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Thread: New Bank Tabs

  1. #21
    Community Member Buddha5440's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dread_Luskan View Post
    I want the custom named tabs, and an arbitrary # of them. The way I organize I need different tabs the way that makes sense to me, and I want more of them. And actually, my new custom tabs even differ from 1 character to another in their banks. This flexibility is far underrated.
    My point being that it makes sense for the Bank (and look how well that is working), not for character inventory. If you don't need it for the quest(s) you're running, why is it in your inventory?

    It's already crazy how much we can carry. 10 or more suits of Platemail without breaking a sweat? I get it's a magical world but...
    Dennis the Peasant: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buddha5440 View Post
    My point being that it makes sense for the Bank (and look how well that is working), not for character inventory. If you don't need it for the quest(s) you're running, why is it in your inventory?

    It's already crazy how much we can carry. 10 or more suits of Platemail without breaking a sweat? I get it's a magical world but...
    I'm not going to go to the bank and swap out inventory items after every single quest. So yes, I like many people carry a lot of stuff around because many situational items are only needed once in a while, but if they aren't in your inventory, tough luck! so the inventory can easily get out of control. I'm surprised I need to explain this though, because I surely know I'm not the only one with frequent inventory issues.

  3. #23
    Community Member Buddha5440's Avatar
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    That's what quick slots are for. What you are asking for (as present in the bank 'upgrade') is likely to result in yet another (likely much more detrimental) bug.
    Dennis the Peasant: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.

  4. #24
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dread_Luskan View Post
    well why are you stacking those vertically when it clearly would be more efficient to set them side by side. Maybe if they allowed collapsing the options section, it wouldn't be as intrusive on a smaller screen.
    The right side of the screen is taken up with Backpack Inventory, which is usually an integral part of moving stuff around.

    I like the collapsing filter section idea. That could help.

    I do concede that my grumblies about the inventory aesthetics fall way behind the priorities of other current stuff going on.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  5. #25
    Community Member Buddha5440's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    I do concede that my grumblies about the inventory aesthetics fall way behind the priorities of other current stuff going on.

    Let them work on fixing the BROKEN stuff in the game (chat connection, ladder bugs, hireling/pet AI, 'repairing previous connection', mobs can target you with ranged attacks (ie. they can arc their bow shots and target you with spells) when they can't see you, etc., etc.

    Inventory is just a QoL issue. It's always been around and, thank god it's not like PnP. 20 arrows could cause you to be encumbered. Let alone 2-3 sets of full gear that you just happen to have in your backpack. Sherpas would laugh at trying to carry all that stuff.
    Dennis the Peasant: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buddha5440 View Post

    Let them work on fixing the BROKEN stuff in the game (chat connection, ladder bugs, hireling/pet AI, 'repairing previous connection', mobs can target you with ranged attacks (ie. they can arc their bow shots and target you with spells) when they can't see you, etc., etc.

    Inventory is just a QoL issue. It's always been around and, thank god it's not like PnP. 20 arrows could cause you to be encumbered. Let alone 2-3 sets of full gear that you just happen to have in your backpack. Sherpas would laugh at trying to carry all that stuff.
    well that's the thing. To me, broken stuff includes having ridiculous amounts of items that are exponentially expanding over time with no improvements to inventory management other than converting some items to BtA. That to me is one of the most "broken" parts of DDO right now. We really really need better inventory or more inventory (really, both) because the trajectory of where this is headed is not sustainable. So yes, I see it as a top tier issue. All of the other things you mention are minor in comparison to me at least. Pet/hire AI has been the same since day 1, as are many other issues. but inventory is getting worse and worse over time. The amount of time I spend moving items around to mules is ridiculous. There's only so much more of that before it becomes not worth playing anymore because it's just a Mule game at some point.
    Last edited by Dread_Luskan; 09-02-2022 at 09:30 PM.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buddha5440 View Post

    Inventory is just a QoL issue. It's always been around and, thank god it's not like PnP. 20 arrows could cause you to be encumbered. Let alone 2-3 sets of full gear that you just happen to have in your backpack. Sherpas would laugh at trying to carry all that stuff.
    It may just QoL to you, but it's #1 issue to me. It's literally the biggest time sink in the game for me bar none. Not even a close 2nd place in the matter. You can't compare to PnP because this isn't PnP. MMoRPGs have different parameters that make them playable. If 20 arrows caused encumberance in a MMORPG, maybe 1 person on the planet would play it. MMORPGs need to be playable and not overly tedious on details that don't really matter that much like how weight you carry at one time. Very different dynamics from PnP unless you are hardcore Role player.

  8. #28
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    While we're on the subject of sorting and filtering, and because I think starting a new thread for this would be overkill, the alphabetical sorting options in the new interface appear to take into account the quantity of the items. So, for the sake of example, "2 Potions of Wonder" would appear near the start of the list while "37 Elixirs of Healing" would appear much further down. This is somewhat counter-intuitive to what I expected from an alphabetical sort - "Elixir" should definitely be listed before "Potion". While you're in that bit of code fixing the known bugs, is there any chance of tweaking the sort function to ignore item quantities?


  9. #29
    Community Member Jontas's Avatar
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    Default I like it!

    Gentlemen, Ladies,

    I have to say I love this feature, and my only gripe is that I cannot have more tabs. Only 8 additional tabs barely fits my needs...

    Jontas Rosevalley d'Jorasco

    Previously from Keeper/EU, now happy on Ghallanda.
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  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jontas View Post
    Gentlemen, Ladies,

    I have to say I love this feature, and my only gripe is that I cannot have more tabs. Only 8 additional tabs barely fits my needs...

    I haven't yet hit that max 8 limit, so I wasn't aware. But definitely agree it should be more than that for sure. If you really need to have a fixed limit and not an arbitrary limit, how about something like 20 or 30?

  11. #31
    Community Member Jontas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dread_Luskan View Post
    I want the custom named tabs, and an arbitrary # of them. The way I organize I need different tabs the way that makes sense to me, and I want more of them. And actually, my new custom tabs even differ from 1 character to another in their banks. This flexibility is far underrated.
    Totally! My main crafter has their bank sorted by item types and special materials...
    most of my actively played chars have now have a tab "For later" and one "Grown out of"
    Jontas Rosevalley d'Jorasco

    Previously from Keeper/EU, now happy on Ghallanda.
    Guild: Amity Keepers

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dread_Luskan View Post
    It may just QoL to you, but it's #1 issue to me. It's literally the biggest time sink in the game for me bar none. Not even a close 2nd place in the matter.
    Yep, inventory management has been the biggest issue in DDO for a long time.

    I gave up LotRO ten years ago because inventory management was at least half the game for me and who wants to spend all their time sorting bags and making space for whatever drops next?

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by KoobTheProud View Post
    Yep, inventory management has been the biggest issue in DDO for a long time.

    I gave up LotRO ten years ago because inventory management was at least half the game for me and who wants to spend all their time sorting bags and making space for whatever drops next?
    It's my least favorite part of DDO as well.
    "The imagination is not … the faculty for forming images of reality; it is the faculty for forming images which go beyond reality..." - Gaston Bachelard

  14. #34
    Founder Jinxx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dread_Luskan View Post
    I haven't yet hit that max 8 limit, so I wasn't aware. But definitely agree it should be more than that for sure. If you really need to have a fixed limit and not an arbitrary limit, how about something like 20 or 30?
    You could free up 4 tabs by not having separate tabs for the level ranges. This is redundant becasue the bank already lets you sort by level ranges.

  15. #35
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    My tabs at the moment are:


    Main takes everything that does not go into one of the other 7 tabs. Using filtering by level and slot manages everything within the gear categories.

  16. #36
    Community Member Buddha5440's Avatar
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    I was wondering... Can we set different tabs to sort different ways (A-Z, 1-32, 32-1) and be saved with that sorting? If not, is it something that could be implemented?
    Dennis the Peasant: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.

  17. #37
    Community Member Stoner81's Avatar
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    I am currently in the process of sorting out my mules with the new banking system... it is slow going but I am getting there.

    I have a mule for XP gems from Daily Dice which are now sorted as follows:


    My issue is I need about another 300 slots just to fit everything!

    I have a mule for all my potions of various types like slayer boost, xp pots, melee/ranged/spell/MRR/PRR powers etc so all that is going to take forever and don't even get me started on my crafting blanks! *cries* I'm not as bad as Zavina on that front but he/she is next level and beyond on that front


  18. #38
    Community Member Buddha5440's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stoner81 View Post
    I am currently in the process of sorting out my mules with the new banking system... it is slow going but I am getting there.

    I have a mule for XP gems from Daily Dice which are now sorted as follows:


    My issue is I need about another 300 slots just to fit everything!

    I have a mule for all my potions of various types like slayer boost, xp pots, melee/ranged/spell/MRR/PRR powers etc so all that is going to take forever and don't even get me started on my crafting blanks! *cries* I'm not as bad as Zavina on that front but he/she is next level and beyond on that front

    Why are you saving the lower value XP gems? Why not just use them when you get them and bank the 5K-15K ones (or even 10K-15K)?

    That is why many people complain about the storage system (IMO); They tend to keep a lot of stuff that has no real value for future lives/higher lvs. A lot of people keep a non-packrat bank (Don't get offended. IRL, I am a packrat (I can see "Hoarder" on the horizon but I am not moving towards it)) but I keep leveled item sets.

    If I am working on Heroic PLs, I keep a set of crafted or SET items at lvs 1 (trust me a ml 1 weapon with 2 +1d6 augments and 2 +1d6 prefix/suffix enchantment is almost good until lv 10) /5/10/15 (no need for 20 if it's a heroic/racial life) and a set of crafted (lv 20/24/28) or SET (lv 20/28/29) for Epics, and Lv 30+ items for Legendary/Legendary Raid running. That's a total of 13 items for each of those level ranges.

    My rule of thumb...If I haven't used it in 5 lives... I don't need it and feed it to a Sentient gem, unless it has a mythic boost (+1/3 or +2/4) or fills a current 'set bonus' (until I get a mythic bonus version of it).

    I've hypothesize that most people who complain about the inventory system (without just simply asking for player housing (banks have vaults and they can fill up))simply keep too much stuff that they will almost never use and never NEED.

    Prove me wrong

    Happy gaming (yes this is still just a GAME) all

    I await the comments of those who know more than I.
    Dennis the Peasant: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.

  19. #39
    Phoenicis' Wife SavageDoom's Avatar
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    I really like and appreciate the new bank system, not using it much in my character bank, but a big help in my shared bank. Would be a huge help for me to have them in my crafting bank too. Only minus in my opinion is that those 8 tabs are not enough.

  20. #40
    Savage's Husband Phoenicis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SavageDoom View Post
    I really like and appreciate the new bank system, not using it much in my character bank, but a big help in my shared bank. Would be a huge help for me to have them in my crafting bank too. Only minus in my opinion is that those 8 tabs are not enough.
    My biggest complaint right now is the TR cache doesn't sort right or filter at all.

    Tell it to sort by min level 30-1 or 1-30 and nope.

    Select the filter for 'rings' for example and nope.

    Both banks (personal and shared) function as expected but that TR cache?

    But yeah, 8 tabs is nowhere near enough. I can live with it but more would be really really nice.

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