Dennis the Peasant: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.
"GUILT"? Guilt, the way you're using it, implies intent. I'm pretty sure they didn't want any of this to happen.
"They did the wrong"? Hmmm...maybe 'They made a mistake.'. Give them a chance to fix things before you crucify them.
"damaging the effectiveness of the thread."?
This entire thread is ineffectual, DUDE.
Also, anytime someone says "trust me", that is your first proof that you should not.
Dennis the Peasant: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.
Definition of guild:
"Responsibility for having done something wrong and especially something against the law."
Intent is not the issue, they are guilty of a poor release and the resulting bugs which have had a massive impact on players. Whatever internal process, or lack of such, which caused this shambles is completely their responsibility.
We all know SSG, as an entity, don't give a a gnat's chuff about customer satisfaction and that leaves the choices of putting up with the status quo whilst throwing money at them, playing the game as as F2P or walking away.
A company who throws in a discount on in game purchases after this latest debacle to say sorry is showing their decision makers just see us as cash cows; regardless of how the devs and customer facing staff/sacrificial victims feel, there won't be any improvement in how the players are treated. If everyone drops their VIP subs for a few months, maybe that attitude would change and there would be some meaningful actions taken to compensate for the players' lost time and effort. I doubt it though and am saying goodbye to what used to be a fantastic game.
Have fun & take care all, maybe see you in other games.
Community Member
They already put their effort into their "apology" with the unique (but inadequate) weekend bonus, which was put into place as soon as all the servers were open again. Look at the wording, it doesn't match any previous weekend bonus.
That shows us they think this is enough. Clearly the consensus disagrees. Also, "Thank you!"? I think they meant to say "Sorry".DDO Bonus Days bring you +10% VIP XP through September 28th! ALSO: All players will see the following bonuses through Sunday, September 25th:
+25% Heroic and Epic XP
+25% Guild Renown
+5 Treasure Hunter Boost
Thank you!
Nah that's probably what they meant. Don't you remember the amber temple debacle?
Mains - Messam, Indalecio, Mozenrath, Quackerjack.
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I lost about 3 hours on hardcore. None of these bonuses help me at all.
So yes, I disagree they've offset the impact of the rollback.
At least for me a code for a 6-hour 50% sovereign pot would make up for the lost time because I would earn 9 hours of progress in 6 hours of time.
At this point I've lost 3 hours of progress on hardcore and gain nothing from the weekend bonuses.
As far as expectations, I expect nothing from SSG, but if it was me I would be handing out a code for a 6-hour 50% xp potion to make things right. Sure some people will benefit that didn't actually lose anything, but who cares. Giving out a free item virtually is a really easy way to make players happy and show they care about the impact of the rollback.
I am in the same boat basically as far as time lost, lost 2-3 hours of looting Sands of Menachtarun along with a new player who was running on a Guest Pass. I can always get that stuff again, but it takes a while, hoping he can jump on tonight to help me pull of the stuff we are still both missing (he is getting Archer stuff, I am getting TWF stuff).
The XP does not help me since I am running on a first-life alt, and for looting Sands and Fens, the loot bonus does not help me either. I like it for other reasons, but it does not help with the impact from the rollback.
The new player's sense of loss was significantly higher than mine though, that is for sure.
I would also like to apologize to you macellomatik for my comment earlier in this thread. I was angry at the time, about labels being thrown around so much and wanted to prove a point about it. I could have made my point with the witty parts, and left the mean parts out.
No probs, we are all on the same boat here.
I too am sorry, I didn't think the paladin word would be so heavy on people, but I can see that we all care deeply about the game, even with different points of view.
I am a little frustrated by the game right now (VIP being useless, overpriced expansions, tons of farming up-scaled to the max via racials / quick drop archetypes, potions are expensive and require you to ruin the game by speedrunning, otto boxes and the whole frustration-design problem they create-solve).
I feel like we are starving for short, minimal boosts the whole time, and I literally can't find ways to solve that (with a reasonable amount of money), so it really made me rage when they couldn't even drop a decent bonus after these last issues... especially considering how easy it would be to do so.
I mean... make VIP give 50% xp bonus and 1k points and you would solve most of the issues with this game (e.g. Warframe montly boosts), closing the gap between the huge population who got hundreds of lifes with duped (or not) otto boxes or legit means and players who are doing the long grind.
(Although this is a completely different discussion and many other solutions are possible, this is just the quickest example that comes to mind)
Community Member
R.I.P. Devourer - 20-Aug-2010 11:00 GMT(+1 DST)(World Broadcast): World broadcast: 'Farewell to all our loyal players and thank you for your time in Eberron. We wish you all the best for your future adventures. Please log out now as the servers are now going down. Many thanks, Codemasters Online.'
There will be no compensation. SSG neither values its clients nor has a business perspective. Any business that makes a significant portion of its profits by selling speed-oriented, time-saving power boosts would want its customers to feel that the company appreciates the time they've spent in the game, but SSG? SSG has no business vision. And his treatment of customers is the worst I've ever seen.
The least they should do is:
1- Extend two days VIP subscriptions. Because it has been two days that they have not provided service for which their clients have paid.
2-Put back the bank sales. Because they have returned the points, but people had spent many of those points on the sales. It is sensible to repeat the sale again, so that the client does not feel cheated.
3-Give a small compensation for the inconvenience of the rollback. For some people, the rollback has left a very bitter feeling because they have wasted effort and loot that some weekend bonuses do not recover. It's more, there are people who can't play during the weekend (and the rollback was during the week), so those weekend bonuses doesn't help them. It would have cost SSG very little to do this, and instead would have earned goodwill from their clients and helped to ease that bitter feeling. SSG should learn that a happy customer spends much more than a dissatisfied one.
SSG has no idea how to deal with their clients. I know of people, some of them big spenders, who have stopped investing money here simply because they have been rudely treated by members of this company. A bad policy, anger and offend your customers. But don't expect anything better from SSG.
If I can read the dev tracker, you can too.
Some, no doubt. But not all of them, and dissatisfied customers think much more about spending anyway. It is bad policy, and more so when it would cost them very little. To earn from a business, you first have to invest. And to retain your customers, you have to keep them happy and make them feel that you value them. Fail in these two things, and your business will end up failing.
Anyway, I've said it before, SSG has no business vision. The devs will be very good at programming, but the company is a disaster at dealing with its customers.
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
At a bare minimum I'd expect VIP subs to be extended by 1 day since the game was unavailable for that period of time. Zero comms about that.