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  1. #1
    Community Member JBS's Avatar
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    Angry Legendary XP Mechanic

    Rant On

    I'd like to know who's "brilliant" idea it was to change the XP mechanics for legendary questing?

    Up until level 30 you can be over level (up to 4 levels iirc) and still get xp.

    I've been trying to get my main to cap, she is 1 dot into level 30. I tried the first quest in the Delera's story arc - its level 27 on normal - on elite its lvl 29. My level 30 will get 0 xp for running that quest.

    If it was level 7 on normal and level 9 on elite a level 10 character will get almost the full xp as if they were level 9. NOT ZERO.

    So for a casual gamer you have made it nearly impossible to run quests to get legendary xp. I feel I'm being regulated to only running explorer areas.

    I'm seriously considering mothballing my main character again. Overly difficult quests that are tiresomely long are not my idea of fun. I don't race through quests and dislike being left behind like a redheaded stepchild when I group with others - LFG really doesn't work for me.

    The endless grind is why I left the game for like two years and only returned this year.

    Rant Off


  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by JBS View Post
    Rant On

    I'd like to know who's "brilliant" idea it was to change the XP mechanics for legendary questing?

    Up until level 30 you can be over level (up to 4 levels iirc) and still get xp.

    I've been trying to get my main to cap, she is 1 dot into level 30. I tried the first quest in the Delera's story arc - its level 27 on normal - on elite its lvl 29. My level 30 will get 0 xp for running that quest.

    If it was level 7 on normal and level 9 on elite a level 10 character will get almost the full xp as if they were level 9. NOT ZERO.

    So for a casual gamer you have made it nearly impossible to run quests to get legendary xp. I feel I'm being regulated to only running explorer areas.

    I'm seriously considering mothballing my main character again. Overly difficult quests that are tiresomely long are not my idea of fun. I don't race through quests and dislike being left behind like a redheaded stepchild when I group with others - LFG really doesn't work for me.

    The endless grind is why I left the game for like two years and only returned this year.

    Rant Off

    Just like gaining xp for epic levels requires you to run epic quests, gaining xp for legendary levels requires you to run legendary quests.

  3. #3
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JBS View Post
    Rant On

    I'd like to know who's "brilliant" idea it was to change the XP mechanics for legendary questing?

    Up until level 30 you can be over level (up to 4 levels iirc) and still get xp.

    I've been trying to get my main to cap, she is 1 dot into level 30. I tried the first quest in the Delera's story arc - its level 27 on normal - on elite its lvl 29. My level 30 will get 0 xp for running that quest.

    If it was level 7 on normal and level 9 on elite a level 10 character will get almost the full xp as if they were level 9. NOT ZERO.

    So for a casual gamer you have made it nearly impossible to run quests to get legendary xp. I feel I'm being regulated to only running explorer areas.

    I'm seriously considering mothballing my main character again. Overly difficult quests that are tiresomely long are not my idea of fun. I don't race through quests and dislike being left behind like a redheaded stepchild when I group with others - LFG really doesn't work for me.

    The endless grind is why I left the game for like two years and only returned this year.

    Rant Off


    Legendary characters only gain xp on legendary quests lvl 30+

    You can’t get any XP in Heroic when you are Epic either same concept

  4. #4
    Community Member Kelledren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JBS View Post
    Rant On

    I'd like to know who's "brilliant" idea it was to change the XP mechanics for legendary questing?

    Up until level 30 you can be over level (up to 4 levels iirc) and still get xp.

    I've been trying to get my main to cap, she is 1 dot into level 30. I tried the first quest in the Delera's story arc - its level 27 on normal - on elite its lvl 29. My level 30 will get 0 xp for running that quest.

    If it was level 7 on normal and level 9 on elite a level 10 character will get almost the full xp as if they were level 9. NOT ZERO.

    So for a casual gamer you have made it nearly impossible to run quests to get legendary xp. I feel I'm being regulated to only running explorer areas.

    I'm seriously considering mothballing my main character again. Overly difficult quests that are tiresomely long are not my idea of fun. I don't race through quests and dislike being left behind like a redheaded stepchild when I group with others - LFG really doesn't work for me.

    The endless grind is why I left the game for like two years and only returned this year.

    Rant Off

    For Legendary xp you need level 30+ quests (or explorer areas). The the over leveling does not change, just need to run Legendary quests. Many Sharn quests- cogs in particular- are super fast. It may take a saga or two to hit cap, but once you are there that xp/levels remain even if you eTR. Maybe you already knew all of this and simply do not like the design, but just laying it out in case you didn’t.
    Khyber: Baeylan, various Annarras

  5. #5
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by misterski View Post
    Just like gaining xp for epic levels requires you to run epic quests, gaining xp for legendary levels requires you to run legendary quests.
    Quote Originally Posted by Oxarhamar View Post
    Legendary characters only gain xp on legendary quests lvl 30+

    You can’t get any XP in Heroic when you are Epic either same concept
    Except you can in get epic xp from running heroic quests. It follows exactly the same xp penalty rules as normal.
    The reason people generally don't is that epic quests are usually worth much more xp than heroic quests.

  6. #6
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krelar View Post
    Except you can in get epic xp from running heroic quests. It follows exactly the same xp penalty rules as normal.
    The reason people generally don't is that epic quests are usually worth much more xp than heroic quests.
    Hou are right just tested it been so long since I'd even tried it and was thinking of the epic Reaper lockout

    Either way I think it is fine there's plenty Legendary Quests for 2 levels

  7. #7
    Community Member kmoustakas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JBS View Post
    Rant On

    I'd like to know who's "brilliant" idea it was to change the XP mechanics for legendary questing?

    Up until level 30 you can be over level (up to 4 levels iirc) and still get xp.

    I've been trying to get my main to cap, she is 1 dot into level 30. I tried the first quest in the Delera's story arc - its level 27 on normal - on elite its lvl 29. My level 30 will get 0 xp for running that quest.

    If it was level 7 on normal and level 9 on elite a level 10 character will get almost the full xp as if they were level 9. NOT ZERO.

    So for a casual gamer you have made it nearly impossible to run quests to get legendary xp. I feel I'm being regulated to only running explorer areas.

    I'm seriously considering mothballing my main character again. Overly difficult quests that are tiresomely long are not my idea of fun. I don't race through quests and dislike being left behind like a redheaded stepchild when I group with others - LFG really doesn't work for me.

    The endless grind is why I left the game for like two years and only returned this year.

    Rant Off

    I think they expect this to make more sense when the level cap is 40. Remember in practice the game is still in beta mode
    Bought my first dungeon master's guide in 1992. My favourite part of ddo is coffee and slayers

  8. #8
    Community Member Bjond's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JBS View Post
    Rant On [..] Rant Off
    It's more of a "rude surprise" than a hardship, IMHO. Stuff you used to run @ L30 (eg. WGU to help group finish up after you cap) will no longer give you any XP at 30.

    Once you get over the sudden slap in the face, it's pretty easy to dodge the next time around. There's a TON of legendary XP out there and people are happy to bring 29~31 along. If you're solo and need something easier, you can hit some of the flaggers (like Archons or LShroud's pair) or Ravenloft. They're all much easier than some of the more recent legendaries.

    Most chars are geared for RXP @ L29. If that describes your char, you can even join RXP groups and get your L32 while also getting some RXP.

  9. #9
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    There are more than 100 Legendary quests, 5 legendary explorers, and non-quest Xp from things like the monster manual and sagas can still be applied to legendary leveling.

    Plus, as it is right now, each character only needs to level to 32 once. Until they raise the cap again, you will go straight from 29 to 32.

    So...really not seeing the problem.
    Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by JBS View Post
    So for a casual gamer you have made it nearly impossible to run quests to get legendary xp. I feel I'm being regulated to only running explorer areas.

    I'm seriously considering mothballing my main character again. Overly difficult quests that are tiresomely long are not my idea of fun.
    Run legendary quests (base lvl 30+), on lower difficulties. Elite scales up quest a LOT. So legendary quests on normal and hard are easier than high epic quest on elite, despite being higher level.

  11. #11
    2014 DDO Players Council hale99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JBS View Post
    Rant On

    I'd like to know who's "brilliant" idea it was to change the XP mechanics for legendary questing?

    Up until level 30 you can be over level (up to 4 levels iirc) and still get xp.

    I've been trying to get my main to cap, she is 1 dot into level 30. I tried the first quest in the Delera's story arc - its level 27 on normal - on elite its lvl 29. My level 30 will get 0 xp for running that quest.

    If it was level 7 on normal and level 9 on elite a level 10 character will get almost the full xp as if they were level 9. NOT ZERO.

    So for a casual gamer you have made it nearly impossible to run quests to get legendary xp. I feel I'm being regulated to only running explorer areas.

    I'm seriously considering mothballing my main character again. Overly difficult quests that are tiresomely long are not my idea of fun. I don't race through quests and dislike being left behind like a redheaded stepchild when I group with others - LFG really doesn't work for me.

    The endless grind is why I left the game for like two years and only returned this year.

    Rant Off

    There so much legendary XP out there...once you hit 30 you could just do Ravenloft saga on R1 that would get you to 32 or probably pretty close.

    Main ~ Killsteal

  12. #12
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krelar View Post
    Except you can in get epic xp from running heroic quests. It follows exactly the same xp penalty rules as normal.
    The reason people generally don't is that epic quests are usually worth much more xp than heroic quests.
    This^. Plus Legendary XP and Epic XP are both used for the same enhancement trees -->Epic Destinies, so it defies logical consistency. It would be like having sub heroic XP being levels 1-10 and suddenly a level 11 cannot get XP from a level 10 quest on elite they need upper heroic XP but ALL the XP still goes into heroic enhancement trees.

    It seems arbitrary. I'm sure there were reasons but on the face of it... the way its setup doesn't make much sense.
    Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)
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  13. #13
    Founder Tyrande's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JBS View Post
    Rant On

    I'd like to know who's "brilliant" idea it was to change the XP mechanics for legendary questing?

    Up until level 30 you can be over level (up to 4 levels iirc) and still get xp. [...]

    I won't repeat what others said here about legendary character requires legendary quests to gain legendary XP.

    However, I will point out that you can run simple stuff like Crystal Cove CR30 or higher and still get XP. Its soloa-ble up to the first 100+ shards...

    You can also run quests in the Cerulian Hills on legendary hard (LH). They should be short and easy. Each quest should take at most 10 or 15 minutes solo.

    I know, the rest of the legendary stuff requires expansion packs (Ravenloft, Sharn, Feywild, IoD), TOEE, or Slavers and can get long...

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  14. #14
    Founder Tyrande's Avatar
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    I don't have IoD, but I have heard people say each quest there is pretty short and gave good XP.

    Some of the Feywild quests are pretty short too.

    Say you got 30 minutes per day. You should be able to run two quests solo in Legendary Hard.

    With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

  15. #15
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    Everyone else has explained how to get XP, but I don't think you understand Heroic/Epic XP either.

    To get Heroic XP, you must be no more than 6 levels above the (effective) level of the quest--which changes based on difficulty. For this reason, a person can run a level 14 (base level) on elite (which makes the effective level 16) at level 21 and still get XP for it (albeit very little). If you are level 14 and running that quest, though, and a level 21 enters for any reason, you will not get any XP. Further, if you run that same level 14 quest (base level) on reaper 1 (making it an "effective" level 17 quest) a level 20 will not be able to enter the dungeon at all because that dungeon is heroic and the level 20 is epic. Even if the dungeon is level 19 (base level) and you run it on reaper 1, the level 20 will not be able to enter despite the fact that in heroic you can still get reaper XP +4 levels above the base level of the quest.

    In epics, this mechanic changes (which is why it makes sense that it changes for legendary, no matter how frustrating the change). In epics, a level 20 and level 29 can run any quest level 20-32 and get XP for that quest without penalty. At some point, they may change this and not allow epics to get XP running legendary quests, but that would be extremely sad since right now there are almost as many quests for the 3 levels of legendary as there are for ALL 9 levels of epics. If they do this, I hope they then come out with epic/legendary quests like they have heroic/epic and heroic/legendary quests, because frankly there is not enough epic content level 25-29. Also, in epics, if you run reaper, the XP mechanic also changes. You can get reaper XP +6 levels above the base level of the quest--if you are higher than that you will not be able to enter a quest on reaper.

    Given that both heroic and epic have different systems for XP, it makes sense legendary also has a different mechanic. As a legendary character, however, you can run epic quests for favor or loot with an epic character and that epic character will still get XP even though you do not.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matuse View Post
    There are more than 100 Legendary quests, 5 legendary explorers, and non-quest Xp from things like the monster manual and sagas can still be applied to legendary leveling.

    Plus, as it is right now, each character only needs to level to 32 once. Until they raise the cap again, you will go straight from 29 to 32.

    So...really not seeing the problem.
    How many of those require that you buy expansions?

  17. #17
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zretch View Post
    How many of those require that you buy expansions?
    Most of them.. which is the point... SSG wants you to spend money, FTP is the teaser to get you interested in the game.

    IIRC Legendary FTP with no pack purchases .

    Legendary Raids
    -Legendary Tempest's Spine
    -Legendary Hound of Xoriat
    -Legendary Vision of Destruction

    Legendary Quests
    -Good Intentions
    -Lost at Sea
    -Search and Rescue
    -Memoirs of an Illusory Larcener
    -Dread Sea Scrolls

    Keep an eye out for periodic releases of giveaway content (DDOQUESTS2021 code is no longer valid but may come around again)
    EVERYONE can redeem the code, whether you are a free player, Premium, or VIP!
    The Coupon Code is: DDOQUESTS2021 (1/Account, available to redeem through December 31st, 2021)
    The coupon code grants the following quest packs:

    Against the Slave Lords
    Attack on Stormreach
    Delera’s Tomb
    Devil Assault
    Disciples of Rage
    Dragonblood Prophecy
    Eveningstar Challenge Pack
    Harbinger of Madness
    Haunted Halls of Eveningstar
    Heart of Madness
    Keep on the Borderlands
    Peril of the Planar Eyes
    Phiarlan Carnival
    Reign of Madness
    Secrets of the Artificers
    Sentinels of Stormreach
    Shadow Under Thunderholme
    Sorrowdusk Isle
    Tangleroot Gorge
    The Catacombs
    The Demon Sands
    The Devil’s Gambit
    The Devils of Shavarath
    The Dreaming Dark
    The Druid’s Deep
    The High Road of Shadow
    The Lost Gatekeepers
    The Mines of Tethyamar
    The Necropolis, Part 1
    The Necropolis, Part 2
    The Necropolis, Part 3
    The Necropolis, Part 4
    The Path of Inspiration
    The Reaver’s Reach
    The Red Fens
    The Restless Isles
    The Ruins of Gianthold
    The Ruins of Threnal
    The Sharn Syndicate
    The Soul Splitter
    The Temple of Elemental Evil
    The Vale of Twilight
    The Vault of Night
    Three-Barrel Cove
    Trials of the Archons
    Vaults of the Artificers
    White Plume Mountain & Other Tales
    Additionally, enjoy a limited time sale on select Expansion quests in the DDO Store where you will be able to pick up the following items for only 99 points through December 31st, 2021:
    Menace of the Underdark
    The Shadowfell Conspiracy
    Mists of Ravenloft
    Last edited by JOTMON; 09-28-2022 at 10:34 AM.
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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zretch View Post
    How many of those require that you buy expansions?
    57 of the 140 Legendary quests are from expansions. (Well, technically Saltmarsh is a mini-expansion, but I am rolling it into these numbers.)
    Quote Originally Posted by KraftLorance View Post
    There should be something along the lines of "Taking the best mechanics and lore of D&D 4th and 5th editions, and seamlessly weaving them into the unparalleled character customization and depth of play from D&D 3.5 to form a handcrafted homebrew experience that's survived and enticed for 16 years"

  19. #19
    Community Member JBS's Avatar
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    Did anyone read into my original post that I don't do grind? I also don't do pugs, too many issues as a female gamer and again most of the time they race off leaving tons of aggro for someone else to clean up or die trying.

    Do you know of ANY casual player that can SOLO a raid?

    I have all the expansions.

    You only get cove xp if you finish the quest - its been years since I ran it and wasn't impressed with the rewards offered.

    I don't have the gear to survive in reaper anything and I'm not repeating (ad infinitum) a quest just for an off chance of getting the mythical perfect weapon that will kill everything in its path.

    Of those 118 legendary quests - 56 are either long or very long - basically half.

    Thank you for your suggestions (including the how I'm doing everything wrong responses)


  20. #20
    Founder Tyrande's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JBS View Post
    Did anyone read into my original post that I don't do grind? I also don't do pugs, too many issues as a female gamer and again most of the time they race off leaving tons of aggro for someone else to clean up or die trying.

    Do you know of ANY casual player that can SOLO a raid?
    I do not grind too on my characters. If you play a ranged character; and from your forum icon looks like you do; you can solo the demon queen raid (Zawabi's Revenge) pretty easily on Epic Normal, although no XP for legendary characters. As far as legendary raids go, I do not think any of them are solo-able; at least not on my characters. (P.S. I mainly play casters, healers and ranged characters)

    I have all the expansions.
    Ah, good for you. So Isle of Dread should be pretty easy solo-able except the raid (Skeletons in the Closet).

    You only get cove xp if you finish the quest - its been years since I ran it and wasn't impressed with the rewards offered.
    Fair point, some of the loot are old. Example, the bottomless bottle of rum which generates a ML11 heal spell. That heal is tiny at legendary levels.

    I don't have the gear to survive in reaper anything and I'm not repeating (ad infinitum) a quest just for an off chance of getting the mythical perfect weapon that will kill everything in its path.
    Reaper is actually not that hard. Its just hard to get started. You need to find casual groups that do flower sniffing reaper 1s. Once your characters have like 21 reaper points into Grim Barricade; its becoming easier to survive.

    Mystical Perfect Weapon? You meant an automatic rifle, a fantasy version of an AK-47 or Uzi?
    Try an Inquisitive with duel wielding Storm crossbow or Hallowed Splinters.

    Or a jedi light saber? Try

    Unfortunately all these fancy weapons come from raids.

    Of those 118 legendary quests - 56 are either long or very long - basically half.

    Thank you for your suggestions (including the how I'm doing everything wrong responses)

    You're welcome.

    With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

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