Originally Posted by
Over time, I have noticed something over and over again.
Whenever an update hits, there is this rather long list
of player whom had their characters 'ruined completely'.
Why is that ?
It is because this game (at least the end game)
has been morphed into something that is specifically
created to challenge and entertaining only the very best players.
and what about all the non-best end gamers?
They are forced to use 'nitch' builds that they
read about on the forums. to even qualify
to be in a dungeon group 'R10' at endgame level.
So when an update hits ... some thing changes and the nitch build is useless...
here comes the screaming and crying.
I am afraid this will never stop.
As long as the game is developed for 10% of the players,
this cycle will be repeated.
So the point?
If your build got nuke from orbit, it was a nitch build and
you should already know that as soon as any sizable update
hits, nitch builds become useless.
So either become a better player so you can function with
a normal well rounded toon, who can be kept functional
with small adjustments OR stop crying when your min/max
specialty unbalanced rule exploiting toon gets nerfed (because it was
a min/max specialty unbalanced rule exploiting toon)
That is why SSG nerfs stuff - they see folks exploiting it.
If one ability in a certain tree is over powered and you create
a build around that ... EXPECT it to be nerfed.
back to the game.