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  1. #1
    Community Member Merrillman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Default VON 5/6 Bugged post u56???

    Devs, post update 56, despite having done the VON 1-6 chain, I can no longer re-enter the 5/6 raid, and get a message at the entrance to speak with Barrow Irkundarak as the game is now saying I'm on the wrong story step.
    However, I cannot be. 5/6 was turned in and completed. When I speak to Barrow, he simply has a message that tells me to speak with Marek Malcanus -- who when I do thanks me for conquering the Vault of Night.

    In my quest journal, all are completed (Vault of Night however does NOT show as completed and i am not sure why). I tried to abandon the Vault of Night in the quest journal and it tells me I can't and that to do so I must use a raid timer and speak with the quest giver - (Barrow) which I did, and it still will neither clear nor allow me to enter the raid. Is there something I am missing here? HELP! its just a circular message of one telling you to talk to the other and neither resolves anything.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2023


    Quote Originally Posted by Merrillman View Post
    Devs, post update 56, despite having done the VON 1-6 chain, I can no longer re-enter the 5/6 raid, and get a message at the entrance to speak with Barrow Irkundarak as the game is now saying I'm on the wrong story step.
    However, I cannot be. 5/6 was turned in and completed. When I speak to Barrow, he simply has a message that tells me to speak with Marek Malcanus -- who when I do thanks me for conquering the Vault of Night.

    In my quest journal, all are completed (Vault of Night however does NOT show as completed and i am not sure why). I tried to abandon the Vault of Night in the quest journal and it tells me I can't and that to do so I must use a raid timer and speak with the quest giver - (Barrow) which I did, and it still will neither clear nor allow me to enter the raid. Is there something I am missing here? HELP! its just a circular message of one telling you to talk to the other and neither resolves anything.
    I have the same thing happening to me. I did reincarnate from 30 to 20. My quest logs say I have done this raid, yet I cannot use the portal.

  3. #3
    Community Member LeoLionxxx's Avatar
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    Aug 2010


    I had the same or a similar message. The resolution was to "Abandon" the quest in the quest journal and then pick it up again.

    The issue was triggered by my accepting a share of the quest - that seems to screw something up.
    That's not lag, it's just DDO trying to become turn-based again.
    Feature wishlist: colour-coded HP bars; red/blue teams in raids; rez-timer in party menu

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