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  1. #1
    Community Member Annex's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Character Bank Sorting

    Let us say I have 5 items in my bank and sort A to Z.

    75 Potions of Supreme Healing
    76 Potions of the Party ****er
    77 Elixirs of Greater Discovery (Yeah. Right.)
    Celestia, Bright Star of the Day
    Rest Shrine of the Eladrin

    Let us say I add one Rest Shrine of the Eladrin and 3 Potions of Supreme Healing.

    2 Rest Shrines of the Eladrin
    76 Potions of the Party ****er
    77 Elixirs of Greater Discovery (Yeah. Right.)
    78 Potions of Supreme Healing
    Celestia, Bright Star of the Day

    This sorting behavior makes it extremely time consuming to match the in game character bank to an external spreadsheet. It completely breaks the spreadsheet I was using.

    Would it be possible to make Sort A to Z sort A to Z?

    Celestia, Bright Star of the Day
    77 Elixirs of Greater Discovery (Yeah. Right.)
    78 Potions of Supreme Healing
    76 Potions of the Party Poooooper
    2 Rest Shrines of the Eladrin


    *giggles* ****er.
    Sophie Cat Burglar - Creator, Dreamer, Explorer - Happy yet Sad - Seeker of Beauty and Wonder
    Exotic Item Recovery Specialist. I wish you all many happy adventures!

  2. #2
    Community Member Halciet's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Annex View Post
    Let us say I have 5 items in my bank and sort A to Z.

    75 Potions of Supreme Healing
    76 Potions of the Party ****er
    77 Elixirs of Greater Discovery (Yeah. Right.)
    Celestia, Bright Star of the Day
    Rest Shrine of the Eladrin

    Let us say I add one Rest Shrine of the Eladrin and 3 Potions of Supreme Healing.

    2 Rest Shrines of the Eladrin
    76 Potions of the Party ****er
    77 Elixirs of Greater Discovery (Yeah. Right.)
    78 Potions of Supreme Healing
    Celestia, Bright Star of the Day

    This sorting behavior makes it extremely time consuming to match the in game character bank to an external spreadsheet. It completely breaks the spreadsheet I was using.

    Would it be possible to make Sort A to Z sort A to Z?

    Celestia, Bright Star of the Day
    77 Elixirs of Greater Discovery (Yeah. Right.)
    78 Potions of Supreme Healing
    76 Potions of the Party Poooooper
    2 Rest Shrines of the Eladrin


    *giggles* ****er.
    Definitely needs to exclude the stack size from the sort, also needs to do better sorting numbers as we have the old 750 comes after 2000 happening.

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