Tolero's details on Preview 2 are here
Orien: Level 400 Cannith Crafter
(*) - Crafter Advert for Orien
Guild Leader, Old Curiosity Shop
"The 'forever' rogue"
Light Armor
Orien: Level 400 Cannith Crafter
(*) - Crafter Advert for Orien
Guild Leader, Old Curiosity Shop
"The 'forever' rogue"
Medium Armor
Orien: Level 400 Cannith Crafter
(*) - Crafter Advert for Orien
Guild Leader, Old Curiosity Shop
"The 'forever' rogue"
Heavy Armor
Orien: Level 400 Cannith Crafter
(*) - Crafter Advert for Orien
Guild Leader, Old Curiosity Shop
"The 'forever' rogue"
Huh, so the new ML 31 armor is actually worse than the old ML 26 upgraded armor.![]()
Another 40 possible items to put... um, where am I supposed to have room for more than maybe 1 of these, exactly?![]()
Those set bonuses are rather anemic considering you have to give up your armor slot and thus most of the other set bonuses available.
Chaotic evil means never having to say you're sorry.
Ouch, aside from marginally higher pure AC & their elemental absorb, they're pretty much objectively worse than the ML26 ones which have higher saves & the set bonus is quality rather than artifact so has more stacking potential. (Not counting the dusk as that's already been stated to be in error & lesser displacement has parity with the existing ones). The only thing really going for them is that they should be presumably somewhat easier to acquire & not need the hassle of farming to upgrade them.
Personally, I think they should have something more interesting or unique if you want them to really be a viable option. How about making the set bonus include the appropriate elemental attunement property from the LoB/MA raid rings, plus a chance to temporarily remove immunity to that element from an enemy on hit/spellcast?
I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.
Do you think the ease of acquire factors into just how good/bad these can be? Would it be better in everyone's opinion for these to be HARDER to acquire at the tradeoff of more power? What about a minor crafting option, a chaser long term ingredient that you could then use to make the armor better?
Idk, armor slot, easier to get. Weaker (not quality), but higher min level, so scaled higher? Wheres the balance point here?
Very disappointed with most of the items that have come out since the stat squish. It seems like they can't really branch out much and make interesting/unique effects, and just reach into a hat of ~40 effects and slap 4 of them on each item. There have been a few exceptions but they're very rare.
And I've heard that the devs have said they were changing dusk to 25% concealment, but it should have NEVER even been a possibility, even on the lv 8 version.
Mains - Messam, Indalecio, Mozenrath, Quackerjack.
There's something to be said for easier to acquire things being less powerful, that's part of the whole idea behind raid/chaser gear & craftable items that you have to work for; even now weapons-wise heroic greensteel & orchard tome turn-ins are some of the best pre-epic gear & certain ones can still hold up into the low epics with the right setup & the strength of cannith crafting that also requires work is it's customisability. There's also the thing that for a lot of players, while the big power is really great when you have it, the game is relatively forgiving outside of the hardest content & you can do well with gear that's merely "good enough".
I'm also very in favour of having options for a trade-off of less outright power in return for other more utilitarian effects though, one of my favourites being old-school radiance to blind an enemy on crit - sure it's not as big an outright damage dealer but eg. in reaper, a lucky opening shot can impose that 50% miss chance on the enemy before the group gets close & makes for a great defensive boost - so what if they can see through illusions, doesn't mean much if their eyes don't work. SP regen, shattermantle, tendon slice, slowing effects, temp HP procs, non-damaging guard effects etc. can all be really handy too.
I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.
are the weapons on there yet? wouldn't mind seeing them.
The other thing to consider is that these set bonuses are achieved with just two items. That leaves a lot of room for other possible sets, or individual items.
"Funny 'Ha-Ha, or Funny 'Uh-oh...'?
Probably Funny 'Uh-Oh.'"
Khyber - Mesaana, Samaeila Suncrusher