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  1. #1
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Default Axel's Pure DPS Fighter Build

    Looking for input.

    Here's a THF build I put together to fix an old character. Goal for him is to be a straight DPS toon for raids. He's not going to play regular quests hardly at all. He's at level 32 currently, just looking to fix him with an ER so won't be Heroic TR'ing to change race, alignment, class levels, get more build points, etc. Just looking to keep him at cap indefinitely and run PUG raids while my main is on timer or not at cap. Any suggestions welcome on how I can improve feat selection or otherwise optimize. Planning to run tier 5 Fury of the Wild which for example is why I took Harbinger of Chaos.

    Character name: Akkius
    Classes: 20 Fighter, 10 Epic, 2 Legendary
    Race: Warforged · · · · · ·Alignment: Lawful Good

    · · ·Start Tome Final · · ·Incorp:· · ·0% · · ·Displacement:· · 0%
    Str:· · 18· · 2 · ·28 · · ·HP:· · · · 811 · · ·AC:· · 25
    Dex:· · 10· · 2 · ·12 · · ·PRR: · · · ·90
    Con:· · 18· · 3 · ·21 · · ·MRR: · · · ·37 · · ·+Healing Amp:· · ·0
    Int:· · ·8· · 2 · ·10 · · ·Dodge: · ·0/25 · · ·-Healing Amp:· · ·0
    Wis:· · ·6· · 0 · · 6 · · ·Fort:· · · 25% · · ·Repair Amp:· · · 20
    Cha:· · ·6· · 0 · · 6 · · ·SR:· · · · · 0 · · ·BAB: · · · · · · 25
    DR: 2\Adamantine
    Immunities: Sleep, Energy Drain, Nausea, Sickness, Exhaustion, Paralysis

    Class and Feat Selection
    Level Class · · · · · ·Feats
    1 · · Fighter(1)· · · ·Standard: Two Handed Fighting
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Fighter Bonus: Power Attack
    2 · · Fighter(2)· · · ·Fighter Bonus: Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons
    3 · · Fighter(3)· · · ·Standard: Adamantine Body
    4 · · Fighter(4)· · · ·Fighter Bonus: Weapon Specialization: Slashing Weapons
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Strength: +1 Level up
    5 · · Fighter(5)· · · ·
    6 · · Fighter(6)· · · ·Standard: Toughness
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Fighter Bonus: Heavy Armor Combatant
    7 · · Fighter(7)· · · ·
    8 · · Fighter(8)· · · ·Fighter Bonus: Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Strength: +1 Level up
    9 · · Fighter(9)· · · ·Standard: Toughness
    10· · Fighter(10) · · ·Fighter Bonus: Greater Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons
    11· · Fighter(11) · · ·
    12· · Fighter(12) · · ·Standard: Improved Two Handed Fighting
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Fighter Bonus: Heavy Armor Master
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Strength: +1 Level up
    13· · Fighter(13) · · ·
    14· · Fighter(14) · · ·Fighter Bonus: Greater Weapon Specialization: Slashing Weapons
    15· · Fighter(15) · · ·Standard: Toughness
    16· · Fighter(16) · · ·Fighter Bonus: Superior Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Strength: +1 Level up
    17· · Fighter(17) · · ·
    18· · Fighter(18) · · ·Standard: Toughness
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Fighter Bonus: Greater Two Handed Fighting
    19· · Fighter(19) · · ·
    20· · Fighter(20) · · ·Fighter Bonus: Heavy Armor Champion
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Strength: +1 Level up
    21· · Epic(1) · · · · ·Epic Feat: Overwhelming Critical
    22· · Epic(2) · · · · ·Epic Destiny Feat: Perfect Two Handed Fighting
    23· · Epic(3) · · · · ·
    24· · Epic(4) · · · · ·Epic Feat: Epic Toughness
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Strength: +1 Level up
    25· · Epic(5) · · · · ·Epic Destiny Feat: Doublestrike
    26· · Epic(6) · · · · ·
    27· · Epic(7) · · · · ·Epic Feat: Epic Damage Reduction
    28· · Epic(8) · · · · ·Epic Destiny Feat: Harbinger of Chaos
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Strength: +1 Level up
    29· · Epic(9) · · · · ·
    30· · Epic(10)· · · · ·Epic Feat: Construct Exemplar
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Legendary: Scion of Arborea
    31· · Legendary(1)· · ·Epic Destiny Feat: Legendary Toughness
    32· · Legendary(2)· · ·Strength: +1 Level up

    Last edited by axel15810; 08-31-2022 at 10:33 PM.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by axel15810 View Post
    6 · · Fighter(6)· · · ·Standard: Toughness
    9 · · Fighter(9)· · · ·Standard: Toughness
    15· · Fighter(15) · · ·Standard: Toughness
    18· · Fighter(18) · · ·Standard: Toughness
    24· · Epic(4) · · · · ·Epic Feat: Epic Toughness
    31· · Legendary(1)· · ·Epic Destiny Feat: Legendary Toughness
    So the math on this amount of Toughness is... a lot of waste. 34 HP per normal toughness at your level, 50 for Epic, and 100 for Legendary. That's 286 HP for some very high value slots. I'm not sure if you're using Epic Defensive Fighting (which you get for free), but if you're not then just using that free feat will give you more HP than these lost 6 feat slots. When it comes to survivability effecitive hit points is more than just your raw health and, if you want it, then you need to be incorporating that into both your gear and enhancements (both heroic & epic).

    Quote Originally Posted by axel15810 View Post
    6 · · Fighter(6)· · · ·Fighter Bonus: Heavy Armor Combatant
    12· · Fighter(12) · · ·Fighter Bonus: Heavy Armor Master
    20· · Fighter(20) · · ·Fighter Bonus: Heavy Armor Champion
    27· · Epic(7) · · · · ·Epic Feat: Epic Damage Reduction
    Realistically these are tank feats. The rate of return on damage reduction from PRR//MRR is x/(x+100). For these three feats you're getting 37 rating (27% reduction). A sheltering item cannith crafted at your level would do 36 base, and 17 insightful rating (34% reduction). If you keep the feats, and run the sheltering item, you'd have a combined 47% damage reduction. It should be noted that Epic Damage Reduction's +10 PRR boosts these numbers by about 4% each to 31% and 50% respectively, but that's a combined 4 feats of opportunity cost. Between this and Toughness spamming though, the damage reduction is obviously the better return on investment for survivability.

    However, it is ultimately the opportunity cost that is what the value of feats comes down to.

    Some feats that create opportunities that got overlooked in your initial build include the Cleave feats (for trash & adds), Stunning Blow, Improved Trip, Tactician & the Tactical Training feat-line, as well as Magical Training (which gives Echoes of Power). I don't have a specific build to give you, that says "Pick these feats for to do this content", but rather would encourage you to think about all the times you were inconvenienced by the lack of utility from a given situation you were in, and look at feats to eliminate that inconvenience.

    Looking at your build I can feel the amount of time, from my own lives as fighter, just sitting around doing jack **** while you auto-attack down some mobs. In the epic levels the epic destinies provide some nice attacks you can use to fill the gap, but you never get so many that the above feats would be completely pushed out of rotation. I would suggest starting by eliminating some of the excess health you have from Toughness Feats, and add some self-healing through an epic destiny if you're concerned about survivability.

  3. #3
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Avatarded View Post
    So the math on this amount of Toughness is... a lot of waste. 34 HP per normal toughness at your level, 50 for Epic, and 100 for Legendary. That's 286 HP for some very high value slots. I'm not sure if you're using Epic Defensive Fighting (which you get for free), but if you're not then just using that free feat will give you more HP than these lost 6 feat slots. When it comes to survivability effecitive hit points is more than just your raw health and, if you want it, then you need to be incorporating that into both your gear and enhancements (both heroic & epic).

    Realistically these are tank feats. The rate of return on damage reduction from PRR//MRR is x/(x+100). For these three feats you're getting 37 rating (27% reduction). A sheltering item cannith crafted at your level would do 36 base, and 17 insightful rating (34% reduction). If you keep the feats, and run the sheltering item, you'd have a combined 47% damage reduction. It should be noted that Epic Damage Reduction's +10 PRR boosts these numbers by about 4% each to 31% and 50% respectively, but that's a combined 4 feats of opportunity cost. Between this and Toughness spamming though, the damage reduction is obviously the better return on investment for survivability.

    However, it is ultimately the opportunity cost that is what the value of feats comes down to.

    Some feats that create opportunities that got overlooked in your initial build include the Cleave feats (for trash & adds), Stunning Blow, Improved Trip, Tactician & the Tactical Training feat-line, as well as Magical Training (which gives Echoes of Power). I don't have a specific build to give you, that says "Pick these feats for to do this content", but rather would encourage you to think about all the times you were inconvenienced by the lack of utility from a given situation you were in, and look at feats to eliminate that inconvenience.

    Looking at your build I can feel the amount of time, from my own lives as fighter, just sitting around doing jack **** while you auto-attack down some mobs. In the epic levels the epic destinies provide some nice attacks you can use to fill the gap, but you never get so many that the above feats would be completely pushed out of rotation. I would suggest starting by eliminating some of the excess health you have from Toughness Feats, and add some self-healing through an epic destiny if you're concerned about survivability.
    Good suggestions. Thanks.

    Improved trip I can get from FoTW. So if I want some kind of CC I can use that + great leveler in FoTW if I want. Both based on trip DC. Though like I said it's a straight raiding toon so it's mostly a boss beater. I guess I could consider taking some of the tactics feat in place of toughness. Or magical training for some self heals via renewal though then again the character will be in FoTW and raging. And yes will be using EDF. My initial thought was CC won't be needed as this will be pretty much solely a raiding toon.

  4. #4
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    Heya, Axel!

    What are your EDs and Enhancements? Can you share screenies here?
    Or perhaps share the builder file itself if you have one ready?

    Thank you.

  5. #5
    Community Member spifflove's Avatar
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    I notice you are missing a +5 tome.
    I would have built the same way except went sword and board. Cleave reduces dps only good for swf. Tactician needs to be built for. Bastard or dwarf ax shorter range but that’s ok for bosses.

    I would read Strimpton’s Vanguard build (survival dps) and contrast it with the Cetus build.(max dps)
    Last edited by spifflove; 09-13-2022 at 02:40 PM.

  6. #6
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Komradkillingmachine View Post
    Heya, Axel!

    What are your EDs and Enhancements? Can you share screenies here?
    Or perhaps share the builder file itself if you have one ready?

    Thank you.
    I can but it's gonna be a while, because unfortunately in between posting this and now my PC died and I haven't yet gotten a replacement.

    Feedback on enhancement and ED choices would be nice.

  7. #7
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by spifflove View Post
    I notice you are missing a +5 tome.
    I would have built the same way except went sword and board. Cleave reduces dps only good for swf. Tactician needs to be built for. Bastard or dwarf ax shorter range but that’s ok for bosses.

    I would read Strimpton’s Vanguard build (survival dps) and contrast it with the Cetus build.(max dps)
    I'll double check in case I forgot to fill it out on the builder but don't think he has a CHA tome. I may have one on a mule that I forgot about, can check. CHA doesn't really matter for this build though, unless there's a super compelling reason to go Feydark-CHA based that I'm not thinking of. Also he's warforged to boot so gets -2 CHA.
    Last edited by axel15810; 09-13-2022 at 03:14 PM.

  8. #8
    Community Member spifflove's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by axel15810 View Post
    I'll double check in case I forgot to fill it out on the builder but don't think he has a CHA tome. I may have one on a mule that I forgot about, can check. CHA doesn't really matter for this build though, unless there's a super compelling reason to go Feydark-CHA based that I'm not thinking of. Also he's warforged to boot so gets -2 CHA.
    I meant 5k favor tome. Anyway you have my take maybe Ubongwah will weigh in.

  9. #9
    Hero Propane's Avatar
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    With this many feats - I would consider

    Dodge - Mobility - Spring Attack - great for moving around / when chained / etc..

    Then of course - Whirlwind
    Sarlona - Guildmaster - Brotherhood of Redemption - - 2016 & 2017 Players Council --- Alts: Acetylene, Antimematter, CNG, Dilithium Crystal, EMF, EMPulse, Exothermic, Geothermal, Hexane, Hexyne, Hydropower, JA, Kerosene, LPG, Natural Gas, Nuclearpower, Propane, Solarpannel, Tidalpower, WASOB, Waulter, Windpower, Woodpile

  10. #10
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    Apr 2020

    Default Revised DPS Figher - Not Pure anymore

    After chatting with Axel on stream, I came up with a revised version of this build designed to emulate a character (who I cannot recall) who is a Fighter, Warforged, and 1st life. Here's what I came up with.

    Notes: Not super endgame build. Designed for low reapers and LH or LR1 raids once geared.

    Goals: have great AoE damage, a source of CC, and decent survivability

    Summary: 12 Fighter 6 Ranger 2 Rogue STR-based Tempest Khopesh

    Thoughts: A light armored character using Dance of Death to destroy stuff. Rogue levels give evasion. Ranger levels give some free feats and access to Tempest. Fighter (apart from being required) is for extra tactics DCs and feats. Concerning epic destinies: I did not give you any healing capabilities. When you are levelling/soloing, consider dropping shadowdancer to pick up Renew from Unyielding, as you won't be sneaking as often while soloing (but still can, using Exposing Strike after Dance of Death).

    Character name: AxelsWF'Fighter'
    Classes: 12 Fighter, 10 Epic, 6 Ranger, 2 Legendary, 2 Rogue
    Race: Warforged · · · · · ·Alignment: True Neutral

    · · ·Start Tome Final · · ·Incorp:· · ·0% · · ·Displacement:· ·50%
    Str:· · 18· · 8 · ·43 · · ·HP:· · · ·1533 · · ·AC:· · 30
    Dex:· · 13· · 8 · ·26 · · ·PRR: · · · ·76
    Con:· · 18· · 8 · ·33 · · ·MRR: · · · ·15 · · ·+Healing Amp:· · ·0
    Int:· · ·8· · 8 · ·21 · · ·Dodge: · ·5/27 · · ·-Healing Amp:· · ·0
    Wis:· · ·6· · 8 · ·19 · · ·Fort:· · ·115% · · ·Repair Amp:· · · ·0
    Cha:· · ·6· · 8 · ·19 · · ·SR:· · · · · 3 · · ·BAB: · · · · · · 24
    Immunities: Sleep, Energy Drain, Nausea, Sickness, Exhaustion, Paralysis, Fear, Magic Missiles, Energy Drain

    Class and Feat Selection (Consolidated)
    Level Class · · · · · ·Feats
    1 · · Rogue(1)· · · · ·Standard: Mithral Body
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Automatic: Warforged Traits

    2 · · Ranger(1) · · · ·Favored Enemy: Favored enemy: Construct

    3 · · Ranger(2) · · · ·Standard: Improved Feint
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Automatic: Two Weapon Fighting

    4 · · Ranger(3) · · · ·Strength: +1 Level up

    5 · · Ranger(4) · · · ·Automatic: Precise Shot
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Automatic: Wilderness Lore

    6 · · Ranger(5) · · · ·Standard: Dodge
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Favored Enemy: Favored enemy: Elemental

    7 · · Ranger(6) · · · ·Automatic: Improved Two Weapon Fighting
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Automatic: Manyshot

    8 · · Fighter(1)· · · ·Fighter Bonus: Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Khopesh
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Strength: +1 Level up

    9 · · Rogue(2)· · · · ·Standard: Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Automatic: Evasion

    10· · Fighter(2)· · · ·Fighter Bonus: Mobility
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Automatic: Second Wind

    11· · Fighter(3)· · · ·
    12· · Fighter(4)· · · ·Standard: Greater Two Weapon Fighting
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Fighter Bonus: Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Strength: +1 Level up

    13· · Fighter(5)

    14· · Fighter(6)· · · ·Fighter Bonus: Weapon Specialization: Slashing Weapons

    15· · Fighter(7)· · · ·Standard: Precision

    16· · Fighter(8)· · · ·Fighter Bonus: Greater Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Strength: +1 Level up

    17· · Fighter(9)· · · ·
    18· · Fighter(10) · · ·Standard: Tactical Training
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Fighter Bonus: Tactical Combatant

    19· · Fighter(11) · · ·
    20· · Fighter(12) · · ·Fighter Bonus: Tactical Mastery
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Strength: +1 Level up

    21· · Epic(1) · · · · ·Epic Feat: Overwhelming Critical

    22· · Epic(2) · · · · ·Epic Destiny Feat: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting

    23· · Epic(3) · · · · ·Automatic: Epic Power

    24· · Epic(4) · · · · ·Epic Feat: Two Weapon Defense
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Strength: +1 Level up

    25· · Epic(5) · · · · ·Epic Destiny Feat: Crush Weakness

    26· · Epic(6) · · · · ·Automatic: Epic Knowledge

    27· · Epic(7) · · · · ·Epic Feat: Epic Damage Reduction

    28· · Epic(8) · · · · ·Epic Destiny Feat: Deific Warding
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Strength: +1 Level up

    29· · Epic(9) · · · · ·Automatic: Epic Power

    30· · Epic(10)· · · · ·Epic Feat: Greater Weapon Specialization: Slashing Weapons
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Legendary: Scion of the Ethereal Plane

    31· · Legendary(1)· · ·Epic Destiny Feat: Empty Feat Slot
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Automatic: Legendary Power

    32· · Legendary(2)· · ·Strength: +1 Level up
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Automatic: Legendary Knowledge
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Automatic: Legendary Power

    Skill Points· · ·28 ·6· 6 ·6· 6 ·6· 7 ·3· 9 ·3· 3 ·3· 3 ·3· 4 ·4· 4 ·4· 4 ·4
    Skill Name· · · ·01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20· Total Buffed
    Balance · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 0.0 · 25.0
    Bluff · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 0.0 · 21.0
    Concentration · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 0.0 · 28.0
    Diplomacy · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 0.0 · 22.0
    Disable Device· · 4 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·½· 2 ·½· ½ ·½· ½ ·½· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· ·21.0 · 47.0
    Haggle· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 0.0 · 21.0
    Heal· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 0.0 · 22.0
    Hide· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 0.0 · 28.0
    Intimidate· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 0.0 · 22.0
    Jump· · · · · · · 3 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 3.0 · 66.0
    Listen· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 0.0 · 21.0
    Move Silently · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 0.0 · 28.0
    Open Lock · · · · 4 · · · · · · · · ½ · · 2 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 6.5 · 35.5
    Perform · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 0.0 · 21.0
    Repair· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 0.0 · 22.0
    Search· · · · · · 4 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 · · 2 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·12.0 · 38.0
    Spell Craft · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 0.0 · 22.0
    Spot· · · · · · · 4 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 · · 2 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·12.0 · 37.0
    Swim· · · · · · · 4 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 4.0 · 37.0
    Tumble· · · · · · 1 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 1.0 · 26.0
    Use Magic Device· 4 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· 1 ·1· ·23.0 · 44.0
    Available Points· 0 ·0· 0 ·0· 0 ·0· 0 ·0· 0 ·0· 0 ·0· 0 ·0· 0 ·0· 0 ·0· 0 ·0

    Enhancements: 80 APs
    Warforged - Points spent: 11
    Core1 Improved Fortification I
    Tier1 Repair Systems: Healer's Friend - 3 Ranks
    Core2 Constitution I
    Core3 Improved Fortification II
    Core4 Constitution II
    Core5 Improved Fortification III
    Tier3 Memories of the Last War I: Front Lines
    Tempest - Points spent: 39
    Core1 Shield of Whirling Steel
    Tier1 Whirling Blades I
    Tier1 Improved Defence - 3 Ranks
    Core2 Tempest
    Tier2 Action Boost: Haste Boost - 3 Ranks
    Tier2 Whirling Blades II
    Tier2 Improved Parry - 2 Ranks
    Tier3 Whirling Blades III
    Tier3 Ability I: +1 Strength
    Core3 Graceful Death
    Tier3 Storm Dancer
    Tier4 Storm Tempest
    Tier4 Ability II: +1 Strength
    Tier4 Whirling Blades IV
    Tier4 The Growing Storm - 3 Ranks
    Tier5 Dance of Death - 3 Ranks
    Tier5 Whirling Blades V
    Tier5 Dual Perfection
    Tier5 Cuts: Tempest: Many Cuts - 2 Ranks
    Deepwood Stalker - Points spent: 25
    Core1 Far Shot
    Tier1 Stealthy - 3 Ranks
    Tier1 Favored Defense - 3 Ranks
    Tier1 Tendon Cut - 1 Ranks
    Tier2 Survivalist I
    Core2 Sneak Attack
    Tier3 Survivalist II
    Core3 Called Shot: Sniper Shot
    Tier3 Favored Hunter - 3 Ranks
    Tier3 Thrill of the Hunt - 3 Ranks
    Tier4 Killer - 3 Ranks
    Tier4 Survivalist III
    Kensei - Points spent: 5
    Core1 Kensei Focus: Kensei Focus: Heavy Blades
    Tier1 Extra Action Boost - 2 Ranks

    Epic Destinies: 40 APs + 12 permanent Destiny Points
    Legendary Dreadnought - Points spent: 33
    Core1 Fearless
    Tier1 Epic Tactics - 3 Ranks
    Tier1 Dread Mantle
    Tier1 Dire Attack: Dire Shot
    Tier1 Push Through The Line - 3 Ranks
    Core2 Weaponmaster
    Tier2 Extra Action Boosts - 3 Ranks
    Tier2 Ghost Touch
    Tier2 Combat Brute
    Tier3 Strike Twice - 3 Ranks
    Tier3 Momentum Swing
    Core3 Thick Skinned
    Tier4 Untouchable
    Core4 Unparalleled Accuracy
    Tier4 Kick While They're Down - 3 Ranks
    Tier4 Lay Waste
    Tier5 Dusk Surge
    Tier5 Action Hero
    Tier5 Overpower: Lacerator
    Shadowdancer - Points spent: 16
    Core1 Shadow Training
    Tier1 Cover of Darkness - 3 Ranks
    Tier1 Technician - 2 Ranks
    Core2 Step Through Shadows
    Tier2 Dance in the Dark - 3 Ranks
    Core3 The Darkest Luck
    Tier3 Shadowcaster: Shadowstriker
    Tier3 Grim Precision - 3 Ranks
    Grandmaster of Flowers - Points spent: 11
    Core1 Inner Focus
    Tier1 Strike with Poise - 3 Ranks
    Tier1 Disciple's Studies - 1 Ranks
    Tier2 Hail of Blows
    Tier2 A Flower's Bloom: Deflection
    Core2 Disciple of Material: Adamantine
    Core3 Disciple of Morality: Good

    Weapon Damage
    Melee Power:· 153
    Doublestrike: 17%
    Strikethrough: 30%
    Mainhand damage ability multiplier: 1
    Offhand damage ability multiplier: 1
    Off-Hand attack Chance: 95%
    Fortification Bypass: 45%
    Dodge Bypass: 0%
    Helpless Damage bonus: 85%
    Ranged Power: 133
    Doubleshot Chance: 16%

    Sneak Attack Attack bonus: 0
    Sneak Attack Damage: 17d6+0
    Last edited by Agr33n3; 12-03-2022 at 03:15 PM.

  11. #11
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    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Avatarded View Post
    So the math on this amount of Toughness is... a lot of waste. 34 HP per normal toughness at your level, 50 for Epic, and 100 for Legendary. That's 286 HP for some very high value slots. I'm not sure if you're using Epic Defensive Fighting (which you get for free), but if you're not then just using that free feat will give you more HP than these lost 6 feat slots. When it comes to survivability effecitive hit points is more than just your raw health and, if you want it, then you need to be incorporating that into both your gear and enhancements (both heroic & epic).

    Realistically these are tank feats. The rate of return on damage reduction from PRR//MRR is x/(x+100). For these three feats you're getting 37 rating (27% reduction). A sheltering item cannith crafted at your level would do 36 base, and 17 insightful rating (34% reduction). If you keep the feats, and run the sheltering item, you'd have a combined 47% damage reduction. It should be noted that Epic Damage Reduction's +10 PRR boosts these numbers by about 4% each to 31% and 50% respectively, but that's a combined 4 feats of opportunity cost. Between this and Toughness spamming though, the damage reduction is obviously the better return on investment for survivability.

    However, it is ultimately the opportunity cost that is what the value of feats comes down to.

    Some feats that create opportunities that got overlooked in your initial build include the Cleave feats (for trash & adds), Stunning Blow, Improved Trip, Tactician & the Tactical Training feat-line, as well as Magical Training (which gives Echoes of Power). I don't have a specific build to give you, that says "Pick these feats for to do this content", but rather would encourage you to think about all the times you were inconvenienced by the lack of utility from a given situation you were in, and look at feats to eliminate that inconvenience.

    Looking at your build I can feel the amount of time, from my own lives as fighter, just sitting around doing jack **** while you auto-attack down some mobs. In the epic levels the epic destinies provide some nice attacks you can use to fill the gap, but you never get so many that the above feats would be completely pushed out of rotation. I would suggest starting by eliminating some of the excess health you have from Toughness Feats, and add some self-healing through an epic destiny if you're concerned about survivability.

    Heavy Armor is not only for tanks on a fighter build. Actually Stalwart has +6 to Str in Defensive Stance and the extra 27 PRR/MRR available from wearing heavy armor is worth the feat spend with the available slots. Cleave/Great Cleave and possibly spring attack and whirlwind all might be more beneficial however for pure DPS. But then you have alot of button mashing. But yeah toughness is kind of meh.

    Axel I posted a kensei/stalwart fighter build in teh HC forums for this season. Check that out for some feel. Probably ignore the 2 barb and blood tribute and go cap in kensei...maybe pick up harper trance or if can fit falconry for helpless and trance...or mix a few FVS levels in. Pure DPS was not my goal on that build, but could easily be implemented.

    Also if you planning on pure DPS, Vistani might be a better tree to dip into and pick up trance for 3 aP in warsoul.
    Last edited by jskinner937; 12-03-2022 at 03:30 PM.

  12. #12
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    Thanks everyone for the advice. This all looks really good. Much appreciated.

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