The descriptions in this game are bloody awful and I have no idea what I will be getting if I buy something.
I want to increase the amount of places I can go. The options I see are pay cash for expansions and buy adventure packs for ddo but are these the same thing or different things?
I saw a table that gave the various price for ultimate, collectors, standard and ddo which suggested you get all the map content but you dont get any extra like character slot or mounts if you go with DDO instead of cash. Which would also make DDO more expensive by comparison. Example, a £29.99 bundle would cost £32.50 with DDO. IF you wanted all that content, but you would only pay £19 for the maps/quests so better if you dont want/need the extras.
I just dont want to buy and find out its not what I was expecting. The store descriptions dont tell me a **** thing.