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  1. #1
    Community Member Grimreich's Avatar
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    Default Archetype ideas!

    I am very excited for Archetypes and would like to share some things I would like to see.

    Paladin - Blackguard. Dark Paladin with Harm spells and undead summons. (With Vanguard and, if left to Wizard - Pale Master, otherwise, the Fighter's Stalwart Defender Tree in place of Sacred Defender.)

    Barbarian - Battle Rager. Shield Barbarian with retribution damage. (With Ravager and Vanguard)

    Fighter - Swashbuckler. Evasion/Intelligence tree (With Kensai (with only a selector for Swashbuckler Weapons) and the Bard tree that replaces Swashbuckler.

    Bard Swashbuckler replaced with a Performance-based physical damage tree about self-buffs themed to thrill-seeking, and dramatic combat maneuvers.

    Arcane Archer made into an Archetype and replaced with a physical damage ranged tree. Arcane Archer tree, Ranger ranged damage tree and Kensai (Longbow/Shortbow selectors only.)

    Wizard Pale Master and Eldritch Knight trees replaced with something like a school-based version of what Sorcerer has for Elements. Every tree buffs spell power plenty for damage spell progression, but otherwise, it's a tree for each of Conjuration, Transmutation, Divination and Enchantment.
    Conjuration tree focused on summoning and obstruction.
    Divination is focused on Utility.
    Enchantment is focused on... Enchantment? ENCHANTMENT!
    Transmutation is based on transmutation... Buffs, really.

    I think this would open up Wizards to help with creation of Archetypes and also flavor within those Archetypes while keeping Wizards thematic to what a Wizard is.

    Eldritch Knight made into an Archetype for Wizard. Eldritch Knight Tree, New Transmutation Tree, and Stalwart Defender.

    Pale Master made into an Archetype for Wizard. With Pale Master (being the Necromancy variant of the other school-themed trees focused on necromancy and defense,) The full selection of other School-themed trees and... I don't know... Vile Chemist?

    Rogue - Spell Thief. The Wizard's "missing" Abjuration tree focused on thwarting enemies and debuffs. With the Acrobat tree and the Bard's Performance-based tree.

    Rogue Mechanic changed into a Batman tree.

    Thief Acrobat changed to just Acrobat (It doesn't have anything that helps with theft) and given multi-selectors for Stick or TWF w/ Kama/Kukri where currently there is only Stick bonuses.
    Last edited by Grimreich; 08-13-2022 at 08:17 PM.

  2. #2
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    I left this in the sacred fist tree forum but apparently no one saw it so here it is again for you.

    Quote Originally Posted by GramercyRiff View Post
    oof subclasses are a fantastic addition but my beloved Paladin gets the Sacred Fist treatment. we probably won't see another Paladin subclass for awhile too.

    the design of this game comes up with every idea i'd never want in a game.
    *Cough* *Cough*

    I'm not saying anything so just ignore this entire post. *Cough*

    Archetypes are not just 1 different enhancement tree, though. They can have different class feats (for example, a Warlock Archetype that has new pact choices, or limits your pact choices to something thematically appropriate), different spellbooks (for example, a Bard that focuses more on illusion spells at the expense of its sonic options), replace more than one tree or all of them (for example, a Druid that is a pure caster and forgoes its Wild Shape forms), and even different alignment restrictions (for example, a Paladin that would very much like you to NOT be lawful good).

    We're trying to cover a variety of playstyles in the first batch, and will continue to spread outwards as the feature develops and players get used to the idea. Its worth noting that our goal here is NOT to make sure each class has a Archetype to start - we will be instead aiming for Archetypees that we think will be fun to build and to play with. Its possible - likely, even - that a class will end up with 2 or even 3 Archetypes before a different class gets its first.

    *Cough* Sorry that was a big coughing fit. I think I'm ok now though.
    Server: Thelanis - Characters Main: Rusttttt, Sepiaaaaa, Amethysttttt - Other Alts: Flameeeee, Siennaaaaa, Rougeeeee, Roseeeee, Wineeeee, Marigolddddd, Zaffreeeee, Wisteriaaaaa, Scarlettttt, Rufousssss, Lilaccccc, Puceeeee, Azureeeee, Orchiddddd, Sinopiaaaaa, Amaranthhhhh, Violettttt, Umberrrrr, Tawnyyyyy, And More! Literally too many for the Signature!

  3. #3
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grimreich View Post
    Fighter - Swashbuckler. Evasion/Intelligence tree (With Kensai (with only a selector for Swashbuckler Weapons) and the Bard tree that replaces Swashbuckler.
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

  4. #4
    Community Member Cadveen's Avatar
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    Default Wizard!

    Hopefully, they add something for wizard next. I agree and like the necromancer, conjurer, enchanter, illusionist, abjurer, transmuter, and diviner (likely wont work). They can also add Wild Mage. Wizard should only be archetypes. Keep palemaster but add necromancer as another tree. If a necromancer then you lose spells from opposition school. In addition to the enhancement tree you gain another spell slot for that spell school, but lose spells from the opposition. Opposition spells could take up two slots, etc.

    Rogue Trickster. Some level of rogue should have the smoke bomb that the alchemist has.

    Figher Samurai.

  5. #5
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    Would like to see Hexblade warlock tbh
    regular pact choices
    Keeps tainted Scholar tree but the other two are replaced
    Enlightened Spirit replaced with a genuine tank tree that still offers aura stuff but is thematically less good/light aligned
    Soul Eater replaced with Hexblade and Hexblade offers pact of the blade, a secondary pact option that applies spellpower scaling slashing damage on weapon hits only and not on blasts, has a blast shape to trigger blast damage on crits maybe.

  6. #6
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    Arcane trickster
    Beast master
    Dragon disciple
    Drunken master
    Hellfire warlock
    Mystic theurge
    Red Wizards (if we get a Thay expansion)
    Wild soul

  7. #7
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    Default The Bannerlord

    A couple of my friends and I are pretty excited for the archetypes as well and were spitballing which would be cool to see for other classes!

    Some of the ones that we were most happy with were the Bannerlord and the Guardian. The names aren’t really too important but we tried to consider the existing classes’ roles and give them new ones for diverse playstyles.

    The Bannerlord:
    A fighter that sacrifices the Kensei tree for a buffer/semi-healer tree. You place banners on the ground that last for a duration and provide buffs to your party through AoE. Buffs to health, a healing banner that scales off melee power and pulses heals, one that provides mrr/prr as long as the party remains in the AoE. It’s T5 could be a banner attached to the Bannerlord player and provides a damage buff for the entire party, +~8% inc. damage to enemy targets in the aura. An ability to grant your party a buff to movement speed would also be interesting to see.

    The Guardian:
    A favored soul that is designed toward tanking. Specifically, it takes some inspiration from the Guardian class from Lord of the Rings Online: the ability to intercept a % of incoming damage on a party member. Progressing through the cores increases the amount intercepted, to at least 30%. A charge ability would also be interesting to see, one that allows you to charge forward and intimidate enemies within range.

    It’s pretty fun to think about and it’s exciting to imagine what they will come up with next!

  8. #8
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    Now that we know that the devs can offer multiple paths after the class selection screen, it would be nice to see two options for each of the iconics. Offer one that is Free to Play and a second that may not be.


    - Bladeforged Paladin
    - Bladeforged Warsoul

    Deep Gnome
    - Deep Gnome Illusionist (Wizard)
    - Deep Gnome Grenadier (Alchemist)

    Shadar Kai
    - Shadar Kai Assassin (Rogue)
    - Talon of the Raven Queen (Dark Apostate)

    Scourge Aasimar:
    - Scourge of the Dead (Ranger)
    - Enduring Servant of Ilmater (Sacred Fist)

    Tiefling Scoundrel
    - Scoundrel (Bard)
    - Tiefling Brigand (Duelist)
    Last edited by QuantumFX; 08-17-2022 at 01:04 AM.
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

  9. #9
    Community Member Nugaot's Avatar
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    Monk - Samurai
    Able to be centered in medium/light armour. Loses evasion. Gains longsword, shortsword, and longbow as ki weapons. Doesn't automatically gain X of Forms feats, but qualifies to take them during levelling.
    Samurai enh tree replaces Henshin, shintao is replaced with kensai.
    Samurai tree is similar to barbarian occult slayer, having a focus on defensive abilities. Samurais get bonuses based on the amount of unspent Ki they currently have. They also have 2-3 Ki abilities from their tree that are very expensive but demand regular uptime or deal high critical damage.
    This is the straight DPS monk option, compared to the CC/utility/DPS of the base monk. Samurai stuff all works on ranged or melee, to support monkcher.

    Warlock - Hellfire Warlock
    Locked to Carceri Storm or Fiend pact. Gets an Ice Flenser/Fire Reaver pet at level 1, like artificer dog/druid wolf, that levels up with your Hellfire Warlock level.
    Hellfire tree replaces Soul Eater. Tainted Scholar is replaced with Fire Savant and Water Savant (FS and WS are still mutually exclusive.)
    Hellfire Warlocks are focused on SLA damage and their pet. Hellfire Warlocks are *THE* summoner guy. They provide boons to their summon by being in close range to them, and gain temporary spellpoints when their summon kills an enemy. Your summon can share your spellpower and deals damage based off your EB+pact dice. It also gets bonuses to threat generation and damage avoidance. A well played and built Hellfire Warlock with a supportive party should be able to use their summon to tank bosses in endgame content.

    Fighter- Psi Warrior
    Archetypes seem like an effective avenue to introduce psionic classes?
    Psi warrior is similar to EK. Psi Warrior gets a force imbue like EK's elemental ones. The EK is a spellcaster who fights with weapons and armor. The Psi Warrior is a martial with a little extra special sauce. They can use their psionic ability to use a small number of spell like CC effects based on their tactics DC. Psi Warrior replaces...I dunno, Kensai? It's late, I'm tired.

    Druid - Scary Poison Man
    Gains new wildshape form, spider and elemental form plant. loses the old ones. instakiller melee assassin or Dot based debuffer poison/acid caster.

    Cleric - Forge Domain
    Level 2: +2 Repair Spellpower per cleric level, your repair spells now use the higher of your repair or positive spellpower, and vice versa. Your turn undead channel divinity now effects constructs.
    Level 5: You gain cure moderate wounds as an SLA.
    Level 9: You gain Flame Turret as an SLA
    Level 14: You gain Reconstruct as an SLA. Shares cooldown with Arti/BF SLA.
    (This isn't even an archetype)

  10. #10
    DDO Official Troubadour Taurnish's Avatar
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    Default Brawler or Gladiator

    I would like to see a brawler and/or gladiator archetype added. Either of these could have a split in play style as a cunning, dirty fighter that gets sneak attack and uses lighter armor or a medium armor wearing intimidator with devastating blows. Both exist in D and D and would allow another melee option for players. The brawler would be different from a monk in that "balance" does not need to be maintained and reckless fighting / tactics would be a focus.

    I do not think this subclass is represented in DDO currently. A half-orc or dwarf would be a preferred race (although Half-elf would fit nicely as well).

    Cannith! Too many alts to list. Lorrtusk, Lorrtank (my main), Lorrgar, Jimipage, Taurnish, etc.

  11. #11
    Community Member fatherpirate's Avatar
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    Fighter or rogue archetype

    Jack of all trades.
    You choose one fighter or rogue tree to
    lose and choose >1< tree from any other
    class as a replacement.

    class requirements on that new tree are waved
    but any other requirements are not.

    (+1 to disable traps will not help you if you
    can not disable them already)

    SLA would work, if you have mana and that
    ability primary stat makes minimum level

  12. #12
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    Its probably too soon with Stormsinger being one of the first but I always wanted a bard/rogue mashup with the thief acrobat tree less emphasis on thief and more on the performative/gymnastics arts since one of my very first PnP characters was an ex-circus performer bard-acrobat. Maybe they could do something where every time she tumbles allies get some sort of inspiration-type buff and then improve on it as she moves up the tree in some fashion.
    Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)
    Aelonwy - Wydavir - Metaluscious - Aertimys - Phantastique - Kaelaria - Lunaura - Aelurawynn - Saurscha - Crystalorn - Aurvaeyn - Vaelyns - Wyllowynd

  13. #13
    Community Member fatherpirate's Avatar
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    If we assume that they will try and balance stuff (and they might not)
    There are certain guesses we can make.

    If they have another cleric arch it will not be dark again.
    If they only have 1 arch per class, FS will likely not be dark
    because their counterpart (cleric) already has a dark Arch.

    The Monk Arch will likely involve a new weapon (for them)
    or some type of armor.

    Fighter arch could literally be anything.

    Warlock arch will likely deal with a new pact

    Alchemist arch will be something odd

    The artificer arch will likely move away from the repeater.

    Barbarian might be some kind of Battle rage-er

    Druid will likely be a shaman

    FS will like exemplify the light side (unlike the cleric arch)

    Ranger might be a bit more druidic but they will lose something in return

    Rogue will most likely be an arcane trickster

    Sorc, maybe some other element or Fey centric

    Wizard, likely wild mage.

    my best guesses and observations.
    I could be way off.

  14. #14
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    I've been asking for Brawler as a Universal tree for a while, but it could fit as an Archetype too for Fighter

    A tree that focuses on Unarmed, Club, and Greatclub it'd fit the devs' current agenda of "give more options for unarmed" as well as making Greatclubs relevant among other THF weapons

    Stalwart Defender is an obvious second tree, with Brawler tree subbing for Kensei. I think the third would be Ravager, which means Brawlers would probably get basic Rage as part of their class features too

    That'd leave them with a nice swath of rolespace...Stal Def for tankiness, Brawler for weapon support, Ravager for added DPS. Probably "cannot be Lawful" to keep from too much synergy with Monk and Sacred Fist splits, and because they're supposed to be more thuggish.
    Last edited by droid327; 08-22-2022 at 01:46 PM.

  15. #15
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    Jedi (Monk Archetype)

    Swashbuckler, Feydark Illusionist, and a selector between Beacon of Hope and Air Savant

    The weapon imbue in Feydark changes Short and Longsword damage to Light

    OK not really, but now you kinda want one dont you?

  16. #16
    Community Member Jerevth's Avatar
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    - Nature affiliation in lieu of Soul Eater
    - Hexblade in lieu of Enlightened Spirit

    -Something that replaces the Arcane Archer with more melee/defense attributes? (I didn't see much that appealed in a short search of Ranger Sub classes)
    In all posts: Assume I'm just providing a personal opinion rather than trying to speak for everyone.
    *All posts should be taken as humorously intended and if you are struggling to decide if I insulted you; I didn't.

  17. #17
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    Mostly due to it being something I'd be interested in playing myself. Ideas somewhat stolen from D&D editions.

    Spirit Druid. Replaces either nature's warrior or protector (I'd say warrior) with a second casting focused tree with access to at least druidic healing spells since current seasons herald doesn't support those. Take away some or all focus on wildshaping from the druid, change natures herald to accommodate the potential lack of elemental forms to compensate. Currently druid is a wisdom class, with only pure wisdom granting race being aasimar, which is mostly built around major form, making the two kind of incompatible because both use major forms.

    perhaps instead of wildshaping the spirit druid could have feature to summon a stationary turret like spirit that grants bonus as an aura depending on the spirit summoned, corresponding to the types of wildshapes a druid would normally have access to. A bear spirit summon would grant defences in a AoE, wolf would give physical melee damage buffs, elemental spirits would provide magic bonuses, something like eagle spirit could provide bonuses to ranged combat.

    Now, moving a stationary turret around isn't exactly the most engaging thing especially when you're speedrunning dungeons. So the spirit druid could have mechanics in its cores that turn the [Call X spirit] actions into parts of your general gameplay loop. Have them do something when summoned, blast of elements or an AoE attack would be simplest, an AoE heal for a wellspring spirit, something of the type. Slowly build up on the power of the spirits through the cores and the tree.

  18. #18
    Community Member DRoark's Avatar
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    Default One Born Every Minute

    I'd say an Artificer (Programmer), but then we'd have two sets of people that can't program.


    It'll devolve into three dozen more TRs to grind. This is one of the rare times they put DDO points and Otto's on sale at the same time, because they designed Archetypes to be "out of class"
    to generate more XP potion, Slayer, and Otto's sales. They could have done the same thing with an exclusion tree, so people could do (Normal-Iconic-Archetype) for the usual three Class PLs,
    but they separated them instead. As a programmer, there are zero reasons to make it more complex, so that leaves Store Sales VIA increasing the TR grind.

    Paladin > Bladeforged > Fist-a-din .... (Class Done). Period. That would be the correct way to add an Archetype, without ever needing a secondary PL system.
    Last edited by DRoark; 09-08-2022 at 10:41 PM.

  19. #19
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Rogue Archetype: Arcane Trickster
    Druid Archetype: Circle of Spores analog
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernPally View Post
    A couple of my friends and I are pretty excited for the archetypes as well and were spitballing which would be cool to see for other classes!

    Some of the ones that we were most happy with were the Bannerlord and the Guardian. The names aren’t really too important but we tried to consider the existing classes’ roles and give them new ones for diverse playstyles.

    The Bannerlord:
    A fighter that sacrifices the Kensei tree for a buffer/semi-healer tree. You place banners on the ground that last for a duration and provide buffs to your party through AoE. Buffs to health, a healing banner that scales off melee power and pulses heals, one that provides mrr/prr as long as the party remains in the AoE. It’s T5 could be a banner attached to the Bannerlord player and provides a damage buff for the entire party, +~8% inc. damage to enemy targets in the aura. An ability to grant your party a buff to movement speed would also be interesting to see.
    I like your Bannerlord idea but I'd make it slightly different.

    It's a Fighter Archetype that loses Tower Shields and a few feats in exchange for the Bard's aria.
    A tanky melee fighter whose mere presence encourages people.
    Give it all the bard songs, its tree or trees gives it everything a Bard could hand out to people by singing at them, but absolutely no bard spells, and the usual tanky fighter stuff.

    As for my own ideas:

    Arcane Trickster, a Rogue with access to Eldritch Knight. Update EK's cleave attacks like they did Knight of the Chalice to be usable with bows so Tricksters can go ranged and feel good about it. Give it access to the Wizard spells at the same rate Paladins gain theirs. Personal tree would grant Ranged Legerdemain, a way to boost Knock to its user's Open Lock skill, and have it work on trap boxes. Cost would be losing a lot of Sneak Attack dice as well as potentially a few skill points per level.

    Fochlucan Lyrist, a Druid that loses access to Summon Nature's Ally and its Animal Companion but gains some bard spells and songs.

    Divine Soul: Favored Soul with a unique access to Eldritch Blast whose pact damage is Good.
    Enthusiasm enthusiast enthusiast.

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