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  1. #21
    Community Member NemesisAlien's Avatar
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    Monk archtype: Jester, starts with stats 6 8 6 6 6 6, you only get 1 point, skills only tumble auto grant, no feats, no enhancement trees. Universal trees lock out.

    Spells hypnotize, faire fire, confusion. All auto granted. Gets glitterdust at lev cap.

    Level up 1 ap, no feats no stats, no skills except for auto grant tumble.

    Locked out of casual, normal, hard, elite and reaper 1 to 9.
    Last edited by NemesisAlien; 09-09-2022 at 04:17 AM.

  2. #22
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    Something included in this list

    Some of those should look familiar cause most all enhancement tree's are 3.5e PRC's.

  3. #23
    Community Member Nym_Craian's Avatar
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    I converted an old idea of mine into an archetype.

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernPally View Post
    The Bannerlord:
    A fighter that sacrifices the Kensei tree for a buffer/semi-healer tree. You place banners on the ground that last for a duration and provide buffs to your party through AoE. Buffs to health, a healing banner that scales off melee power and pulses heals, one that provides mrr/prr as long as the party remains in the AoE. It’s T5 could be a banner attached to the Bannerlord player and provides a damage buff for the entire party, +~8% inc. damage to enemy targets in the aura. An ability to grant your party a buff to movement speed would also be interesting to see.
    My archetype is parallel with your idea.

    Enhancement tree: Warlord, Stalwart Defender, Warchanter; <Lose: Kensei, Vanguard>

    My warlord's tree is to long, read here:
    Last edited by Nym_Craian; 03-10-2023 at 03:01 AM.

  4. #24
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fatherpirate View Post
    If we assume that they will try and balance stuff (and they might not)
    There are certain guesses we can make.

    If they have another cleric arch it will not be dark again.
    If they only have 1 arch per class, FS will likely not be dark
    because their counterpart (cleric) already has a dark Arch.

    The Monk Arch will likely involve a new weapon (for them)
    or some type of armor.

    Fighter arch could literally be anything.

    Warlock arch will likely deal with a new pact

    Alchemist arch will be something odd

    The artificer arch will likely move away from the repeater.

    Barbarian might be some kind of Battle rage-er

    Druid will likely be a shaman

    FS will like exemplify the light side (unlike the cleric arch)

    Ranger might be a bit more druidic but they will lose something in return

    Rogue will most likely be an arcane trickster

    Sorc, maybe some other element or Fey centric

    Wizard, likely wild mage.

    my best guesses and observations.
    I could be way off.
    Artificer already have melee & casting variety

    Artificer archetype should double down on repeater because casting is far stronger past early levels
    Last edited by Oxarhamar; 09-24-2022 at 08:46 AM.

  5. #25
    Community Member shmagmhar's Avatar
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    Lightbulb hexblade / spore druid

    I have wanted to see hex blade and spore druid added to the game for a long time now . thankyou to the other people that suggested it . if not spore druid maybe something like swarmkeeper where you get an aura of bees could be cool . for warlock archtypes maybe it could be like in 5e where you choose pact of the blade , chain, talisman or tome . and hexblade is what you get when you choose bladepact . i dream about being able to transform into a shambling mound .

  6. #26
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    Default Cavalier

    Go back to the old Dungeons and Dragons cartoon and have a Fighter archetype of Cavalier. Only wields a shield, no weapon. 100% shield basher with great defenses and a limited short-range cone bash.

  7. #27
    Community Member SoVeryBelgian's Avatar
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    I'm still miffed they bailed on Universal Trees for Archetypes outta the blue, but OK, if that's the game we're playing...

    1. Warlock

    Obviously, HEXBLADE. C'mon. Or Beguiler.

    2. Rogue

    Soulknife or Arcane Trickster (Classic DnD)

    3. Monk

    I would like to see a thrower-specific subtype that ISN'T Vile chemist splitting DCs for Wep Damage in Alche. Can use ALL thrower types. Get some use out of Throwing Axes & Hammers.

    4. Sorcerer

    Blightmancer or Invoker / Words of Power user

  8. #28
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    Three that I find intriguing and would fit in the game.

    Arcane Trickster - Others have stated this, and I echo it as well. Some might say you can sort of make one already with the Feydark tree. I mean, kind of but not really. It has been quite a while since Rogues got a look. Granted multiclass versions of them are popular with Horizon Walker and Inquisitive but that also speaks to the versatility of the Rogue class. Putting in Arcane Trickster and designing it so there will be synergy with the casting perks from Shadowdancer seems like a golden opportunity.

    Shadow Caster - Sorcerer is another class that hasn't been given a look in quite a while. More or less, we are still stuck with the pick an elemental color and go with it class. Shadow Caster would bring exciting new spells and utility to the class. Shadow Caster is another archetype that could benefit from some existing game mechanics in the Shadowdancer destiny requiring less Dev design type. Hound of Ill Omen introduction could also lay the framework for a future Ranger archetype Beastmaster. Finally, Shadow Form - and please make sure we can float like the Wraith form from Pale Master!

    Path of Wild Magic - Perhaps we should just embrace that casting has advantages and offer that option on Barbarian. The Path of Wild Magic would be like Eldrich Knight, but Barbarian style. This would be all about the Wild Surge and unstable magics around you. Think of a playable version of the Scion of Limbo.

    I am Awesomesauce!

  9. #29
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    A few brainstormed ideas based on the stated goal of architypes rather than an existing DnD class.

    Goal of Archetypes: Fundamentally changes the way a class engages with content / shifts its role to a playstyle currently unavailable to the class.

    Totems/Banners: Class feature like a bard aura but more specialized and considerably stronger. Able to be picked up and moved with the group or placed for strong impacts. Stronger impacts could be focused on healing, crowd control or major debuffs. Classes: Melee DPS w/out support trees e.g. Fighter/Barb. Sacrifice: Their defensive tree.

    Intent - In exchange for personal defense & pure focus on personal play the class gains self/party buffs so party-focus is needed. Also opens up support role features previously unavailable to the class. Inspiration: Divinity Original Sin 2 / Path of Exile.

    Stance-Dancing: Class feature adds considerable offense/defense at the sacrifice of major specialist class features. Stances could include major melee buffs like full BAB, crit multiplier and/or AC bonuses & healing-per-second. Or magic buffs like cast-rate, mana regen, spell crit. Costs could include immobility and major-class features being lost to allow for stances to have huge benefits e.g. loss of bard song (shared bard song?), inability to use stealth or sneak attack only ever 3/4 levels. Classes: Bards or Rogues. Sacrifices: Class features + support tree or removal of very stylized tree e.g. Swashbuckler replacement.

    Intent - A total role change option for specialist class. Depending on implementation could transform a specialist into a primary front-line DPS, tank or back-line nuker. Keeps some class elements that anchor identify as main class (sneak attacks/auras/skill monkey) but makes them weaker at current specialization or less group-focused so the class can step into/temporarily become something they're not. Inspiration: Skalds / Fighting games

    HP-to-Damage: "Explosive" damage or huge short-term buffs at the expense of HP - self-selected or earned via tanking damage. Total shift in current tanking strategy away from stacking avoidance to flat & % damage reduction e.g. avoidance stats convert to a different damage reduction type. Complimented by intimidate & ability to physically move enemies towards character to force toon to get into close range and stay there. Class: Monk. Sacrifice: Class features that boost AC/avoidance and Shinto tree.

    Intent - Shift DPS method from fast small strikes to huge "epic moments" and change identify from a "dodge tank" to introduce a new style of defense never-before-used in DDO. Inspiration: Pillars of Eternity Monk / Critical Role "Echo Knight" e.g. gravity knight.
    Last edited by Xianio; 09-25-2022 at 11:13 AM.

  10. #30
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    I think this could be a nice addition to the game.

    Just think of some of the ideas; one per class and maybe one per race.

    Some of the combos could be interesting, we technically have a Pal/Mnk, Clrc/Wiz-Necro, Bard/Sorc-Lightning.

    Runescarred Barbarian could be interesting, just to give people something different to run as (also adding some more Past Lives is not necessarily a bad thing).

  11. #31
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    Brawler for Fighter would be nice, that's basically what the Brawler is in LoTRO.

    There's quite a few Artificer sub classes. Alchemist would have fulfilled this role well enough as it is technically an Arty subclass.

    Then there is this to look at as an idea:

    One Born Every Minute

    I'd say an Artificer (Programmer), but then we'd have two sets of people that can't program.
    From the whiner who can't do any better.

  12. #32
    Community Member Nugaot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nugaot View Post
    Druid - Scary Poison Man
    Gains new wildshape form, spider and elemental form plant. loses the old ones. instakiller melee assassin or Dot based debuffer poison/acid caster.
    Just popping back in to take 100% full credit for Blight Caster, though I like my name for it better.

  13. #33
    Community Member Nym_Craian's Avatar
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    I see many ideas thrown in as names, but what do these names cover? I'd love to see what you guys think.
    What would these archetypes look like? How would you try to integrate it into the DDO system?

    I tried to put together several archetypes that I like, but so far there are only two that might be functional and usable.

    1. Warlord
    Fighter archetype (CON base, support-tactical)

    Enhancement tree: Warlord, Stalwart Defender, Warchanter <Lose: Kensei, Vanguard>
    (Alternative version: Warlord, Warchanter and Stalwart Defender or Kensei - if you spend a point to a tree, then locked the another.)

    Skill points per level: 4 + Intelligence modifier

    Class Skills: Heal (WIS), Intimidate (CHA), Jump (STR), Perform (CHA), Repair (INT), Swim (STR)

    Level 2: gain Bardic Ballad - Inspire Courage, <Lose: Fighter bonus feat>
    Level 6: gain Song of War: Inspire Courage and Warchanter powers work as equal level bard (fighter level=bard level), <Lose: Fighter bonus feat>.
    Level 10: gain Bardic Ballad - Inspire Greatness, <Lose: Fighter bonus feat>
    Level 14: <Lose: Fighter bonus feat>
    Level 18: <Lose: Fighter bonus feat>


    Core 1
    Active: Mark of Irrelevance/Hatred
    Cooldown: 10 second
    Duration: 1 minute * fighter level
    Range: 30 m
    Target: Single Self, Friend
    If you use the power, choose:

    • The Mark of Irrelevance decrease affected member hate generation with your Constitution score.
    • The Mark of Hatred increase affected member hate generation with your Constitution score*2.

    Each Core Ability you include this one also grants +1 Mark use.

    Core 2
    Active: Shout of the Leader
    Cooldown: 30 second (shouts have shared cooldown)
    Duration: 20 + fighter level second
    Range: AOE in ballad range
    Target: Self, Friend
    You & all allies in ballad range gain additional untyped bonus to active Flag:

    • Flag of Destroy (red): increase Melee/Ranged power with your Constitution modifier (max fighter level).
    • Flag of Rush (green): increase movement speed with your Constitution modifier (max fighter level) & attack speed with half Constitution modifier (max half fighter level).
    • Flag of Defense (blue): increase PRR & MRR with your Constitution modifier (max fighter level).
    • Flag of Mystic (yellow): increase USP with your Constitution modifier (max fighter level) & grant +1 imbune dice and +1 per 10 fighter level (+1 dice on level 1-9, +2 dice on level 10-19 and +3 dice on level 20).
    • Flag of Life (white): regenerating your Constitution modifier*0,1% HP & SP every 3 sec (haven't max. level).

    Granting +5% HP regain to your Second Wind for each Warlord core ability you possess. (75% max HP in Core 6).

    Core 3
    Passive: Presence of the Lord
    Any active flag granting Heroism spell effect for you and your allies in flag range.
    Additional increase your Action Boost & Battle Trance duration with 50%.

    Core 4
    Active: Mark of Champion
    Cooldown: 10 second
    Duration: 2 second * Constitution modifier
    Range: 30 m
    Target: Single, Self, Friend
    Marked allies Shout of the Leader bonus & max bonus doubled. Only 1 active at a time, a 2. use break the first.

    Passive: Additional increase your Action Boost & Battle Trance duration with 100%.

    Core 5
    Passive: Presence of the Great Lord
    Any active Flag granting now Greater Heroism spell effect for you and your allies in ballad range.
    You gain (choose): 5% physical or 5% magical (exclude untyped/bane) damage absorb

    Cora 6
    Passive: Overlord of the Battles
    Constitution +4, +10 Melee/Ranged power & +2 to all Tactical DC.
    Any active flag granting +2 competence bonus to all ability for you and your allies in ballad range.
    Increase your Action Boost & Battle Trance duration with 200%.

    Version 2:
    Constitution +4, +10 Melee/Ranged power & +2 to all Tactical DC.
    The Warlod able to use combined flags (can toggle on 2 flag at a time).
    Increase your Action Boost & Battle Trance duration with 200%.

    Tier 1

    Flag I (Toggle 2 AP)
    Choose 1 from 4 types!
    Cooldown 20 second
    Duration: Toggle (only 1 active at a time, a 2. use break the first)
    Range: in ballad range

    The warlord conjure an illusion Flag in the air/on the ground. The Flag move with the warlord.
    In Flag range gain following morale bonus:
    to you & allies:

    • Flag of Destroy: weapon damage increase with your half Constitution modifier% (max half fighter level).
    • Flag of Rush: increase attack with your half Constitution modifier % (max half fighter level).
    • Flag of Defense: increase AC with your half Constitution modifier % (max half fighter level).
    • Flag of Mystic: decrease sp cost with your half Constitution modifier % (max half fighter level).

    to enemies (Sunder DC, Fortitude negate):

    • Flag of Destroy: decrease melee/ranged damage with your half Constitution modifier % (max half fighter level).
    • Flag of Rush: decrease attack with your half Constitution modifier % (max half fighter level).
    • Flag of Defense: decrease AC with your half Constitution modifier % (max half fighter level).
    • Flag of Mystic: decrease (all type) energy resist with your half Constitution modifier (max half fighter level).

    Multiple warlords can use multiple types of flags in the area, shouting a warlord works with all active friendly flags.

    Tactician (Passive 1-3 AP)
    Choose: Gain +[1/2/3] Action boost use/rest.

    Extra Presence (Passive 1-3 AP)
    +[1/2/3] extra Mark use/rest.
    Rank 3: Grant +1 Second Wind use/rest.

    Action Boost I (Passive 1-3 AP)
    Choose an Action Boost: Attack, Defense, Haste, Power, Saves, Skills, Spellpower, Spell DC.

    War Training (Passive 1-3 AP)
    Diplomacy, Heal, Intimidate +[1/2/3]
    Rank 3: Grant +1 to your all Tactical DC.

    Tier 2

    Flag II (Toggle 2 AP)
    Requires: Flag I
    Choose the 2. Flag

    Ready for Battle I. (Passive 2 AP)
    You may use Constitution as your weapon's to-hit modifier.

    Battle trance (Active 1-3 AP)
    Cooldown: 20 second
    Cost: decrease max. HP with 10% for duration
    Req: Diehard or Dodge
    Duration: [30/60/120] second
    Target: Self
    Antirequisite: This ability cannot be trained if you have any other Battle Trance abilities.
    Choose a defensive battle trance type:

    • Reinforcement (*Req: Diehard): Half Constitution modifier Insight bonus to your Saves & Constitution modifier bonus to Unconscious range, Fortification, additional for duration gain Deathblock.
    • Avoidance (*Req: Dodge): Half Constitution modifier Insight bonus to your Movement speed, Dodge & Dodge cap, additional for duration gain Evasion.

    Action Boost II (Active 1-3 AP)
    Choose an Action Boost from list.

    Mark of Protection (Active 2 AP)
    Cooldown: 10 second
    Duration: 1 minute * fighter level
    Range: 30 m
    Target: Single Self, Friend
    If the marked ally is injured, have fighter level % chance to gain Warlord's Constitution score as temporary HP (Doubled on epic level).

    Tier 3

    Flag III (Toggle 2 AP)
    Requires: Flag II
    Choose the 3. Flag!

    Ready for Battle II (Passive 2 AP)
    Requires: Ready for Battle I
    You may use Constitution as your weapon's damage modifier.

    Shout of the Conqueror (Active 2 AP)
    Cooldown: 30 second (shouts have shared cooldown)
    Duration: 10 + fighter level second
    Range: AOE in ballad range
    Target: Enemies
    DC = Sunder DC (Fortitude save negates this effect)
    Punitive effect on enemies in ballad range:

    • Flag of Destroy: Decrease all enemies melee/ranged power with your Constitution modifier (max fighter level).
    • Flag of Rush: Decrease all enemies attack speed with your half Constitution modifier % (max half fighter level) & movement speed % with your Constitution modifier (max fighter level).
    • Flag of Defense: Decrease all enemies PRR/MRR with your Constitution modifier (max fighter level).
    • Flag of Mystic: Decrease saves with your half Constitution modifier (max half fighter level).
    • Flag of Life: Drain your Constitution modifier*0,1% HP & SP every 3 second.

    Action Boost III (Active 1-3 AP)
    Choose an Action Boost from list.

    Ability I (Passive 2 AP)
    Choose an ability.

    Tier 4

    Flag IV (Toggle 2 AP)
    Requires: Flag III
    Choose the 4. Flag!

    Ready for Battle III (Passive 2 AP)
    Requires: Ready for Battle II
    You add your half Constitution modifier to Tactical DC.

    Shout of the Lord (Active 2 AP)
    Cooldodw: 30 second (shouts have shared cooldown)
    Duration: Instant
    Range: AOE in Ballad range
    Target: Enemies
    The roar of the lord strikes the opponents with the following effects in ballad range:

    • stun (Fortitude vs Stun DC)
    • trip (Reflex vs Trip DC)
    • fear (Will vs Intimidate)

    for half fighter level second.

    Action Boost IV (Active 1-3 AP)
    Choose an Action Boost from list.

    Ability II
    (Passive 2 AP)
    Requires: Ability I
    Choose an ability

    Tier 5

    Flag of Life (Toggle 2 AP)
    Requires: Flag IV
    Increase allies (all type) Healing amp and Incapacitation range with your Constitution modifier (haven't max level).
    Decrease all enemies Healing amp (all type) with your Constitution modifier (haven't max level, no save).
    Your Second Wind affect on you and on all allies in Flag of Life range. (Mass Second Wind work only with Flag of Life.)

    Energy Source (Passive 1-3 AP)
    Vorpal hit has [fighter level]% separate chance to reset 1 charge of:

    • Rank 1: Mark
    • Rank 2: Mark and Action boost
    • Rank 3: Mark, Action boost and Second Wind

    Master of Battle (Passive 2 AP)
    Requires: any Battle trance
    Your battle trance affects all allies in ballad range.

    Master of Action (Passive 2 AP)
    Requires: Any Action Boost
    Your Action Boost affects all allies in ballad range.

    Mark of Target (Active 2 AP)
    Cooldown: 10s
    Duration: 1 s * Constitution modifier
    Range: 30 m
    Target: Single enemy
    Marked enemy:

    • Gain your Constitution modifier/10 (rounded down) stack vulnerability.
    • Flags, Shout of the Conqueror and Shout of the Lord effect without save chance for mark duration .
    • Shout of the Conqueror effect & max effect doubled on Signed enemy

    Only 1 active at a time, a 2. use break the first.

    2. Master Creator
    (with summoner, divine influence) Artificer archetype

    Enhancement tree: Master Creator, Renegade Mastermaker, War Soul (FVS), <Lose: Battle Engineer, Arcanotechnician>

    Skill points per level: as artificer

    Class Skills: as artificer

    Level 1: Level 1: You gain Follower of Onatar feat and increase your Religious Lore on every level <Lose proficient: Great crossbow, Repeating heavy crossbow, Repeating light crossbow & Rapid Reload feat>
    Level 2: Level 2: "Unique Domain: Construction". If you are not warforge gain Construct Essence feat. If you're warforge choose a body type: Adamantine Body or Mithral Body.
    Level 4: Level 4: Gain: "Domain 2. ability" You gain Repair Moderate Damage as an SLA. 5 SP, 6 second cooldown. <Lose: Bonus feats>
    Level 8: Level 8: Gain: Onatar's Forge unique feat <Lose: Bonus feats>
    Level 12: Level 12: "Domain 3. ability" If you aren't warforge gain Improved Construct Essence feat. If you're warforge choose a body feat: Improved Damage Reduction, Improved Fortification or Mithral Fluidity. <Lose: Bonus feats>
    Level 16: Level 16: "Domain 4. ability" You gain Disintegrate as an SLA. 20 SP, 12 second cooldown.<Lose: Bonus feats>
    Level 20: Damage Reduction: 10/Cold Iron <Lose: Bonus feats>


    Core 1
    Passive: Creator
    Defender/Servant, Animated weapon and Summoned/Charmed creature gain Artificer caster level % bonus HP.
    Every core grant +5 Repair Amp to you, your Defender/Servant and your Animated weapon.

    Core 2
    Passive: Creative Acceleration (Passive)
    Defender/Servant and Animated weapon gain Artificer caster level % bonus to movement speed.

    Core 3
    Toggle: Creator's Network
    Unique Meta magic: Shared Spells
    Toggle, Spell cost increase with 5*spell level SP.
    All self targeted spell effects on Defender/Servant and Animated weapon in dungeon.
    For example: Self targeted reconstruct or deadly weapon effects on you & your Defender/Servant and animated item without range.

    Passive: Your servant learn additional special typed feat/power.

    Core 4
    Passive: Improved Network
    Your animated weapon and Defender/Servant now also benefit from your Imbue dice, if Creator's Network active.

    Core 5
    Passive: Servant’s Specialization
    Your servant learn additional special typed feat/power.
    If Creator's Network active, your servant can use your Open Lock and Disable Device skills (with "use object" command and use a thieves's tool from your inventory).

    Cora 6
    Passive: Master Creator
    +4 Intelligence
    Your servant learn additional special typed feat/power.

    Animate shield:
    While use Animate Item conjure an additional flying Spiritual Shield. The shield cann't attack, cann't be attacked and cann't be damaged.
    This shield grant you X*4 shield AC & Block DR, additionally you have half Artificer caster level % chance to shield block attacks, if you do not move, these chances are doubled. This is an automatic process, you don't need to actively block it.
    X equal with character level random loot:
    level 20-23 = 8 shield AC and +8 Block DR
    level 24-27 = 12 shield AC and +12 Block DR
    level 28-30 = 16 shield AC and +16 Block DR

    Tier 1

    Servant I (Passive 2-3 AP)
    You transform your iron defender into a servant. Homunculus Enchantments works with your servant. The servant gain additional subtype feat/power.
    Choose the subtype: Destroyer, Vanguard, Tricky or Hunter (*types in

    Animate Weapon (Active 2 AP)
    (usable only a private area)
    Cost: 5% max HP & max SP. (stacking, cannot be restored until you rest)
    Duration: rest or death
    Conjure a living flying Spiritual dagger. This weapon inflict X[d4] + your INT modifier untyped damage, critical range = X, critical multipler 3. (Other ability - attack, hp,... - equal with an actificer's caster level fighter.)
    X equal with artificer's level random loot:
    level 1-9 1d4+INT [20/x3]
    level 10-19 1,5d4+INT [20/x3]
    level 20-23 2d4+INT [19-20/x3]
    level 24-27 3d4+INT [18-20/x3]
    level 28-30 4d4+INT [17-20/x3]
    The animation isn’t summoning.

    Qualified Control I. (Passive 2 AP)
    Increase Defender/Servant, Animated weapon & Summoned/Charmed construct AC with your INT modifier % (maximum artificer level).

    Wand and Scroll Mastery (Passive 1-3 AP)
    +[25/50/75]% damage and healing from your wands, scrolls, and other items that cast spells, and +[1/2/3] to the save DCs of your offensive wands.
    Antireq: Taking Wand and Scroll Mastery in one enhancement tree will block its availability in other enhancement trees.

    Skilled (Passive 1-3 AP)
    Repair, Concentration, UMD +1/2/3
    Tier 2

    Servant II (Passive 2 AP)
    Requires: Servant I.
    Your servant learn additional special typed feat/power.


    Qualified Control II (Passive 2 AP)
    Requires: Qualified Control I.
    Increase Defender/Servant, Animated weapon & Summoned/Charmed construct attack with your INT modifier % (maximum artificer level).

    Creator's Advice (Passive 1-3 AP)
    Defender/Servant, Animated weapon, Hirelings, Summoned/Charmed creature gain +[2/3/4] to all ability scores.

    Heroic Companion (Active 1-3 AP)
    Action Boost: Grants an ally +[0.25/0.5/1][W], +[2/4/6] to hit and saving throws, +[0/2/4]% Dodge and +[0/0/10] PRR. (Cooldown: 30 seconds). Duration 60 seconds.
    Antireq: Cannot be taken with the Halfling racial or Harper enhancement.

    Tier 3

    Servant III
    (Passive 2 AP)
    Requires: Servant II.
    Your servant can learn additional special typed feat/power.

    Improved Animate (Passive 2 AP)
    Requires: Animate Weapon
    Now you conjure a Spiritual warhammer. This weapon inflict X[d8] + your INT modifier untyped damage.
    X equal with artificer's level random loot:
    level 1-9 1d8+INT [20/x3]
    level 10-19 1,5d8+INT [20/x3]
    level 20-23 2d8+INT [19-20/x3]
    level 24-27 3d8+INT [18-20/x3]
    level 28-30 4d8+INT [17-20/x3]

    Qualified Control III (Passive 2 AP)
    Requires: Qualified Conrol II.
    Increase Defender/Servant, Animated weapon & Summoned/Charmed construct PRR/MRR with your INT modifier (maximum artificer level).

    SLA: Disable Object (Active 2 AP)
    Cost: 10 Sp
    Cooldown: 6 second
    This spell causes a short circuit in construct's movement control and if fails Will save (Evocation DC) paralyze it. The enemy is aware, but it can take no actions for a maximum of 6 seconds per caster level. The enemy may attempt to make a new Will save every 3 seconds.

    Intelligence I (Passive 2 AP)
    +1 Intelligence

    Tier 4

    Servant IV (Passive 2 AP)
    Requires: Servant III.
    Your servant learn additional special typed feat/power.


    Qualified Control IV (Passive 2 AP)
    Requires: Qualified Control III.
    Increase Defender/Servant, Animated weapon & Summoned/Charmed construct Melee/Ranged power, USP with your INT modifier (maximum articficer level).

    Action boost: Damage Transfer (Active 1-3 AP)
    Cooldown 30 second - shared
    Duration: 20 second
    Activation Requirements: Any active animation.
    Your incoming (all type) damage decreased with [25/50/75]%, animated weapon suffer the damage. Animated weapon die breake the action boost!

    Intelligence II (Passive 2 AP)
    Requires: Intelligence I
    +1 Intelligence

    Tier 5

    Servant V (Passive 2 AP)
    Requires: Servant IV.
    Your servant learn additional special typed feat/power.

    Master of Animate (Passive 2 AP)
    Requires: Improved Animate
    Now you conjure a Spiritual great axe. This weapon inflict X[d12] + your INT modifier untyped damage.
    X equal with artificer's level random loot:
    level 1-9 1d12+INT [20/x3]
    level 10-19 1,5d12+INT [20/x3]
    level 20-23 2d12+INT [19-20/x3]
    level 24-27 3d12+INT [18-20/x3]
    level 28-30 4d12+INT [17-20/x3]

    SLA: Elemental Turret (Active 1-3 AP)
    Cost: 50/35/20 SP
    Cooldown: 40/30/20 second
    Duration: 1 minute
    Elemental turret works as Flame Turret with choosable elemental (fire, cold, acid or lightning) & increased HP and damage with [0/25/50]%.
    You can have only one summoned creature at a time.

    SLA: Control Object (Active 2 AP)
    Cost: 30 SP
    Cooldown: 30 second
    Duration: 1 minute * caster level
    Telepathically controls the actions of a constructed enemy that fails its Will save (Transmutation DC), causing it to change sides. The target gains an additional Will saving throw every 15 to 30 seconds. The creature has less chance to break free and will follow you throughout the dungeon.

    (Passive 2 AP)
    Requires: Any active animation.
    If you die, automatically sacrifice the animated weapon and you return to life (as a self targeted resurrection spell).

  14. #34
    Community Member DaviMOC's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012


    The old classic Blackguard can still come in. I would bet as a fighter or rogue archetype as the paladin slot is already taken.

    I like blightcaster but I feel like they lost the oportunity to explore druid possibilities in their forms as a shifter, To be honest I understand that creating new forms could be expensive but yeah I would love to see new forms that are not a new shader over the character body or new materials over the so common wolf shape( it looks great anyway). With an expansion such as IoD , raptor shape and velonasaur pet would be pretty cool.

    Stormlord for FvS? Is the only one i can think of and I love the idea but i feel like the stormsinger on bard stole the role? Maybe a FvS iconic from FR including Talos as a new deity and spear weapons finally in a future expansion?

    For fighter I can only think about 5th edition archetypes.Many options/possibilities and My favorites are Champion, Echo Knight and Samurai.

    Rogues got many options, from 3.5 prestige classes to 5.0. I'm most interested on arcane trickseter.

    I've joked about it in another thread but i would love to see something that breaks the serious and existentialist sense we have on monks and go for War Breakdancer.

  15. #35
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    I would like to see a Necromancer Archetype that raises temporary minions from the corpses of enemies (and friends)
    The minions could have an increasing health decay which would force them to die after a certain amount of time.
    Greater minions could be unlocked at higher levels.
    A "champion" minion could be like a dog that is re-raisable.
    Some nice hexes/debuffs could be in the tree as well as SLA Negative Energy Burst.
    A maximum number of minions could be based on level (NOT JUST ONE MINON!)

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