Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)Aelonwy - Wydavir - Metaluscious - Aertimys - Phantastique - Kaelaria - Lunaura - Aelurawynn - Saurscha - Crystalorn - Aurvaeyn - Vaelyns - Wyllowynd
I think those ones make sense, though. Barbarians are inherently freedom-seeking, they reject the order and structure of civilized society. Bards likewise have to be free to roam, they wont let themselves be tied down. They're inherently non-Lawful.
Paladins and Monks, however, are all about their place in the order and structure of their chosen lifestyle. You cant live a monastic life and not be Lawful. And you cant be a Paladin (as they exist in DDO) and not be Good. I'd be down for a Blackguard archetype that was locked into LN though.
However, Necromancy isnt inherently evil or chaotic in the way that those classes are inherently lawful or not. Its simply a tool, not a mindset or philosophy, and a tool can be used for anything the user intends it.
Yeah I wouldnt be surprised if DA was alignment-locked out of Good, and they mandated that it was a specifically non-good archetype...but by the above logic, I wouldnt be surprised if it wasnt, either, and just let the player decide
nah, does not need to be addressed at all.
Fatherpirate, you are right, but it cannot happen because it would unleash a tidal wave of grief. As far as I am concerned, many DDO characters are flat out evil, especially the ones who rely on negative energy. Many quests require some really evil behavior of our characters. However, adding evil alignments will only encourage the crazies and they are out there, waiting for an excuse.
Despite my hard stance on evil characters, I agree with FuzzyDuck81 with regards Assassins. I have always felt the Assassin tree is badly misnamed. Since day one, I have played my avatar and her associates as former special forces soldiers, based on the experiences of my dad and many of his friends who served in the military. They learned and did all sorts of crazy stuff. We just play at being awesome. They are the real deal. I never play in Shadowdancer because that tree is all wrong for a special forces character. We don't have a proper Epic Destiny tree for special forces type rogues at all.
Sophie Cat Burglar - Creator, Dreamer, Explorer - Happy yet Sad - Seeker of Beauty and Wonder
Exotic Item Recovery Specialist. I wish you all many happy adventures!
The non-evil alignments in DDO are a tool for writing quests and setting up a narration. It's much easier and smoother to write PCs facing forces of evil like Vecna, the Lord of Eyes, Lolth, Vaunt, and the like when they aren't the lot that share the morals of these villains (like lust for murder, no regard for mortal life, greed, enjoyment of making the life of others miserable, hunger for destruction, etc.).
Quests are made with the idea in mind, that the character has an intrinsic motivation to do that quest (as being a survivor of the Last War lured by riches and fame in Xen'drik and a lack of other skills that can be applied in a regular life), and the quests are mostly linear, which means restricting actions, and with the "goodish" values as a base line, it's easier to let make them sense.
"A Lesson in Deception" is a great example, where you're walking a linear quest with a "goodish" reason, you want to save people generally while also finding the bad guy, even though you have to abandon other people while doing so or losing your allies in return. Now imagine how easy all of this comes undone, when you run it with a character that puts itself so much in front, that it's willing to make other people consciously suffer for their benefit. Then try to imagine to re-write the quest to adher to both types of characters, and every minute you spend writing and thinking becomes a day of development time. Now consider that most people won't even read the quest properly during their first run. Worth it? Not in my books.
DDO is just a P&P group with several DMs that decided they don't want to write stories for evil characters, and that's absolutely OK.
Alignment restrictions for certain classes come straight from the license of D&D 3.5e and can't be ignored that easily, as it's part of the identity of said edition. Yet archetypes actually are a work-around that.
Do I believe that playing a good necromancer is easy in the P&P? No, while there is one argumentation I'd be almost OK with (so far), these methods are really "not good" in my books. Would I put an alignment restrictions on one of the base trees for a class (so training core 1 requires certain alignment)? Heck no, that'd be far worse. If you're annoyed by lawful good necromancers in DDO: Blame PM being a tree for every wizard, not that it exists.
Nothing in this game is essential, unless you are a power-gaming & unimaginative lemming who follows everyone else, without having any form of creativity or original thought rolling around your brainpain...
I have to admit I find the argument against Evil carries significantly less water with me sinince Dark Ap was announced. This makes the house rule against it make a lot less sense, and is one I'd have to argue at the table were this pen and paper.
In the end, it makes no difference to me one way or the other if Evil alignments were added to the game. I'd not play the alignment because I don't enjoy playing the bad guy, or even the anti-hero. But, I think this decision of DA puts a lot of stress on SSG's position not to.
Last edited by Oxarhamar; 08-12-2022 at 06:53 PM.
Alignment in this game means next to nothing.
Not sure why SSG is against it at this point really.
But hey, if you want to be evil, go neutral and then put in your bio that you are actually evil. Its essentially the same thing.
Last edited by Buddha5440; 08-12-2022 at 08:20 PM.
Dennis the Peasant: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.
2 things
Griefers will grief regardless of alignments.
It is silly to think otherwise.
With D&D alignments, It would only be fair if you
1) Use them all as given IN ALL VERSIONS OF THE RULES FROM THE
2) or use NONE OF THEM. No alignments at all.
To use some and not others is arbitrary.
2 it's not arbitrary at all there are legit reasons
1 no version of the rules other than decided on by the DM in this case the devs is required for fairness
On fairness the alignments available or not are available or not to all players that's 100% fair
not including evil doesn’t has anything to do with fairness
If you follow that quote you will see that it's following the rules of 3.5 YW
Last edited by Oxarhamar; 08-13-2022 at 02:09 AM.
1 iconic 8x 11 arche **** done x3s whats the problem
Damonz Cannith
Evil is as evil does.