Quote Originally Posted by Phoenicis View Post
Putting hardcore rewards in the store is, IMO a bad thing.
Fair enough in response to me, I haven't earned them but what about all the people that have, that have said they didn't care about them, didn't like the style, the size, the color, they take up too much screen space, etc. When you reject the idea coming from me you believe yourself to be holding up some exclusive Epeen achievement. Fair enough, but you are also excluding all those who managed the achievement that might appreciate more variety themselves.

By the way based on what I've read and heard on HC... something like this but perhaps smaller would probably be more desirable by the truly Hardcore, Reaper-capable, challenge-me players:

Side bonus, looks like it would match the Season VI horse better. Could also use the hound's skull from the cloak as the subliminal.
All I did was change the wings to Red and Black and overlay a semi-transparent skull.

They could change the rewards to the original wings at 3k, the truly Hardcore^ wings at 5k. And if you want to argue that they can't change anything midseason I would point to U56, because apparently they can do whatever they want and our opinions don't mean much.