I have a huge thought provoking praposal for you all, what if its not.the game engine creating the lag?
What if its some suspect players hiding in plain sight? You need to seriously investigate this!
Ive been watching some conversations in some individual Guild discord channels, were players were talking about a certain broken game item/feature/system that has been used to create said lag by Said individual (... or Individuals).
Yall need to go in and search Character data and maybe THERE Youll find Sources of lag itself!
One world id recommend starting on is deff Argo. There. Your welcome! I am now very concerned as i may have blown some highly suspect cover
I'm sure this isn't the place to ask, but, since my ticket has gone unanswered; here we are.
About a day prior to the rollback, I bought $100 worth of DDO points to help get tomes and some shards for a new toon. Needless to say, everything I bought is gone (rollback) and the points are also gone... What can be done about this??
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