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  1. #21
    The Hatchery
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gordo View Post
    "Additional Bank Space earned in-game through Favor rewards are now properly retained through Lesser and Epic Reincarnation."

    For those that aren't constantly reincarnating, this is a welcome change. Although running House K low level favor isn't anything that time consuming, some things just seem unnecessary and this change (IMO) is welcome.

    Isn't this how it always was? Apart from the last buggy update? Or am I not understanding this right?
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  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rockcrusher99 View Post
    So what are you going to do with all the Iconics that are already now Archetypes?

    Coming from someone who did not do this. I don't see the need to do anything with them. Unless for some reason they deem it a serious exploit, it seems like a mostly non-issue.

  3. #23
    Community Member brian14's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dandonk View Post
    Isn't this how it always was? Apart from the last buggy update? Or am I not understanding this right?
    To the best of my knowledge, yes that's how it always was. If bank tabs are NOT retained, this is yet another U56 bug. But I had not done any reincarnations since the update, so was not aware of it.
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  4. #24
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    Default But

    Quote Originally Posted by GarGwill View Post
    Post #8 in that thread -

    'Iconic Heroes start with their first level in a particular class. For all of the Iconic types that exist, that is the base class for that class and that will continue to be true with U56.

    So a Tiefling Scoundrel will always start with 1 (base) Bard, and won't have the option for Stormsinger in character creation. However, a Tiefling Scoundrel could perform a LR(+0) and change to a Spellsinger Bard.

    When we introduce new Iconic Hero types in the future, those could potentially, for instance, start with their first level in Stormsinger Bard.'

    I Don't know how they could BE more specific?
    They could have been much more specific. Out of the dozen people I asked about it, no one knew, even those that read that post.

    Here's the problem with that original communication by Steelstar and how it could have been improved:
    he talks about LR+0 into Spellsinger. Well okay, but can I LR+0 into a Stormsinger. Can I LR+1 into a Stormsinger? The questions revolve around Archetypes, not original enhancement trees.
    Heck, is Tiefling Scoundrel + Stormsinger even an intended and allowed combo in the game?
    Last edited by Rockcrusher99; 09-08-2022 at 08:25 AM.

  5. #25
    Community Member Gordo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dandonk View Post
    Isn't this how it always was? Apart from the last buggy update? Or am I not understanding this right?
    For me, when I reincarnated, I lost my favor bank tabs and was under the impression that this, like most everything else, was a "consequence" of the decision to TR.
    Other than PAID/PURCHASED bank space, the favor bank space(s) disappeared and had to be re-earned.

    That's what has happened for me.
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  6. #26
    The Hatchery
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gordo View Post
    For me, when I reincarnated, I lost my favor bank tabs and was under the impression that this, like most everything else, was a "consequence" of the decision to TR.
    Other than PAID/PURCHASED bank space, the favor bank space(s) disappeared and had to be re-earned.

    That's what has happened for me.
    TR and ITR and racial, yes.

    But the note specifically mentions Lesser and Epic reincarnations, which do not remove favor and associated benefits.
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  7. #27
    Community Member liosliante's Avatar
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    I just hope they don't touch too much on code because then they mess me up.

    This week has been one of problems due to the new update; I don't like it but I'm getting used to it.

  8. #28
    Community Member DoctorOfLiterature's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dandonk View Post
    Yeah. I understand that this might be the only way, but really, it just makes me hate the new bank even more. And there's no point in redoing all the bank work tomorrow, because I'm sure this won't be the last "fix" they're making to this awful system. Joy.

    Can we PLEASE have our old bank back? Please?
    Devs, please know that many of us do like the new bank system. It has saved me a ton of time in gearing my toons. Being able to search reincarnation cache is a huge upgrade.

  9. #29
    The Hatchery
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorOfLiterature View Post
    Devs, please know that many of us do like the new bank system. It has saved me a ton of time in gearing my toons. Being able to search reincarnation cache is a huge upgrade.
    Searching in TR cache is great. Agreed. But why does this imply we have to get a crappier normal bank?
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  10. #30
    Developer Steelstar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikarddo View Post
    Dear Cordovan,

    Please be more specific. The above is pretty unclear.

    Will it be possible and intented to be an iconic mixed with an archtype at all? E.g. PDK + Stormsinger.

    If yes - will it be possible to be an iconic Blade Forged + Sacred Fist, Sun Elf +Dark Apostate or Tiefling Scoundrel + Stormsinger in any way?

    If yes - how is that possible? If the answer uses a lesser heart be specific is that can be LR+0 or needs to be LR+X.

    If you want use to play those Archtypes you really should be more clean on the restrictions.
    Let me clarify a bit:

    Making an Iconic through Character Creation at level 1 is supposed to give the same class level it always has for that Iconic. Bladeforged gets Level 1 in (Standard) Paladin, and not Sacred Fist. Tiefling Scoundrel gets Level 1 in (Standard) Bard, and not Stormsinger. Character Creation is not equipped to handle switching off of that properly (outside of Lesser Reincarnation, where you can use a Class Swap).

    Some players found a method of manipulating the Character Creation UI into making a Iconic that should be locked to its Level 1 class use an Archetype in place of it. This method allowed some characters through the character creation process, but as Character Creation is not properly equipped to handle that situation, some class features can come up missing. We have fixed the UI bug that allowed players to make a character in that state.

    Outside of making/TR'ing into a Level 1 Iconic, situations where they've always been restricted to Level 1 in their intended class, Iconics are not restricted from taking or LR'ing into Archetype levels; they work like any other character in that regard. You can use an LR+0 to swap Standard class levels into Archetype levels of the same class, you can take Archetype levels when you normally would be able to. The change here only fixes a specific UI issue in Character Creation that could cause character problems.

    (Before it comes up: There's certainly merit to thinking that Iconics could work differently with regards to their initial required class level. That said, until we reach a time where that's changed, we have to ensure the current system works, hence this bugfix).

    Quote Originally Posted by cmecu View Post
    We have removed the ability to create a character that is both an Iconic and an Archetype through an unintended method during initial character generation.

    What about those of us who already have a toon made that is Iconic and an Arch type?
    No plans for any changes to existing characters. As said above, most Iconics who have taken Archetype levels are working as intended. Those who have made it through under this bug won't be changed, though they may need to LR to properly gain the full benefits of whatever Archetype they took.
    We don't only build for the builds that exist.
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    The fact that some changes are necessary is not diminished by the fact that other necessary changes have not happened yet.

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rockcrusher99 View Post
    They could have been much more specific. Out of the dozen people I asked about it, no one knew, even those that read that post.

    Here's the problem with that original communication by Steelstar and how it could have been improved:
    he talks about LR+0 into Spellsinger. Well okay, but can I LR+0 into a Stormsinger. Can I LR+1 into a Stormsinger? The questions revolve around Archetypes, not original enhancement trees.
    Heck, is Tiefling Scoundrel + Stormsinger even an intended and allowed combo in the game?
    It should be obvious from the context Steelstar meant Stormsinger not Spellsinger.

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Additional Bank Space earned in-game through Favor rewards are now properly retained through Lesser and Epic Reincarnation.
    Hint: if you do that for coinlord inventory space also, you don't even *need* a reincarnation cache. Since no downscaling of space is done there will not be an overflow of items.

    Of course this would go hand and in hand with an increase in personal bank space, but the main reason the cache was even needed 14 years ago was that the size of bank/inventory would suddenly shrink.

  13. #33
    The Hatchery
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rull View Post
    Hint: if you do that for coinlord inventory space also, you don't even *need* a reincarnation cache. Since no downscaling of space is done there will not be an overflow of items.

    Of course this would go hand and in hand with an increase in personal bank space, but the main reason the cache was even needed 14 years ago was that the size of bank/inventory would suddenly shrink.
    Lesser and Epic only, so has nothing to do with TR cache as I understand it.
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  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gordo View Post
    "Additional Bank Space earned in-game through Favor rewards are now properly retained through Lesser and Epic Reincarnation."

    For those that aren't constantly reincarnating, this is a welcome change. Although running House K low level favor isn't anything that time consuming, some things just seem unnecessary and this change (IMO) is welcome.

    Didn't you keep the favor anyway and just had to pay again to unlock the bank slots?

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dandonk View Post
    Isn't this how it always was? Apart from the last buggy update? Or am I not understanding this right?
    Post U56 on ETR you had to repurchase your bank slots at the 2k pp and 8k pp. They are fixing that.

    You also retained all favor awarded slots on TR so that at lvl 1 you could simply pay the 10k and have all the slots so they may have fixed that also unless that was an intended change
    Last edited by Etherielle; 09-08-2022 at 09:15 AM.

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    Let me clarify a bit:

    Making an Iconic through Character Creation at level 1 is supposed to give the same class level it always has for that Iconic. Bladeforged gets Level 1 in (Standard) Paladin, and not Sacred Fist. Tiefling Scoundrel gets Level 1 in (Standard) Bard, and not Stormsinger. Character Creation is not equipped to handle switching off of that properly (outside of Lesser Reincarnation, where you can use a Class Swap).

    Some players found a method of manipulating the Character Creation UI into making a Iconic that should be locked to its Level 1 class use an Archetype in place of it. This method allowed some characters through the character creation process, but as Character Creation is not properly equipped to handle that situation, some class features can come up missing. We have fixed the UI bug that allowed players to make a character in that state.

    Outside of making/TR'ing into a Level 1 Iconic, situations where they've always been restricted to Level 1 in their intended class, Iconics are not restricted from taking or LR'ing into Archetype levels; they work like any other character in that regard. You can use an LR+0 to swap Standard class levels into Archetype levels of the same class, you can take Archetype levels when you normally would be able to. The change here only fixes a specific UI issue in Character Creation that could cause character problems.

    (Before it comes up: There's certainly merit to thinking that Iconics could work differently with regards to their initial required class level. That said, until we reach a time where that's changed, we have to ensure the current system works, hence this bugfix).

    No plans for any changes to existing characters. As said above, most Iconics who have taken Archetype levels are working as intended. Those who have made it through under this bug won't be changed, though they may need to LR to properly gain the full benefits of whatever Archetype they took.
    I, for one, appreciate the feedback as to why. This is an acceptable response from a dev, maybe more reasons for changes can be better explained to the community, especially when it can bork something else. This leaves far less speculation by the masses, myself included, as to why time was spent to fix, when clearly there are other issues that need resolved.

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Praya20 View Post
    Please look at character transfer issues to Argonnessen during downtime, it affects more people than the Iconic Archetype situation
    Yes, we have been looking into this since yesterday, and continue to do so.

    Quote Originally Posted by csbztddo View Post
    From the release notes:
    NOTE: When you first log in after this game update all items in all custom bank tabs will have been moved back into the Main tab as a result of this fix.

    Am I reading this right? All the stuff I moved into new Tabs will be moved back!?! I spent MANY MANY HOURS over the last few days getting things the way I wanted them. I fixed 12 of my 21 characters. Made 45 total Tabs (I just counted them all). And that was all for nothing?! I hope that's not the case. Surely you could find a way to make this fix and then move the items back into the tabs we've made. Surely that's possible if you just took the time to do it right.

    If you really are going to undo all the work I've done (we've done) so casually, who's to say you won't do it again. Maybe a week from now when you fix the drag and drop issue you'll do it again and ruin people's efforts for the second time. And who knows how often after that. So do I really even want to put things in tabs ever again if you can just decide to undo it and waste all my time because it's the easy fix? Pfft, so what if the players have to move all their items again, right?

    Boy I hope I'm wrong about this. Or that you have a heart and come up with a better, more user-friednly solution than to just flush all that time and effort down the drain.
    We apologize that you'll have to do the work again, unfortunately there was no way to fix the underlying bug and maintain the items in people's custom tabs.

    Quote Originally Posted by cmecu View Post
    We have removed the ability to create a character that is both an Iconic and an Archetype through an unintended method during initial character generation.

    What about those of us who already have a toon made that is Iconic and an Arch type?
    You should be able to continue to take levels in the class(es) you've selected.

    Quote Originally Posted by mikarddo View Post
    Dear Cordovan,

    Please be more specific. The above is pretty unclear.

    Will it be possible and intented to be an iconic mixed with an archtype at all? E.g. PDK + Stormsinger.

    If yes - will it be possible to be an iconic Blade Forged + Sacred Fist, Sun Elf +Dark Apostate or Tiefling Scoundrel + Stormsinger in any way?

    If yes - how is that possible? If the answer uses a lesser heart be specific is that can be LR+0 or needs to be LR+X.

    If you want use to play those Archtypes you really should be more clean on the restrictions.
    An Iconic's base class remains the same, so if the base class of an Iconic is an anti-requisite for a specific Archetype you'll need to get rid of that base class level in order to select an Archetype.
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  18. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by dandonk View Post
    as the gully dwarves would say: One and one... And one... And one.... Two! Not more than two!

  19. #39
    Community Member Wylf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post

    We apologize that you'll have to do the work again, unfortunately there was no way to fix the underlying bug and maintain the items in people's custom tabs.
    Taking a stab at the dark here - I suspect this is due to the bank not actually having "tabs", right? It's all just one thing, so if you move an item from the main tab into a second tab it doesn't actually change position in the bank, but gets flagged as invisible in the main tab and visible in the tab it got moved to. Which would explain why that bug happened, I suspect that if the items are in those custom tabs while you TR they stay flagged as invisible for the main bank, which is why they don't show up after reincarnation.
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  20. #40
    Community Member archest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by csbztddo View Post
    From the release notes:
    NOTE: When you first log in after this game update all items in all custom bank tabs will have been moved back into the Main tab as a result of this fix.

    Am I reading this right? All the stuff I moved into new Tabs will be moved back!?! I spent MANY MANY HOURS over the last few days getting things the way I wanted them. I fixed 12 of my 21 characters. Made 45 total Tabs (I just counted them all). And that was all for nothing?! I hope that's not the case. Surely you could find a way to make this fix and then move the items back into the tabs we've made. Surely that's possible if you just took the time to do it right.

    If you really are going to undo all the work I've done (we've done) so casually, who's to say you won't do it again. Maybe a week from now when you fix the drag and drop issue you'll do it again and ruin people's efforts for the second time. And who knows how often after that. So do I really even want to put things in tabs ever again if you can just decide to undo it and waste all my time because it's the easy fix? Pfft, so what if the players have to move all their items again, right?

    Boy I hope I'm wrong about this. Or that you have a heart and come up with a better, more user-friednly solution than to just flush all that time and effort down the drain.
    Hey! we can have tabs instead of grid view better organization of inventory for you!... SIKE! lol

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