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Thread: Not Happy

  1. #1
    Community Member screamingpup's Avatar
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    Default Not Happy

    After taking a short break after the roll back, I got to get rid of my 2 cents. Now days I have been rTRing 2 characters at the same time. 1) from lvl 1 - 30, rTR and eTR, 2) is a PDK. I level the first to level 15 the switch to the PDK and level to 20. Then switch back and level to 20. Was going great, 5 levels on the Arti level 20 same night 5 levels Dark Apostate also level 20. Then I notice that I didn`t do the daily rolll. So the silver roll was normal but the golden roll was a 100 (first one that I have ever got), +7 Wis tome, 15k xp and an armor cosmetic. Tome is nice can use it, 15k xp save it but that cosmetic armor was the best looking thing that I have ever seen in this game. It was called Frozen (something). I have been playing since 2006 and there has never been a cosmetic that I have actually said WOW but because of some j******* that cannot do their jobs right, they do a roll back needless to say both characters got slammed back to level 15 and golden jackkpot awol. In the last week or so we have lost 5 or 6 good players because of the lack of customer service, the roll back and just plain getting p****off about the way that things are going in the game.

    I cannot understand why there is no testing. It seems like now days they say "Here is you friggin program do it, maybe it works maybe it won't". Now days there is nothing smooth about updating this game. Sometimes after an update I am getting scared to log on and I am really getting scared when I think about TRing, will it work right or will it go mayday.

    People are always writing in the forums that it is only a game. True but for this game I pay 1 year VIP. Like I told my wife when she said it is only a game. My response "I do not want to hear a word about the shop fixing your car the next time, it is only a car". The shop needed 2 extra days because of parts. If any company receives money for services then at least they should be able to provide the service. I also have the feeling that SSG is forcing expanisons, new content and now starting 30+ levels all at one time and it isn't going to work. Like the bank, what the hell do I need all of the bloody tabs for? If they would have just made the TR cache (remove only) like the shared bank that would have been enough. My opinion. What I need is a search that goes to all of my mules with 1 click but that is just wishful thinking.

    rant over
    i made a joke a long time ago about crafting a vorpal mace for my cleric....
    they thought it was funny....well I found one....+5 Vorpal Morningstar of Ribcracking...
    what would they say now

  2. #2
    Community Member thebeast1985's Avatar
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    I totally get what you mean, but I'm beginning to give up hope.

    I love DDo, but this company has a way of treating customers (lately more than ever) that I don't like at all.
    Last edited by thebeast1985; 09-25-2022 at 04:01 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member balvix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebeast1985 View Post
    I totally get what you mean, but I'm beginning to give up hope.

    I love DDo, but this company has a way of treating customers (lately more than ever) that I don't like at all.
    As soon as Ssg took over Ddo, the customer service was destroyed. They no longer give a whit about you at all, the only thing they care about is if you continue to open your wallet and give them your money. I would like to make excuses and say that the devs are just stuck doing what they have to because of the company but I wont, my respect for them has dropped from a lot of respect to almost nothing whatsoever. I find the lack of any customer service to be disgusting and an insult at best. And I have trouble reading posts from the devs white knights on this forum. The people that come on here and constantly insist that everything that is done by the devs is simply amazing, and you're just a malcontent or an idiot in their opinion if you don't agree with them. To those white knights I say, you are cheering on and accepting the destruction of something you claim to love simply for pats on the head from the devs, and I hope you feel like good little dogs when you post. There is something wrong with this company, and that is undeniable, and it is bleeding heavily in to the game itself.
    Que the white knights coming to attack my post in order to defend the garbage that is fed to all of us by the hands of Ssg.

  4. #4
    Community Member thebeast1985's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by balvix View Post
    As soon as Ssg took over Ddo, the customer service was destroyed. They no longer give a whit about you at all, the only thing they care about is if you continue to open your wallet and give them your money. I would like to make excuses and say that the devs are just stuck doing what they have to because of the company but I wont, my respect for them has dropped from a lot of respect to almost nothing whatsoever. I find the lack of any customer service to be disgusting and an insult at best. And I have trouble reading posts from the devs white knights on this forum. The people that come on here and constantly insist that everything that is done by the devs is simply amazing, and you're just a malcontent or an idiot in their opinion if you don't agree with them. To those white knights I say, you are cheering on and accepting the destruction of something you claim to love simply for pats on the head from the devs, and I hope you feel like good little dogs when you post. There is something wrong with this company, and that is undeniable, and it is bleeding heavily in to the game itself.
    Que the white knights coming to attack my post in order to defend the garbage that is fed to all of us by the hands of Ssg.
    This post has too low visibility to attract their ego and their unsatiable wish to please SSG ego in any way.
    Check on other posts, there are LOADS of zealots (paladins or white knights seems a bit reductive) defending without any good motivation.
    Well it's how faith works right?
    I'm doing my best to not break any code of conduct, but who knows, maybe i'll be banned one day?

    I'm just deeply saddened because despite all the humongous troubles this game has, I still love it, that's why I post and care about the health of it.

  5. #5
    Savage's Husband Phoenicis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by screamingpup View Post
    I cannot understand why there is no testing. It seems like now days they say "Here is you friggin program do it, maybe it works maybe it won't". Now days there is nothing smooth about updating this game. Sometimes after an update I am getting scared to log on and I am really getting scared when I think about TRing, will it work right or will it go mayday.
    I am quite convinced that there is testing.

    I am also convinced that its of the 'check what we just changed to make sure it works right' variety.

    It needs to be the 'OK, now we need to run thru all common actions players do to make sure nothing else was broken'.

    And it still wouldn't catch everything because you cannot simulate the load the live servers have which I can only imagine causes all manner of race conditions and their unintended side effects.

    Am I frustrated? Yup.

    Do I blame them for pushing out what I consider shoddy software? Yup.

    BUT I am happy that they are continuing to update and produce new content for a game many would consider well past it's expected lifespan, so it's a wash for me.

  6. #6
    Community Member Sqrlmonger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebeast1985 View Post
    This post has too low visibility to attract their ego and their unsatiable wish to please SSG ego in any way.
    Check on other posts, there are LOADS of zealots (paladins or white knights seems a bit reductive) defending without any good motivation.
    Well it's how faith works right?
    I'm doing my best to not break any code of conduct, but who knows, maybe i'll be banned one day?

    I'm just deeply saddened because despite all the humongous troubles this game has, I still love it, that's why I post and care about the health of it.
    I do agree there are FAR too many people who seem to think we should just be thrilled for whatever we get. It's like some odd gamer's version of Stockholm syndrome.

    They mean well, but they have a seriously warped view of how a customer/service provider relationship should go. And SSG clearly sees how much they can get away with and takes full advantage.

  7. #7
    Community Member salmag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phoenicis View Post
    I am quite convinced that there is testing.

    I am also convinced that its of the 'check what we just changed to make sure it works right' variety.

    It needs to be the 'OK, now we need to run thru all common actions players do to make sure nothing else was broken'.

    And it still wouldn't catch everything because you cannot simulate the load the live servers have which I can only imagine causes all manner of race conditions and their unintended side effects.

    Am I frustrated? Yup.

    Do I blame them for pushing out what I consider shoddy software? Yup.

    BUT I am happy that they are continuing to update and produce new content for a game many would consider well past it's expected lifespan, so it's a wash for me.
    The testing is done by players on Lamannia.

    The problem SSG has is that:
    1. they do NOT listen to any sort of feedback that given back to them because they do not want their feelings hurt and
    2. they do not leave Lamannia up long enough for more thorough tests and
    3. when bugs are spotted by the players, they do quick fixes and see number 2 above.

    This happens 99% of the time. Of course, there is that 1% (most of the time it is Lynnabel).

  8. #8
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    At this point, you can't really expect anything other than bug riddled updates, sometimes game breaking, that sometimes get fixed in a timely manner, sometimes not.

    I really haven't seen any indication that this will change, as it's been this way for a long time, and has been getting progressively worse.

    They are either unable or unwilling to put in the effort that is necessary to properly test their releases. Partially the fault of the people doing the work, partially the fault of management. Anybody who has ever written software has had a moment with management where they said "They want us to do WHAT by WHEN!!??"

    I have absolutely zero faith that even minor things get fixed correctly at this point, and when there are big updates, I know exactly what kind of legendary dumpster fire it will be.

    This isn't our first rodeo.

    And if any devs happen to read this - HELP US HELP YOU. We all like playing this game, we wouldn't be upset otherwise. USE LAM. Leave it up longer, and actually FIX THINGS AND DELAY RELEASES when we find them. We're good at it! We know how to break stuff! 56 should have never seen the light of day.

    We know you've got a schedule, but the way you've been doing it, IS NOT WORKING. It hasn't been for a while. You need to make some changes. You've got a problem. WE WANT TO HELP. We have been begging and pleading to help. LISTEN TO YOUR CUSTOMERS. We are rockstarz at testing your code. But I think we're getting tired of the things we find that are broken, going live anyways. THAT NEEDS TO STOP.
    Last edited by helpfulguy1234; 09-26-2022 at 09:51 AM.

  9. #9
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by balvix View Post
    As soon as Ssg took over Ddo, the customer service was destroyed. They no longer give a whit about you at all, the only thing they care about is if you continue to open your wallet and give them your money. I would like to make excuses and say that the devs are just stuck doing what they have to because of the company but I wont, my respect for them has dropped from a lot of respect to almost nothing whatsoever. I find the lack of any customer service to be disgusting and an insult at best. And I have trouble reading posts from the devs white knights on this forum. The people that come on here and constantly insist that everything that is done by the devs is simply amazing, and you're just a malcontent or an idiot in their opinion if you don't agree with them. To those white knights I say, you are cheering on and accepting the destruction of something you claim to love simply for pats on the head from the devs, and I hope you feel like good little dogs when you post. There is something wrong with this company, and that is undeniable, and it is bleeding heavily in to the game itself.
    Que the white knights coming to attack my post in order to defend the garbage that is fed to all of us by the hands of Ssg.
    ty for a accurate bang on post this is honesty and truth and notice should be taken by who ever is calling the shots these days

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