Quote Originally Posted by Ipsum View Post
Played with it a bit more -
+The added damage on wraps from the sacred dice feels pretty good
+Getting cleaves will be nice
+The visuals are sick
+You can get really really tanky in mid heroics and still have damage
-Getting Improved/Greater TWF is a real pain with the dex requirement even with tomes since you basically need every stat at that point
-Smite needs some added damage to make up for the fact you are losing your offhand strike

*The +5W cleave does exactly the same damage as a single attack
*My ranger spellbook is empty (I have spell slots but no spells to slot into them). I took class levels in this order (p=paladin, r=ranger, m=monk): prrmppprprrr

*Add a total of 40% offhand strike chance as part of the cores. This would allow players to forgo taking Improved/Greater TWF and only take TWF/Perfect TWF. This lessens the stat requirements for the class and makes it reasonable to play without dex to hit/damage.
*Add a way to increase the number of sacred fist dice in epics either via augs or eds
*Add some ki attacks, here are some ideas:
-Spend ki to ignite your inner ability for some stat bonus also makes you flamey think like ultra instinct or something
-Spend ki to explode doing damage around you that scales with sacred fist dice
-Convert all ki into temp HP
-Spend ki to subject a single target to a turn undead effect
*Some way to get turns back by punching things would be nice
They could do what they did with the other archetype spellbooks and add sacred flame spells to the pally spellbook. Make them like the druid animal form spells. Would be nice to have something else to do with all that ki, though. Only thing to do without taking monk levels is stunning fist as it stands now.