I was running with some folk, talking about dropping SF 18 for Monk 3, and they were appalled - not by the loss of SF Core 18, but the loss of
Sacred Defender Core 18, namely:
- +25 Healing Amp
- +3 Lay on Hands charges
- +10% Sacred Bonus to Max HP
- +5 to Physical and Magical Resistance Rating
That's a pretty good laundry list. Added to the rest, for 31 AP... attractive.
As shown, this build doesn't specify the AP spread - wondering if you'd dismissed SD or what, and which tree you were considering for Tier V.
Still theory-crafting here, so the jury's out, but I'm thinking now that this build might(?) be better for
Heroic Leveling (i.e. it will get to 20 better), but for going on to 30 it might not be the best mix? Just adding new grist to the mill. :/