Should there be a code of conduct for streamers that are directly supported by SSG, for example:
- Receiving free content
- Given point codes to pass out
- SSG staff appear on the stream
- The stream is promoted or mentioned by SSG staff
I am all for free speech and don't honestly care if people use their platform to attack players in the community, but I don't think these streams should be supported by SSG.
Examples I've witnessed by streamers supported by SSG:
1) Streamer calling out a pug player in their party for being terrible when the name is directly visible to viewers
2) Streamer calling out specific forum posts on their stream
These type of activities can easily be viewed as online bullying and invite viewers to harass that community member. I am not talking about general comments such as "the forums are toxic". I am talking only about calling out community members by either showing their name or directing viewers to a specific post/thread even if the name isn't mentioned directly. I am also talking about making negative statements about specific players where there name is visible on screen as a party member or the streamer is trying to defame someone in the game.
Please do not mention specific examples from streamers or use the name of streamers or players. This thread is not intended to attack any streamers and in general I think it's entirely possible some streamers engaging in this activity do not fully understand the ramifications of what they are doing - after all - all streamers are relatively new to streaming.
Again, I am all for free speech- if streamers want to attack community members within twitch or other service rules - hey it is what it is and I don't care. But if SSG directly supports the streamer, should there be a code of conduct so streamers know what lines not to cross?