Just went to the Isle of Dread for the first time and man that was a lot of instant crashes in a row.
I'm about 99% sure it is an audio-based crash. Went and checked my audio drivers and they are up to date.
Just went to the Isle of Dread for the first time and man that was a lot of instant crashes in a row.
I'm about 99% sure it is an audio-based crash. Went and checked my audio drivers and they are up to date.
Milacias of Kyber
Leader of the Crimson Eagles Kyber
The Myth- TR will make my character powerful
The Reality- Those kobolds in Water Works won’t have a chance but nothing else cares-Learn to play your build and all its abilities in actual difficult content, get gear and reaper points in level 30+ content and raids.
Small sample size but I played for an hour 64-bit client w/sound this morning and no crashes.
I think the problem is with Teal, the raptor hire. Specifically I think his vocalizations, when in the presence of other sounds, cause the crashes. Will test more tonight but every crash that I have had was in the presence of Teal.
No pack and no crash here.![]()
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
We put in a fix for what we thought was likely causing the issue, but it sounds like there may be additional work to do. Please do submit a bug report with information as this has been a tricky culprit to find. The fix was indeed based on the theory that this was being caused by an audio issue, but if it is still happening, then either it is a different audio culprit or something else.
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Thanks for the prompt. Ticket entered.
Ran the entire IoD saga tonight in a full group. Killed several rares in the same group.
No crashes.
No Teal.
The previous audio-is-causing-a-crash fix is lacking. My guildie has to turn off audio every time we do a Dread saga or he crashes.
I ran perfectly in Legendary IoD last night. No crashes, no hitches, no strange moments where two sounds overlapped for a second followed by an insta-crash. No teal raptor hireling in sight.
I ran my level 7 in the opening quest with Teal and crashed inside a minute. Logged back in and crashed again.
The day before yesterday I ran IoD for the first time at Legendary levels. A guild mate offered to show me around and I joined his group. Zoned into the wilderness into a cluster of hires and him and almost immediately crashed to desktop. Logged back in and crashed within 30 seconds. Logged back in and when I caught up to him and the hireling pack I crashed. Logged back in and crashed.
Turned off audio and played the rest of the evening without sound or a crash.
Last night when I logged in I asked him not to summon Teal and so we waited for our LFM to mostly fill and then I ran everything with no problem. Two Bards in the group so lots of shouting and no crashes.
It has to be the hireling noises and within that, since I have never had a problem with hirelings anywhere else, it is most likely Teal that is the problem.
All SSG has to do to test it is to remove the sound assets from Teal and see if people are still crashing when he is around.
Last edited by KoobTheProud; 09-28-2022 at 09:47 AM.
I do not own The Isle of Dread but continue to experience many strange sound glitches. These glitches began right around the patch to fix The Isle of Dread crashes. They happen every day, every hour, often multiple times in a single minute, on every account. In my case, the glitches cause sound to skip, not the client to crash. To my knowledge, I am using the 32 bit client.
Sometimes, the sound glitches are very funny.
Resolute: I've do-do-done my part. Get out-out there and fin-fin-finish the job, soldier.
Mostly, a sound file starts to play, stops, and starts again. The skip usually happens near the start of the sound file, but not always.
I cannot identify any particular sound file that causes the skips. It seems like any sound file can skip.
Even with the glitches, sound files play correctly the vast majority of the time.
Please note, I am not a computer person. I have no idea what the demons inside my laptop are up to.
Sophie Cat Burglar - Creator, Dreamer, Explorer - Happy yet Sad - Seeker of Beauty and Wonder
Exotic Item Recovery Specialist. I wish you all many happy adventures!
I would report that as a bug and look for technical assistance.
I'd also definitely try running the 64-bit client unless your PC is very old and running Windows 7 or less. I saw major improvements overall in performance once I switched to the 64-bit client.
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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I still crash regularly when fighting air elementals, such as in ToEE Air node. This started with IoD. I remember seeing threads about this and finding the log about something sound related causing the error but haven't checked in a while.
Milacias of Kyber
Leader of the Crimson Eagles Kyber
The Myth- TR will make my character powerful
The Reality- Those kobolds in Water Works won’t have a chance but nothing else cares-Learn to play your build and all its abilities in actual difficult content, get gear and reaper points in level 30+ content and raids.
I've noticed the sound glitches others have mentioned here. The most noticeable is that the in game music will randomly stop playing and then start again. Another noticeable one is the aforementioned DM / voice lines stuttering or cutting off mid sentence. FWIW I using a sound card (ASUS Xonar SE) and not onboard sound. As far as I can tell, the sound glitches haven't caused my client to crash (64 bit client).