Hello everyone, according to description of Elemental Apotheosis ( of any Savant) breaking immunity should be passive effect of capstone instead of elemental form.
I will show you what i mean by that using Fire Savant as example:

While in elemental form, you gain:

+100% Fortification
+20 Fire Spell Power
+2% Fire Spell Critical Chance
+10 Racial bonus to Fire Resistance
+20 Physical resistance Rating
-10 Cold Resistance
+10% Spell Point Cost
When Casting a Fire Spell:
+1 Caster Level
+1 Maximum Caster Level
When Casting an Air, Earth or Water Spell:
-3 Caster Level
-3 Maximum Caster Level
For Warforged:
No longer considered a Living Construct
Immune to Repair spells
Can be healed by Positive Energy spells


+2 Charisma
+10 Fire Spell Power
-10 Cold Spell Power
When Casting a Fire Spell:
+1 Caster Level
+1 Maximum Caster Level
When Casting a Cold or Water Spell:
-1 Caster Level
On Hit with an Fire Spell to an enemy immune to Fire Damage:
They become vulnerable for the next strike

Source : https://ddocompendium.com/w/Elemental_Apotheosis:_Fire

Currently in game that effect is bound to being in active Elemental Form, description on this capstone is hot mess. Is it WAI with elemental form or not WAI as it should be the passive effect of any capstone?