View Poll Results: Should there be a code of conduct for streamers supported by SSG?

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  • Yes

    21 40.38%
  • No

    28 53.85%
  • It's complicated

    3 5.77%
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  1. #1
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Default Should there be a code of conduct for streamers directly supported by SSG?

    Should there be a code of conduct for streamers that are directly supported by SSG, for example:

    - Receiving free content
    - Given point codes to pass out
    - SSG staff appear on the stream
    - The stream is promoted or mentioned by SSG staff

    I am all for free speech and don't honestly care if people use their platform to attack players in the community, but I don't think these streams should be supported by SSG.

    Examples I've witnessed by streamers supported by SSG:
    1) Streamer calling out a pug player in their party for being terrible when the name is directly visible to viewers
    2) Streamer calling out specific forum posts on their stream

    These type of activities can easily be viewed as online bullying and invite viewers to harass that community member. I am not talking about general comments such as "the forums are toxic". I am talking only about calling out community members by either showing their name or directing viewers to a specific post/thread even if the name isn't mentioned directly. I am also talking about making negative statements about specific players where there name is visible on screen as a party member or the streamer is trying to defame someone in the game.

    Please do not mention specific examples from streamers or use the name of streamers or players. This thread is not intended to attack any streamers and in general I think it's entirely possible some streamers engaging in this activity do not fully understand the ramifications of what they are doing - after all - all streamers are relatively new to streaming.

    Again, I am all for free speech- if streamers want to attack community members within twitch or other service rules - hey it is what it is and I don't care. But if SSG directly supports the streamer, should there be a code of conduct so streamers know what lines not to cross?
    Last edited by slarden; 09-23-2022 at 08:42 AM.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
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  2. #2
    Community Member Culver.Civello's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post
    Should there be a code of conduct for streamers that are directly supported by SSG, for example:

    - Receiving free content
    - Given point codes to pass out
    - SSG staff appear on the stream
    - The stream is promoted or mentioned by SSG staff

    I am all for free speech and don't honestly care if people use their platform to attack players in the community, but I don't think these streams should be supported by SSG.

    Examples I've witnessed by streamers supported by SSG:
    1) Streamer calling out a pug player in their party for being terrible when the name is directly visible to viewers
    2) Streamer calling out specific forum posts on their stream

    These type of activities can easily be viewed as online bullying and invite viewers to harass that community member. I am not talking about general comments such as "the forums are toxic". I am talking only about calling out community members by either showing their name or directly viewers to a specific post/thread even if the name isn't mentioned directly. I am also talking about making negative statements about specific players where there name is visible on screen as a party member or the streamer is trying to defame someone in the game.

    Please do not mention specific examples from streamers or use the name of streamers or players. This thread is not intended to attack any streamers and in general I think it's entirely possible some streamers engaging in this activity do not fully understand the ramifications of what they are doing - after all - all streamers are relatively new to streaming.

    Again, I am all for free speech- if streamers want to attack community members within twitch or other service rules - hey it is what it is and I don't care. But if SSG directly supports the streamer, should their be a code of conduct so streamers know what lines not to cross?
    I really wish I didn't know what this was about.


    inb4 /close

  3. #3
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Culver.Civello View Post
    inb4 /close
    It would be a shame if this thread was closed because it doesn't violate any rules, isn't directed at anyone specifically, and is a serious topic that SSG needs to consider.

    I specifically asked to avoid people and stick to the topic.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
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  4. 09-25-2022, 02:59 PM

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by cromotep View Post
    It is obviously directed at an individual streamer.
    I do not have any opinions regarding the allegedly obvious streamer in question, except for the potential for that alleged streamer's influence over say, hypothetically, decisions made with the Update 56 implementation, or any future updates.

  6. #6
    Community Member Seph1roth5's Avatar
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    Don't really watch streamers for DDO, but I thought that (in USA anyway) you have to disclose if you're being compensated (monetarally?) if you're hawking/reviewing/whatever. There was a whole big thing with 2 old people who RV'd around the country, staying at walmarts and saying how great it was. Then people found out wal-mart had paid/reimbursed them a bunch of $$.

    Same with uh...some FPS shooter, probably call of duty? They were promoting some website for training or merchandise or something, but didn't disclose that they were actually part owners of the site. They got in trouble FTC-wise I believe.
    Mains - Messam, Indalecio, Mozenrath, Quackerjack.

  7. #7
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cromotep View Post
    It is obviously directed at an individual streamer. You gave two specific examples of said streamers actions, then wrapped it into a thread about not wanting to name names and discuss a code of conduct for streamers. It is clear that you do not like the individual or their actions and are attempting to have SSG modify their behavior and content through the court of public opinion. It is also garnering public dislike toward that individual as this discussion has evolved. That seems a bit like by proxy bullying given your impressive forum presence and influence. (Thanks for your great posts aka content) I would guess that these things would probably violate the forum rules. Modern media nails it, any press is good press. Might just be promoting what one is trying to avoid.

    To answer the question in the poll, that is an easy "nah" from me. Streamers other than the SSG official stream are not employees and should not be subject to any SSG internal policy or any forum created rules. Pretty easy. Major violations of conduct will be handled by twitch real quick.
    It is not directed at anyone - it's a general issue at least for me - I can't speak for others experience or comments. I think it's great a few fans are supporting their streamer, but the accusations are misguided for sure. Especially the one that accused me of creating the deleted thread which I didn't even do lol.

    I was not watching the stream people are talking about - I was playing board games on board game arena and posting a bit between turns because we were playing a game with some downtime between turns. This is a long-standing game with real life friends that at least a dozen people on Sarlona know about because I am unavailable for raids, hardcore and questing.

    The deleted thread was what sparked me making this post, but it was an issue that I was concerned about before that incident. As far as I know the incident had nothing to do with me, but happy to send you links of the 4 board game arena games if you need it.

    The 2 examples I gave were NOT the streamer some fans keep thinking is being targeted. I've probably watched over 50 streamers - some big, most small. Some supported by SSG and some not. I throw around my free amazon prime sub to various streamers each month and have thrown it to that specific streamer a few times in the past.

    Quote Originally Posted by Surefiremi View Post
    No, I try to keep away from the idiocy that is generally all too common in the forums. This is just too hilarious. The idea that a streamer reading forum comments on a public forum on their own stream is "attacking" people, is insane. Again, people need to grow up and understand public comments are just that, public.
    And I've already stated in this thread I don't think reading forum posts is bad or agreeing/disagreeing with the posts. You can do that on the forum so why would anyone think it would be problematic? I don't think it is and I haven't heard anyone in this thread saying that's a problem.

    Anything that would be a forum infraction would be different. If you can't say it on the forums it's probably not right to say on the stream if someone is getting supported by SSG. If they aren't getting supported by SSG - who cares.

    Quote Originally Posted by CSQ View Post
    I think a code of conduct would be good. I don't think this because it's important to punish people for their mistakes, but rather because setting expectations might encourage people to be better.
    Yep, this is exactly where I am going. Trying to set positive expectations not to punish people for something that already occurred. And again, only for streamers receiving support from SSG as listed in the OP.
    Last edited by slarden; 09-25-2022 at 11:02 PM.
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  8. #8
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    I was in the thread that was nuked, and posted a response to someone asking for a list of streamers, either the last, or next to the last post before thread was pulled, I just said something about Voodu Spyce. My working theory at that time was that may have been the trigger for why the thread was pulled, to avoid some kind of en mass stream Exodus, just because of the timing and how the entire stream was watching it take place. That is no less, nor more likely than any of the other oddball theories really though. Almost certainly the thread was pulled because of the attacks that were starting to occur, and that could have escalated for sure.

    I can test that theory out right now pretty easily, lets see if this gets nuked (not likely):

    And to reiterate what I said during the Thread/Stream:
    I like his YouTube videos on Solo'ing Raids, and the the ones related to his Warlock and Druid Tank builds.

    Edit: Might need to say the name 3x, Voodu Spyce, Voodu Spyce
    Edit: Having been made aware of Austin Powers Rules: Voodu Spyce, Voodu Spyce, Voodu Spyce
    Last edited by dogsoldier; 09-26-2022 at 02:47 AM.

  9. #9
    Pale Fox
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    Well, youtube has a code of conduct for advertisements and or product placement.
    I don't spend a lot of time on twitch, so can't comment on that.

    I don't want to open the hole of what "paid" means but it does include "in kind" for such activities.

    As far as calling out players, it isn't always the streamer itself that is the culprit.
    And if you think some streamer is conducting dubious activities you could always report him/her/them to the platform and/or DDO.

    Same as reporting a post right here on the forums, right?

    Things have not been so heated on here as of late, or I have learned myself to auto skip some threads based on their title.
    Last edited by LightBear; 09-23-2022 at 08:48 AM.

  10. #10
    The Hatchery GeneralDiomedes's Avatar
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    I take 100% responsibility for what I write on the forums. If that makes stream fodder for somebody, so be it.
    Server Sarlona / MST / Guild Enslaved / Characters Ionos, Cydekik, Xalavan, Rodessa, Hethrow, Ramsteen

  11. #11
    Community Member Stoner81's Avatar
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    All streamers should have a code of conduct regardless of if they are supported by SSG or not. Life is hard enough without being nasty to each other.


  12. #12
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    PM pls about the source of the drama.

    SSG obviously shouldn't advertise toxic streamers.

  13. #13
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cru121 View Post
    PM pls about the source of the drama.

    SSG obviously shouldn't advertise toxic streamers.
    There is no drama here and I hope none is added to this thread. It's just a general question - not about any specific streamer or scenario. I only watch streamers when I am doing something mindless and there isn't something else I want to watch, but have witnessed a few examples that I listed and thought perhaps a code of conduct would help streamers understand the boundaries to receive support from SSG.

    I think streaming is good for the game and community, but I don't think SSG should support streamers that use their platform to harass community members. After all that money directed towards streamers is coming directly from community purchases.

    I am curious what the rest of the community thinks.
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  14. #14
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    Here are some Youtube Videos that I have found helpful from another one of the Streamers. I cannot find the one where I saw the bit about the stacking universal critical chance from different types of epic spell power feats, but that was not obvious to me when Update 51 came out with buffs for some of the Epic Feats.

    Voodu, if you are out there, FYI, Season 4 of Hardcore I only got to about 4800 Favor with your Warlock Tank build. I survived on that character, but was having a hard time finding trappers that season because everyone else had the same idea with running Tanks. Probably could have just run through the traps, but I am accustomed to tanking traps via Evasion, so I didn't want to try tanking them just by temp HP and layered defenses without more experience doing that. Oh, and I was the Warlock that had to stop when I found you in game and show off my ML16, Zero Arcane Spell Failure, Blue Augment Slot, Crafted Mithril Heavy Shield, if you remember that.

    My 15/3/2 Bard Warchanter made it to 5k season 4, mostly just because everyone wanted a trapper that season.

    Solo Raids:

    Interesting Tank builds:

    Warlock Tank Thread:

    Druid Caster / Healer Quasi-Tank Build: Voodo

  15. #15
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    SSG support of streamers is already laughable.

    If you don't like a streamer's content, then stop watching it.

  16. #16
    Community Member Michaelaz2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tanky View Post
    ssg support of streamers is already laughable.

    If you don't like a streamer's content, then stop watching it.
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^ this
    * Michaelaz *Myfavwizzy * Medalert * Mikeaz * Kernall * Myfavsoul * MyOrc * Myfav * Myfavsorc *

  17. #17
    Community Member Michaelaz2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post
    Should there be a code of conduct for streamers that are directly supported by SSG, for example:

    - Receiving free content
    - Given point codes to pass out
    - SSG staff appear on the stream
    - The stream is promoted or mentioned by SSG staff

    I am all for free speech and don't honestly care if people use their platform to attack players in the community, but I don't think these streams should be supported by SSG.

    Examples I've witnessed by streamers supported by SSG:
    1) Streamer calling out a pug player in their party for being terrible when the name is directly visible to viewers
    2) Streamer calling out specific forum posts on their stream

    These type of activities can easily be viewed as online bullying and invite viewers to harass that community member. I am not talking about general comments such as "the forums are toxic". I am talking only about calling out community members by either showing their name or directly viewers to a specific post/thread even if the name isn't mentioned directly. I am also talking about making negative statements about specific players where there name is visible on screen as a party member or the streamer is trying to defame someone in the game.

    Please do not mention specific examples from streamers or use the name of streamers or players. This thread is not intended to attack any streamers and in general I think it's entirely possible some streamers engaging in this activity do not fully understand the ramifications of what they are doing - after all - all streamers are relatively new to streaming.

    Again, I am all for free speech- if streamers want to attack community members within twitch or other service rules - hey it is what it is and I don't care. But if SSG directly supports the streamer, should their be a code of conduct so streamers know what lines not to cross?

    /NOT Signed - Free speech , They cant even fix typos without them breaking the game and you expect this ?
    * Michaelaz *Myfavwizzy * Medalert * Mikeaz * Kernall * Myfavsoul * MyOrc * Myfav * Myfavsorc *

  18. #18
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    My only question is where is the thread created last night on this topic ?...............yeah total rubbish ...hes a grown man why protect his childish conduct last night utter joke

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michaelaz2 View Post
    Free speech
    Almost certainly does not apply.

  20. #20
    Founder ghale's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post
    Should there be a code of conduct for streamers that are directly supported by SSG, for example:

    - Receiving free content
    - Given point codes to pass out
    - SSG staff appear on the stream
    - The stream is promoted or mentioned by SSG staff

    I am all for free speech and don't honestly care if people use their platform to attack players in the community, but I don't think these streams should be supported by SSG.

    Examples I've witnessed by streamers supported by SSG:
    1) Streamer calling out a pug player in their party for being terrible when the name is directly visible to viewers
    2) Streamer calling out specific forum posts on their stream

    These type of activities can easily be viewed as online bullying and invite viewers to harass that community member. I am not talking about general comments such as "the forums are toxic". I am talking only about calling out community members by either showing their name or directing viewers to a specific post/thread even if the name isn't mentioned directly. I am also talking about making negative statements about specific players where there name is visible on screen as a party member or the streamer is trying to defame someone in the game.

    Please do not mention specific examples from streamers or use the name of streamers or players. This thread is not intended to attack any streamers and in general I think it's entirely possible some streamers engaging in this activity do not fully understand the ramifications of what they are doing - after all - all streamers are relatively new to streaming.

    Again, I am all for free speech- if streamers want to attack community members within twitch or other service rules - hey it is what it is and I don't care. But if SSG directly supports the streamer, should there be a code of conduct so streamers know what lines not to cross?
    At least a couple of streamers are just heroic scrubs and offer nothing for end-game/reaper contribution. What does their insult of a player even mean?

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