This is a new issue that I have never seen in DDO before yesterdays update (56). I am running the 64 bit client, windows 10, 32 gigs of ram, 3080ti gpu. AMD ryzen cpu. I buffed up at house P, teleported to Feywild, entered wilderness and rode up to Icemount Curse door. I waited to hit shrine until after I popped the Doggy. Once I rested my FPS dropped to ~28 ( usually 70+ ). The big thing was that it wasn't 28 it was more around 10-14... it was really bad! I immediately teleported back to town. The FPS stayed low for about 5 minutes.
I opened the task manager and there wasn't anything that I could see that would cause the FPS drop. ( nothing running in the background ). I quit out and reloaded DDO and was able to complete icemount Curse. Went to town to sell, then passed through guildship on way to house p and the FPS drop hit again. It seemed to coincide with a group getting buffs at the same time. this fps drop lasted about 2 minutes. There wasn't anything in the task manager that would explain it.
Has anyone else run into this issue? Windows did push updates yesterday as well. But DDO was the only game that had the FPS drops.