Last night I was doing my first HCL. I had already statted out a CON-based dwarf TWF ranger. I was using the starter Ember Greataxe until I could pull some Dwarven/Battle Axes. 73 hp at level 2. I was in Redemption on Elite and a Hound spawned in the end fight. Me, my group member, and both of our hires weren't enough to stop that thing from two-shotting me. Neither were crits, so that makes an average of 42 damage per hit at level 2.
My group member did get it, but this still seems wrong. By old-school DDO standards, a 1st-life being two-shot on elite by a red is just something that happens sometimes. But standards have changed, and even if they hadn't, DDO no longer allows players to get enough AC to matter until you have like 6PL, an absurd amount of optimal gear, and have basically built your entire build around being an AC tank. Not something possible in HCL unless you no-life it.
Do the hounds' damage ever get to manageable levels, or is the correct solution at every level to just Alt-F4 when you get that hound notification? It's the first and only one I've seen so far.