Originally Posted by
It would be nice if a player (at character creation only)
could assign a permanent 'Oath' [or don't, totally optional].
These oaths can only be removed with reincarnation.
If you take any (or more than one)
of these Oaths (character restrictions) that character
receives a permanent EXP BOOST.
If you have more than 1 oath, only the strongest
one counts toward the Exp. buff.
The stronger the oath (more difficult) the larger the
[Note, the actual bonus would be determined by SSG]
Oath of Friendship - you can not group outside your friend list
Oath of Allegiance - you can not group outside of your guild
Oath of Solitude - you can not group with any players
Oath of Poverty - you can not use the AH, or trade with other players or even use a shared bank.
Oath of Bravery - you must enter all dungeons on elite or higher if offered
--------------[this Oath would give no extra exp. but would allow this toon to enter dungeons
---------------on elite (only) with out being VIP] if VIP is active, then it gives an exp bonus instead.
Oath of Talent - you can not use consumable items (except spell components and ammo items)
Oath of Mortality - If you die, your gone. (no rez)
Besides the Exp bonus given, your name has a special frame around it (based on the Oath)
[only the strongest Oath frame is used if you have multiple Oaths]
This will allow players to place special challenges
on their characters and reward them if they are
Thank You for your time.