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Someone test out Dark Fist Soundburst Paladin:
Human, max + levels Wisdom, dex for feats
1-3 DA Cleric Quicken, Dodge, Magic Domain
4-5 Monk Mobility TWF
6-20 Paladin WWA, TWF2, Extend, TWF3, Swords to Plowshares
21 IC:B 22 PTWF 24 OC 25 CW 27 Epic Fort, 28 DS, 30 reincarnate
AP by level
1-6 11+1 tome Falconry wisdom to hit/dmg, 8 RS Divine Healing 4 DA imbue, 1 SF, racial AP: stuffs
7-12 8 DA imbue, 11Falconry 30% helpless, 4 divine might, 1 HeM
13-20 10 Falconry 50% fort debuff and T5, dropping divine might, more SF + SaD stuffs, leftovers Human HAmp
End up with:
13 SF +3 Die
12 DA Imbue
33 Falconry T5 10 MP, 30% helpless, wis to hit/dmg
8 RS Divine Healing > 8 Shintao if staying at cap
1 HeM
Racial/leftovers Human HAMP
Skills: heal, concentration, balance from monk levels
Gameplay: Quicken soundburst mobs, quicken extend buff up, spin to win with constant divine healing regeneration