So ever since the rollback on Friday, I can't load into different areas. At first everything was fine then it would randomly do it. I would be in the middle of a chain and would be fine then go to recall out of a quest and immediately get the load screen of death. I would relog and tried to log back in and I wouldn't get out of the load screen. I would log back in and choose either the Marketplace or Estar and immediately log into the world, well that now NO longer works. All I can do now is log onto a character either choosing market or etar, but I can't leave the Hall of Heroes. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the game twice, first time not deleting all the files, second time I did. I've downloaded the game from Steam, and literally NOTHING is working. I put in a ticket, but we all know how long it'll take for them to reply. HELP please!