^ This.I wasn't gonna bother with this thread because it really is sad that people refuse to appreciate the amount of game promotion and care that is put into streaming. I say this as a former promotions person for Turbine the fact that this game still garners interest is because people take the time to show case and talk to folks while playing ddo. I know some on here do not understand this and that is fine, but to act like streaming the content does not have a positive benefit is weird. Another thing to accuse someone of bullying because they read your public post when you clearly called them out by name is an unfair way to try to paint yourself as a victim of something. You are not being bullied if you say this person is ruining the game because they made a career off doing something you don't like. And the person who was called out was very polite in reading the mean things said about them and asked viewers not to even get involved but my old behind is not gonna let you all act like you didn't make threads accusing the streamer of things they couldn't possibly have done. I don't like actual bullies and threads like this where you know you are attacking folks just having fun and helping the game via visual content then making a literal thread calling them out by name. But oh no don't dare have them read the call out then you are the victim...no flipping way.
Also I have asked several times for some form of Twitch tie in but apparently was informed that the API would not allow such things. So at best all we can do for the game is give them as much promotion as our channels/social media will allow. All in all this is indie work for little thanks and now we can add salty forum people upset at the game taking pot shots at what we do to the mix. I have to remind myself constantly that DDO is a nicer community than the forums showcases its why so many of us have over fifteen years of play time. But the amount of toxic attacks on anything you all don't understand is troublesome.
Seriously stop calling out streamers then acting like you have done nothing wrong. And also streamers do not impact or influence nerfs or game development changes. The fact that I have to tell grown people this is ridiculous. The only people who get to call the shots in gaming development are the actual developers of the game. Trust me I have an ego the size of Texas and I have never once believed anything I remotely suggest make it into the game. So to accuse any one streamer of such is silly. I just can't understand the level of unnecessary nasty attitudes you all give to people keeping interest in our game alive. But once again got to remind myself the toxic of this board is not indicative of the general community.