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  1. #1
    Community Member thomascoolone64's Avatar
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    Aug 2012

    Default D.A Cleric Tree Wis-to-dmg

    Why did you take this away!! It was fine!!! It Made my Build Better!! I have to WASTE AP using Falconry And if your wanting Dark Apostate to be DPS then put some Melee Power and Melee Benefits to it... Dont Put a Melee Buff in the tree without giving benefit for it... but as you hjave the tree to be mostly Caster based the Caster isnt going to be Melee'ing now are they??? GIVE US WIS TO DAMAGE BAACKK
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post

    "Ignore the text in the Lamannia launcher claiming to be from Middle Earth. Wat?"

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by thomascoolone64 View Post
    Why did you take this away!! It was fine!!! It Made my Build Better!! I have to WASTE AP using Falconry And if your wanting Dark Apostate to be DPS then put some Melee Power and Melee Benefits to it... Dont Put a Melee Buff in the tree without giving benefit for it... but as you hjave the tree to be mostly Caster based the Caster isnt going to be Melee'ing now are they??? GIVE US WIS TO DAMAGE BAACKK

    Dark Apostle is not suppose to be a DPS Archetype.

    New Tree: Dark Apostate Replaces Radiant Servant Themes: Dark healing, evil magic, negative damage, undead control and destruction.

    And unless I am missing something, only Falconry (or certain weapon types) ever provided to and dmg with wisdom. But I could be wrong as I never played melee cleric so it’s just from memory. But I suppose you might be talking about the old divine might trance? Think that was just a boost to dmg though.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by jskinner937 View Post

    Dark Apostle is not suppose to be a DPS Archetype.

    New Tree: Dark Apostate Replaces Radiant Servant Themes: Dark healing, evil magic, negative damage, undead control and destruction.

    And unless I am missing something, only Falconry (or certain weapon types) ever provided to and dmg with wisdom. But I could be wrong as I never played melee cleric so it’s just from memory. But I suppose you might be talking about the old divine might trance? Think that was just a boost to dmg though.
    Look at the DA notes from Preview 1. It gave WIS to dmg/hit. They took that out in the second preview.

    I agree, if its going to have a weapon imbue in an otherwise caster-focused tree (ie Evil and Neg casting) then it should have WIS to dmg/hit. Or at the very least to hit - that's a standard going back at least to the EK overhaul. Warpriest needs to have a WIS/CHA multiselector for Divine Might too, or just swap it for the WIS version - a CHA based Cleric is just an outdated concept right now as it only affects Turn.

    And DA is definitely supposed to be a "DPS tree", ie an offensive damage-dealing tree. The healing part is adding nothing for a Cleric, who can already heal very well. It just cant decide if it wants to be melee DPS or caster DPS...

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