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  1. #1
    Community Member Cranjis's Avatar
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    Apr 2020

    Smile DDO Otto's Box Raffle (And 1,000 DDO Points)

    Hey guys, I will be hosting a raffle that starts tomorrow (September 9th, 2022) at 9pm Central on my guild discord. I will be giving away an Improved Heroic Otto's Box and 1,000 DDO Points.
    Now, the Otto's box can only be given to those on Orien. However, the 1,000 points can be universally distributed to anyone on any server, via codes. (Thank you for your generous donation, Cordovan!)
    So, send me a direct message on the forums here if you are interested, and I will provide a link to the Discord server where the raffle is taking place. You don't need to be on Orien or in my guild to participate.
    The raffle lasts for 2 days, ending on Sunday at 9pm Central.
    Hope to see some of you there! Good luck!

    P.S. Remember that if you enter for the Otto's Box, you MUST accept it on a character on the Orien server. The DDO Points will be given in the form of 10x 100 point codes (Once again, thank you Cordovan for the donation, I am forever grateful!).
    Chaotic Good but in real life

  2. #2
    Mmm... purple!
    PurpleTimb's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Cranjis-of-Orien View Post
    Hey guys, I will be hosting a raffle...
    RAFFLE? As in, you are selling tickets and one person who bought a ticket will win the prize? Who is getting the money and how exactly is this going to work?

  3. #3
    Community Member Cranjis's Avatar
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    Apr 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by PurpleTimb View Post
    RAFFLE? As in, you are selling tickets and one person who bought a ticket will win the prize? Who is getting the money and how exactly is this going to work?
    Entrance is free. Basically, in the server, there is a "raffling" channel. At around 9pm, a raffle box will appear. You just need to click a little icon to enter, and when the 2 days are up, it will choose a winner at random from among the entrants.
    Chaotic Good but in real life

  4. #4
    Mmm... purple!
    PurpleTimb's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    Okay, sorry I'm being pedantic and derailing your thread a bit. I've always understood the definition of raffle to mean you are selling entries, usually to raise money for something. You might consider editing your original post to make it clear that entries are free and available to anyone.

    I think these things are usually described as a "free drawing" or a "giveaway" to make it clear no money is involved.

    Also, good luck! It sounds like a fun drawing and I hope you get a lot of participation.
    Last edited by PurpleTimb; 09-08-2022 at 09:02 PM.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Oct 2007


    Woot, SSG is giving away Muffin Stumps. Cranjis has the Muffin Tops. One reason that Orien is such a good server.

  6. #6
    Community Member Cranjis's Avatar
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    Apr 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by PurpleTimb View Post
    Okay, sorry I'm being pedantic and derailing your thread a bit. I've always understood the definition of raffle to mean you are selling entries, usually to raise money for something. You might consider editing your original post to make it clear that entries are free and available to anyone.

    I think these things are usually described as a "free drawing" or a "giveaway" to make it clear no money is involved.

    Also, good luck! It sounds like a fun drawing and I hope you get a lot of participation.
    Ah, alright, sorry. I have just always called them raffles for the sake of simplicity.
    Chaotic Good but in real life

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