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  1. #1
    Community Member drathdragon's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Default I need suggestions about trying to reach 20 reaper points.

    With my toon i am now at level 9 , trying to do some quests at reaper 1 or 2 i gained so far 4 reaper points.

    And now my question: should i continue in this way, step by step, level by level doing R1 or R2 for the all
    the quest that i can ?
    should I try to reach level 30 asap to gain more reaper points more quicker ?

    any suggestion is welcome.

  2. #2
    Community Member vryxnr's Avatar
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    Both methods are viable. What is best is what you are more comfortable with. Are you more comfortable with doing low reaper during 1-20, or at cap? I personal prefer doing it at cap, and rxp/min even after first time bonuses go away, is still higher iirc, but you will be doing a separate loot grind at cap to be reaper ready. Many people prefer doing 1-20 several times instead (you'll need more gear for the varying levels, but you'll have gained most of it already on your first pass). rxp per quest is less even with the first time bonus, but having the first time bonus every time sure is nice.

    And because people die and have to start over, there will be much more groups to help from 1-20, and while there will be some very strong players who were simply late to the party, many will be those who die often and are zerging to catch up (which can be very dangerous to not just themselves, but the people they party with).

    At cap however there will be way fewer groups, but the ones that do exist will be strong and reliable (they got to cap without dying after all, and presumably do not want to die now that they're there, so will be cautious without being cripplingly so).

    My bias is probably showing, I prefer farming rxp at cap, but either method works, and both methods have been done by people successfully in previous seasons.
    Last edited by vryxnr; 08-23-2022 at 08:12 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member Kza's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=drathdragon;6535456]With my toon i am now at level 9 , trying to do some quests at reaper 1 or 2 i gained so far 4 reaper points.

    And now my question: should i continue in this way, step by step, level by level doing R1 or R2 for the all
    the quest that i can ?
    should I try to reach level 30 asap to gain more reaper points more quicker ?

    Well, fastest (for me) is r1/2 to cap and there r3-4 solo or higher if group.

    But... funniest? More important imho! Do it a tad varied, take it soft sometimes and join easier groups and join harder groups sometimes for the more excitement!

    I simply dont care and just do what i feel for, they tick in FAST at cap on r2+ And is not hard at all in group, so lvl how you want imho :-) (The game is very nice in getting rxp, you will have plenty fast as soon you play regularly and on reaper difficulty)
    Triple all

  4. #4
    Community Member Karthunk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drathdragon View Post
    With my toon i am now at level 9 , trying to do some quests at reaper 1 or 2 i gained so far 4 reaper points.

    And now my question: should i continue in this way, step by step, level by level doing R1 or R2 for the all
    the quest that i can ?
    should I try to reach level 30 asap to gain more reaper points more quicker ?

    any suggestion is welcome.
    Get to cap and star earning reaper points. Your character will be vastly more powerful at lvl 32 and the reaper points you will get are a lot more per quest.

    I would stay around reaper 1-4. Anything over 4 and the dmg spikes start to get to be a bit much.

  5. #5
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default Don't be afraid to bail out!

    Even on Reaper 1, sometimes the randomness will give you SEVERAL reapers. Don't be afraid to recall and start over. The overall goal is the 20 point reward not the challenge from overcoming minor random reapers per quest.

  6. #6
    Founder adamkatt's Avatar
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    I saved all rxp gain until i was 30-32 and had some partial feywild sets.. got my 20 and even went to 23 with some great pugs doing mostly r4 and some a little less... i saw a couple fall but yeah that happens. I grouped a lot with Riasx(sp) who built one awesome tank!!! id list them all but they are all still in the top 100 atm.

    I also did some solo dailes, like r4 windmill. 2-3 min quest per day and witch hunt(r3) which takes a bit longer, both quest are worth about 1200-1500 each day.

    but in the end jump is some pugs and if they arent talking like at least one player at the top, dont grp with them... just leave.. or hang back and see how they play...

    just like voodu suggests dont do low lvl reapers.. its just not worth it and not even needed.
    Outatime Exodus-Cradle of Life:Thelanis
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  7. #7
    Community Member
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    Personally, if you are doing a reaper only toon, don’t be afraid to do quests you are comfortable with on r2-4 while Levelling to cap. When you get to legendaries take advantage of the bonuses. If you did all the ones you know and are well suited for your build, TR and rinse and repeat.

    This would assume you farmed tokens when you could; or I suppose you could just buy a heart in store as well.

  8. #8
    Community Member ahpook's Avatar
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    My plan was to be working towards multiple goals at once. Since I was going for Racial PL I ran R1's to get the slow Reaper gains. But that R1 gave me faster leveling on my heroic lives so 1-20 went faster. I got several Reaper points (30ish) and a whack of past lives with the same effort. If you only want the Reaper points go for 30 and collect them at legendary where you will amass them fastest but if you need heroic PLs taking it slow gives other benefits.

  9. #9
    Guild Leader - Death Smile
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    I always recommend people do reapers in legendary content. Why?

    three reasons

    1. You have access to your destinies and your heroic capstone

    2. you have much better gear and the ability to farm for set bonus

    3. First time legendary reaper xp and the legendary reaper double xp bonus.

    I have videos explaining this in-depth on my YouTube channel.

  10. #10
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    I would say stick to what you know and repeat the easiest/shortest reaper quests a few times if you can. Run builds you know well and you know work well in reaper.

    Alot of people skip reaper in heroic borderlands and harbor. My thought is that if you want to go for rxp there is no reason to skip those since even if you die it's easy to restart with little investment/time wasted. Personally I run those multiple times so I can have 3 reaper points at the start of level 5.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
    Max DC Illusionist Reaper Build (U48)

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