Another mistake, not again!!!
What we want, what's possible, what we get and how we deal with it could be much more constructive. That needs just a little bit more conversation from both ends and less complaining when things go a way we didn't expect, or want.
On changes like the bank system I would have liked an evaluation of needs and the priority of each single point from as many players as possible before diving into that project.
Just asking for more space leads to unexpected results. Some are happy, some not so much. It's just shifting the content to a different group.
Imagine the would be a way to make both groups happy, at least the majority of them.
That would need conversation. A moderated conversation between the customers and the developers over a given time period.
Global channel for raids: /joinchannel wayfinderraids
Thank you for being one of those chosen magicians who makes my phone and computer and gaming system do what I tell them to do for me, without me having to take the time to explain them what I want, and how they can achieve it for me, lol. I dont even remember HOW we got to the DOS screen of our Commodore-64, which is where I slowly typed letter by letter, agonizing hour by hour, exactly what the manuals / books said to type so I could hopefully play a game 2 days after starting, lol
Yes, updates usually break stuff and require patching. With hotfixes for the patches and subsequent updates to sort the hot fixes. This most recent update is the biggest mess since the update which lost the players on one server over a month's progression. I used to say "the game is temporarily available while updates are planned" but the sad fact is the updates do not appear to have any quality or release planning.
I'm sure someone will pipe up and say I don't know what I'm talking about; a large part of my job involves system, functional and user testing, things which should have picked up all of the issues update 666 has brought in.
Once the game's bandaged up and playable (not going to say fixed, not that optimistic), you should have fun, especially if you tell people you're a new player, groups often slow down and help you learn if you tell them at the start. Or they'll tell you to "feck off noob", in which case you've avoided hours in the company of cockwombles.
I agree with the first paragraph, but you stated the main reason for that in the second. OLD CODING. Imagine trying to rework coding done by someone twice removed from you, who changed the original coding (without being able to consult the original coder(s)) and then having to work on that twice singularized code. Coding is not a UNIVERSAL language (that's kinda how hackers get caught...they all have signatures (ie. they have their own unique coding language that other coders may or may not understand). It's like asking a stenographer to read what another stenographer wrote/typed; It's all gibberish to the person who didn't write/type it. Coding is the same, working on old code, that you had nothing to do with, is like trying to learn a new language in a week.
"Players", yes. "Forumites", NO. Forumites want to complain that their exploit got the nerf hammer or that they NEED this 'new gadget' rather than admit that some thing are OP'd. Unfortunately, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. That is what is causing these issues.
This part I agree with; but I sense some sarcasm in that.
Also, I can't believe this downtime caused 18 (so far) pages of mostly RANTS. It's just a FREAKIN GAME. Have fun!!!
Dennis the Peasant: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.
While the worlds are being fixed, some of ya'll need to touch some grass, or get fresh air put yourself in SSG shoes, they are fixing this problem so ya'll don't end up losing stuff that you will just complain about losing anyway...cut them a bit of slack? If they did not fix this TR cache bug how many would complain about that? Let's be honest now. We can survive without 1 or 2 days of DDO, and if you can't what's the real issue here
(no hate just being honest)