Yeah, I'm very iffy about what XP number would be appropriate, but something scalable that's a simple, across the board gift just to make up the time missed seems like it should be the baseline compensation for something like this.
Yeah, I'm very iffy about what XP number would be appropriate, but something scalable that's a simple, across the board gift just to make up the time missed seems like it should be the baseline compensation for something like this.
I don't care about the XP myself, I want the loot boost for my first life, just what I find alt who looted Sands and was closing in on a complete level 10/11 gear set and now has to do it again.
They could add both of the most popular weekend bonuses (loot boost, buddy XP bonus) and help most players in a manner that scales across the board.
Yes please...let's worry about compensation before they fix what's broken. That's like calling the power/cable company and asking for money back before your service is restored/secured.
If "YOUR" ISP went down, would you ask them to reimburse/compensate you for your DDO downtime? DDO was unable to provide you with the game during that time so they (the ISP) should have to pay you back for not being able to play a GAME!!!
Welcome to REAL LIFE. Things happen. Life isn't perfect or even fair. Get over it. Anything they give us players is more than they are required to do. That being said, I expect more to be coming in the near future (as it usually has).
Happy GAMING all (note the key word there).![]()
Dennis the Peasant: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony. XP stone would be unbalanced as would an Otto's box (a lot of people would just TR and use it to skip the 'boring' levels.
XP boost sounds like the right move.
As for a lot of the complainers, you're just gonna ETR/ITR/HTR/RTR your toon and do it all over again; so where's the damage you incurred? Did you NOT have fun while you were playing (before the rollback)? If not...why do you play this game?
Dennis the Peasant: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.
please stop to do the white knight.
i've lost 4 (!!!) found sentient xp , 60.000 reaper xp that i cannot gain with bonus or whatever because XP bonuses are only for heroic and Epic quests.
I've lost all the fixes i made with moving this or those items from toon A to toon B.
BUT most importantly i've lost an incredible amount of time doing things in game FOR NOTHING.
Your post is one of the most irrespectful post i ever seen in my life as a gamer.
Dennis the Peasant: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.
You may wanna look into the concept of time. I personally lost time. Time I spent in game doing things that are not fun. I prepped my main for a TR, cleared out his inventory, prepped his gear for the next life etc. All of that gone. All of that I have to do again. Inventory management is not fun, but a sadly necessary part of this game. Many players are far worse off than I am with what they lost in that time. Having to do the least fun part of the game twice in a row just makes me less willing to log in, and instead play something else in my limited free time. Speaking of which, two days of a minor xp bump as a way to smooth things over, is way below expectations. Especially for those of us who don't work traditional work weeks like myself, and can't even take advantage of it. It should be a week minimum, but better yet, some xp pots to let us use them as we see fit.
I'm glad you're content with this paltry excuse of an apology, but you are clearly in the minority. Any business with a breathing customer service rep would tell you the same.
Dennis the Peasant: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.
Spacing the slog that is inventory management weeks apart is bearable. Doing them back to back is not. Forcing me to do so, is leading me to the decision that it is in fact a waste of time, taking my time and money with me, which is the problem we are discussing. Yeah, games are supposed to be fun, but that does not make them somehow immune to criticism about their shortcomings. There are other games. The devs need to tread carefully here, and by most accounts, they are dropping the ball big time as of late.
Here is the thing about good customer service. And I am not referring to someone who is answering a phone call on a help desk (although that is a different discussion). Good customer service for a company like SSG is to make sure their small, but loyal, fanbase is happy (and spending money). I am getting the feeling from a lot of folks not on the boards that they are indeed waiting for something as a compensation or whatever you want to call it. Regardless of what other "think" should happen, that is the feeling I am getting in game and on these boards too. "What are they going to do" is discussions I have heard. I personally hope they do NOT do the raiders box give away thing because that all but ruined a raid. What I am hoping for is something more like a free TR token or something or maybe a few large sum XP stones or something along those lines. I do not want it to be over the top, but I am in the camp where that believes they need to do something beyond a bonus XP weekend. Currently, it seems like they are doing nothing.... which I am hoping is not the case behind closed doors.
Last edited by FixBows; 09-24-2022 at 01:12 PM.
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Community Member
I will bite on this one. No donkey in the race, but I would like to just drop this thought in here
It might be an unrecoverable error for SSG to not do SOMETHING for players impacted due to Update 56 bugs, or exceptionally short-sighted decisions. This one is easy, just give everyone a little something here, you don't have to admit to the specific mistakes, though Loot Bonus, and XP bonus per player in party (buddy bonus) will be welcome by all, whether impacted significantly, or just a bit.
Agreed... Ever stop to think that was just the planned bonus for the week and they maybe put more effort into fixing the F*Up? It is a weekend after all and, if I were working at a gaming company where my schedule was 9-5 M-F, I would not be worried about complaints on the forums if I needed to come in on a weekend, or for those of you in Rio Lindo, my day off. In fact, I would likely not even come in (and I have been told numerous times by other employees during my life that "You know you don't get payed more for working harder"); so my work ethic is not in call.
Give them, SSG, some time to do something beyond what, I hope, is their primary concern. Let them fix things first and then...MAYBE... ask for reparations for lost time from a GAME.
Dennis the Peasant: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.
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Community Member
Again...WHAT did "you" (and that's the Royal "you", not attached to your post quoted above) actually get from the time invested in this game??? Some bits and bytes on a server somewhere? Or did you actually get a chance to have fun and escape from reality for a bit?
It's a simple opportunity cost. You spent time, opportunity, (during what was obviously a chaotic time) playing a game that you knew, based on the numerous forum complaints even before the rollback, had issues. That opportunity had a negative result.
Money invested will likely be refunded...if not, you have a complaint.
Time invested... again, did you have fun while you were playing? You got nothing monetary or physical from playing the game that you can point to as a loss (unless they do not refund any purchases during that time).
I also like the hyperbole of not attacking anyone directly. Nice word salad.![]()
Last edited by Buddha5440; 09-24-2022 at 03:54 PM.
Dennis the Peasant: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.
You keep repeating It's a GAME.
But the reality of things It's a BUSINESS SSG is a business. They have a license to run a business. They offer products, facilitate payments, and supply products(albeit digital ones).
There are a lot of things I dont know about SSG or its business plans/visions. What I do know over the decade of seeing Turbine/SSG operate is they are particularly tone deaf to their player base (ie. consumers) especially when they make egregious gaffs and it creates pain points for their consumers.
It's not unimportant. It's a major F*up. I'm not arguing that. It's the way it's approached by the forumites that irritates me.
Complaining after the fact and demanding compensation are not the ways to go. Post your grievances and suggest 'rational' solutions (not give everyone an Ottos box so they can go from 1-20 with an xp pot). I'm simply saying this... "It's only been a few days. Let these people try to fix this spaghetti code that they inherited and were trying to make better before you have them drawn and quartered with their heads on pikes outside the city walls."
The rest of y'all can flame me as much as you want. I'll still be here.
Dennis the Peasant: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.
It's not so much the players as it is the forumites. Even though I have been called a Troll myself, I like to bring flame to the real Trolls.
This is what has me more concerned. I spend a lot more time on the LAM forums (not posting because I don't play on LAM) and the feedback does seem much more constructive than what you see here on the main forums. Whether it's listened to or not is not within my control.![]()
Dennis the Peasant: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.
Community Member
Community Member