despite being the same level, and not being combat classes. They seem to just plow through enemies, taking less damage while I struggle to take down a few mobs.

    Is this because they have past lives/special gear or did I do something wrong in character creation? Here are my basic stats

    My gear is standard stuff from quest rewards.

    What server do you play on?


  13. #13
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImaginaryLogic View Post
    ... It seems like their characters are significantly better than mine at combat despite being the same level, and not being combat classes. They seem to just plow through enemies, taking less damage while I struggle to take down a few mobs...
    Quote Originally Posted by Stoner81 View Post
    What server do you play on?

    Because Stoner wants to show you what "plowing thru enemies while you struggle" really looks like.

    (Or, more likely, help you out if he can - but that's not as funny. )

  14. #14
    The Hatchery Drekisen's Avatar
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    Get to 20, stay in epic for as many past live as you can handle.

    In my honest opinion, that is were all the power is that you get to take back with you when you go back to heroic levels.

    The epic past lives offer a lot, and you will also gain reaper points way quicker. Once you have a few of each of those racked up, 1-20 gets way easier.

  15. #15
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    The knowledge gap between newer players and vets is huge in DDO. This is because the game is very complex and because some quests have been replayed more than a hundred times by vets.

    As you replay content you will learn a lot of what constitutes that power gap and you'll see less of a difference between your performance and that of more experienced players.

  16. #16
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    I wanted to touch on this, too...
    Quote Originally Posted by ImaginaryLogic View Post
    My gear is standard stuff from quest rewards.
    As I mentioned above, Named Gear (and especially Sets of Named gear) can offer the best of what there is. Not only are all their enchantments at (or sometimes above!) the default maximum for a Minimum Level, but Named items often have 4 or more enchantments, compared to the 2-3 enchantments of droploot, and then you're lucky if just one of those few is near max.

    So a piece of droploot can be (very) good for what it is, but Named items are often better still. Just so we're clear on that.

    But I wanted to comment on exactly what that default "maximum at Minimum Level" is. It's often hard for a new player to know if a piece of droploot is good, adequate, or just bad. That's because, being randomly generated, they're usually the latter, just bad. (And the same is true for Named items that have an ML below your current questing level - they will, eventually, be outclassed by current-ML items, droploot or named.)

    The "standard" for values is Cannith Crafted, the value you would get at a specific Minimum Level if you crafted that enchantment onto an item. Those values can be found here:

    o *

    (* One of several useful tables found under Cannith Crafting, here:

    If you are looking at an enchantment on a piece of droploot - perhaps Resistance (Saving Throws) or False Life, or an Ability or Skill bonus, or maybe Fortification* or Spellpower*, or the damage your weapon has - then compare those values to the "max" that Cannith Crafted offers, and if they're not close... that piece is not close to "good". It may be the best you got, but at least you know you it can be replaced with better, and that you need to.

    (* which are identical values at any given ML, btw!)

  17. #17
    Community Member count_spicoli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorOfLiterature View Post
    Others have hit on most points. I would add only this. You can gain gear by letting group know you are new and don’t have gear;most will pass you named items then. Also getting a few reaper points by doing reapers with groups and letting them carry you will make you stronger; 10 or 20 reaper points will help a lot. Also you can get some ability and skill tomes as saga end rewards. Find a guild for ship buffs if you haven’t yet.
    Thses are good suggestions especially the repaer points. Nothin gives as much benefit as getting a bunch of reap points because all groups run reaps in this game. Target 40 as tbat will help you fill out a full tree.

    And dont be ashamed to pike a few lives just tagigin along in reaps. At some point you will be the one leading the charge
    Khyber IN BAD COMPANY Longand Drunkmage Sexyheals Fullforce

  18. #18
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    Oh that build is OLD. It's from when Spinal Tap was current gear and everyone was famring Temple of Elemental Evil for crafting materials.

    I think you can still play it but you will need to farm the Spinal Tap. Get The Best Defense from Oath of Vengeance too.
    The way the build works is that you use Exalted Smite and Divine Sacrifice with x3 base critical range to do more damage. It won't be as good a the newer builds but it will feel less bad.
    Kmnh * Kmn * Kmm * Knn * Knm

    Leader of Templar

  19. #19
    Community Member ImaginaryLogic's Avatar
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    Ok... I'm going to do my best to take this advice to account. I know I have a lot to learn, I didn't even know about reaper points before now. I will try and track down a named gear set as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stoner81 View Post
    What server do you play on?


    Stoner: I am on Orien. If you feel inclined to take pity on me and lead me through some quests, feel free to message my character Rozok.

  20. #20
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    Standard Paladin nowadays uses a Greatsword. Vanguard is OK, but definitely not at the same level. In the 6 years since that build was posted there have been a few changes, notably THF got revamped/buffed, favored weapons got fixed, and KotC was revamped to add Greatsword as a favored weapon in the tree.

    Basic build is rather simple:
    41 KotC (capstone)
    31 Sacred Defender (18 core)
    8 VKF (Haste Boost)

    You need Str, Cha, and Con in that order with enough Wis to cast spells, usually handled by attribute tomes and gear. It's nice to have enough Dex as well to get Precision, otherwise you just use power attack.

    You have 7 feats from 1-20, you're looking at these 5 as a bare minimum, in no particular order:

    1. THF
    2. ITHF
    3. GTHF
    4. Precision/Power Attack
    5. Improved Critical

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