Hello ! I'm not sure if this is the right place to bug report but the "Help" menu doesn't work in game so here's what me and my friend found from testing so far :
Dark Apostate Enhancement Tree :
- Inflict Mass X spells still don't heal the caster
- The Dark Consumption enhancement has no effect
- Prayer and Bane SLAs share the same cooldown as their spell
- Inflict spells don't have the "prepared icon" in the spell book despite being prepared by default
- The Apostate's Curse enhancement works even with a non-favored weapon
- Turning on Shadow Shrouding removes your character's shadow but not your weapon's shadow
- Harming yourself with the Harm spell while in the Shadow Shrouding restores ability damage, which isn't mentioned on the tooltip
- Healing yourself with the Heal spell while in the Shadow Shrouding doesn't restore ability damage, which isn't accurate to the tooltip
- Turning off Shadow Shrouding when incapacitated makes the Return to Dusk enhancement damage you instead of doing nothing
- The Benediction enhancement causes the Harm spell to do no damage or healing. Casting on self with Shadow Shrouding on only causes the restore effect, not the healing
QoL that would nice :
- The Return to Dusk enhancement does not have any cooldown timer to show that's it's been used already
- Allow the use of Inflict Wounds / Harm in public areas
Divine Disciple Enhancement Tree :
- Core 3 : Light uses the Lighting Bolt spell icon instead of the Sun Bolt spell icon
- The tier 1 Arcane Smiting I cannot be properly taken (shows 0/1 as green) unless you have access to the tier 5 of the tree; It seems linked to the tier 5 of the multiselector Transcendence "Arcane Smiting I" and considering it as a tier 5 enhancement instead of a tier 1 because taking "Arcane Smiting I" at tier 5 unlock "Arcane Smiting II" at tier 2 even if the tier 1 isn't selected
- Arcane Smiting I cannot be taken if a tier 5 has been taken in another tree
- Arcane Smiting II requires Divine Smiting I instead of Arcane Smiting I
- Arcane Smiting III requires Divine Smiting II instead of Arcane Smiting II
- Arcane Smiting IV requires Divine Smiting III instead of Arcane Smiting III
- Arcane Smiting V requires Divine Smiting IV instead of Arcane Smiting IV
- Disciple of Dawn requires Cleric level 4 on tier 3 and tier 4
- Disciple of Dusk requires Cleric level 3 on tier 3 and tier 4
- The Inflict Light Wounds SLA cost and cooldown doesn't go down as you level the enhancement. The cost and cooldown are also probably wrong
- The Inflict Light Wounds SLA doesn't work on your undead self
- The Necrotic Bolt SLA says 1d6 per caster level instead of 1d6+3 as per the wizard spell. Also, the Necrotic Bolt SLA costs more and has a longer cooldown than the Searing Light SLA (wai ?)
- The Unholy Blight SLA cost 2sp more than the Holy Smite SLA at rank 1 and 1sp more at rank 2
- The tier 5 Bring Balance requires Cleric level 20 in the Transcendence multiselector
- The tier 5 Transcend Light requires Cleric level 3 in the Transcendence multiselector
- The tier 5 Transcend Light cannot be taken if the Emissary of Darkness core has been taken but there is no mention of it in the requirement
- The tier 5 Transcend Darkness is missing in the Transcendence multiselector (it is currently replaced by Arcane Smiting I)
- Taking core 1 and core 2 of Light while having the Darkness to at least core 1 and then removing the Light core 1 and 2 makes the Light cores 1 and 2 as "choosable" by adding the white circle around them, even though core 2 of light shouldn't be choosable unless core 1 is taken
- The new tier 5 multiselector is missing (currently has the Harm/Heal multiselector)