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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Lightbulb New class archetype for Wizard: Archivist

    So, i've seen the new archetypes of some classes: The Dark Apostate of Cleric, The Sacred Fist of the Paladin, The Stormbringer the Bard.... it got me thinking about a new archetype for old wizard. Perhaps this archetype would turn our old-fashioned robes and staff fellow into a divine caster of a similar style, learning divine spells in a manner similar to arcane spells on a wizard, with scrolls.
    They'd have Arcane and Divine Lore abilities of both Arcane and Divine classes, to add to his abilities.

    He could learn those snazzy healing spells, but he'd not be a healer main, but rather just an offensive caster/support caster with a few more curative spells than a wizard has. His Spells could focus off his intelligence, and perhaps some secondary abilities from enhancements and feats function off of his wisdom.
    One of his abilities, Dark Knowledge, a unique version of channel divinity, would replace the wizard-y bonus feats... but in it's place, offer unique buffs and debuffs based off of the Arcane and Divine Lore abilities and overall level of the Archivist, and it'd allow some comfy fitting with other caster classes with similar lore skills. This would use Wisdom in a manner similar to how a Cleric uses Charisma, instead of requiring his spells use Wisdom DC's like by pen and paper rules of the Archivist class.

    Enhancements-wise, it'd definitely lose all access to all of the wizard enhancement trees, but perhaps we could borrow from Cleric's Divine Disciple as one available enhancement tree for someone wanting to remain as a divine caster (just with intelligence as a stat option on his version of the tree), One "Base Archivist path" (For lack of better name) enhancement tree that boosts the buffs and debuffs of the Archivist's Dark Knowledge abilities in addition to his divine spells in the manner one would expect befitting of this class, and one enhancement tree that reflavors our Archivist into a "Mystic Theurge" that allows him to cast arcane spells in addition to divine spells for versatile role.
    Important note about "Mystic Theurge" enhancement tree idea: The idea is that the enhancements that allow the use of arcane spells for this class should have some drawbacks in the manner of lower caster level and dc than what a real full caster sorcerer or wizard could manage, and the Archivist cannot get the top tier arcane spells through this enhancement tree... Like this it kinda simulates the same real issue a Mystic Theurge would have in Pen and Paper as versatile-but-unspecialized casters. (That, and Archivist/Wizard/Mystic Theurge is a common multiclass in Pen and Paper to help reduce multiple-ability-dependency, or MAD for short, hence why it's an enhancement tree suggestion here.)
    This is to keep it thematically appropriate for the game and it's sources, but not allow it to beat the base arcane classes in balance.

    I don't know if Archivist should get any of the other divine classes feats, or if it should get the 4 base skill points per level it gets in pen and paper, since with intelligence it's going to have many skill points anyway.... not helping is that skills matter much less here in DDO, anyway.

    So, what are some thoughts that could add to this, or critic it for good reason? I'm aware the idea i present is barebones and unexpanded upon since i thought of discussing it just moments before time of writing, but i thought it'd be neat to finally add representation of Archivist to the game, considering they're adding other obscure classes from 3.5e.
    Last edited by Voxden; 08-30-2022 at 08:59 PM.

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