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  1. #1
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    Default Update 56 Preview 1: Dark Apostate Archetype

    Howdy all! Please be sure to check out both the Producer's Letter and the Archetype Overview page before diving in here

    Dark Apostate is a Cleric Archetype.

    Spells/Feats/Class Features

    Instead of automatically preparing Cure Wounds spells, Dark Apostates automatically prepare the Inflict Wounds spells.

    Past Life: Dark Apostate: +5 Negative Healing Amplification and +5 Negative Spell Power (stacks 3 times)

    New Tree: Dark Apostate
    Replaces Radiant Servant

    Themes: Dark healing, evil magic, negative damage, undead control and destruction

    Summary: Shroud yourself in shadow as a master of darkness and negative energy magic.

    • Core 1: Dark Apostate Each core in this tree including this one grants you +5 Negative and Alignment Spellpower and +5 Negative Healing Amplification.
    • Core 3: Shadow Shrouding: Toggle: Shroud yourself in Necromantic Energies and assume the form of a Shadow. While in Shadow form, you are considered an Undead, gain a base 100% Fortification, and may heal from Negative Energies. This healing comes at a cost - Undead naturally only take 50% healing from Positive Energy and take 100% more damage from Light. You gain +2 Wisdom and +2 Constitution, as well as +5% Incorporeality and Concealment as your form is partially obscured and intangible. This is a Major Form.
    • Core 6: Enhanced Shadowform I: Your Shadow Shrouding gains an additional +5% Incorporeality and Concealment (for a total of 10% each).
    • Core 12: Enhanced Shadowform II: Your Shadow Shrouding gains an additional +5% Incorporeality and Concealment (for a total of 15% each). Your Bestow Curse, Doom, and Bane spells no longer have a saving throw.
    • Core 18: Enhanced Shadowform III: Your Shadow Shrouding gains an additional +5% Incorporeality and Concealment (for a total of 20% each). You also passively gain +1 Necromancy DC.
    • Core 20: Master of Shadows: Your Shadow Shrouding gains an additional +5% Incorporeality and Concealment (for a total of 25% each). You also passively gain +4 Wisdom.

    Tier 1:

    • SLA: Bane
    • Apostate's Skills: +1/2/3 Heal, Hide, and Bluff. Rank 3: +1 Will saving throw
    • Shadowy Bulwark: +5/10/15 HP
    • Apostate's Curse: Toggle: Your Favored Weapons channel the dark energies within you, twisting them into evil versions of themselves - they deal an additional 1d6 Evil Damage on hit (scaling with 100% spellpower).
    • Traditionalist Caster: +3/6/10 Universal Spell Power when wielding an Orb or Staff.

    Tier 2:

    • SLA: Prayer
    • Dark Judgement: When you critically hit with a Negative Energy or Alignment-based spell, you gain 3/6/10 Sacred temporary spell points. Rank 3: Your deity's favored weapon is considered a Spellcasting Implement in your hands.
    • Enhanced Turning: +2/4/6 Turn Undead charges.
    • Enhanced Curse I: (req Apostate's Curse) Your Apostate's Curse gains 2 additional damage dice, and grants your Favored Weapons Ghost Touch.
    • Cursed Words: Expend a Turn Undead charge to bestow a Curse to all enemies around you with no save.

    Tier 3:

    • Pray for Mercy: Your Prayer-like spells (Bless, Bane, Prayer) now resonate with Evil energies, dealing 1d6 Evil damage per Caster Level to all enemies. This damage is doubled against enemies that are Cursed.
    • Endless Turning: Turn Undead uses regenerate at a rate of one every 120 seconds, or 10%/20%/30% faster if it already regenerates.
    • Dark Consumption: Expend a Turn Undead charge to steal the lifeforce of target Undead, dealing 1d6 Bane damage per Character Level. You gain 1d6 Negative Energy healing per Character Level if you are in any Undead form.
    • Enhanced Curse II: (req Enhanced Curse I) Your Apostate's Curse gains 2 additional damage dice, and grants your Favored Weapons the ability to use Wisdom for their attack and damage mods.
    • +1 Wisdom

    Tier 4:

    • Blessings of the Shadows: You gain +5 Incapacitation range per character level.
    • Return to Dusk: While you are in any Undead form, when you are knocked unconscious, you dissolve into shadows, granting you Invisibility and Displacement. After 5 seconds, your body reforms, and you are healed for 1d6 Negative Energy per Character Level. This may only happen once every 3 minutes.
    • Visage of Shadows: You are immune to natural, magical, and supernatural diseases.
    • Enhanced Curse III: (req Enhanced Curse II) Your Apostate's Curse gains 2 additional damage dice.
    • +1 Wisdom

    Tier 5:

    • Benediction: Your Inflict Wounds spells have no maximum caster level.
    • Ward of Shadow: Wards all nearby allies against all four alignments and light. This is Protection from Elements but for Law, Chaos, Evil, Good, and Light damage.
    • Necromantic Devotion: +1 DCs with Necromancy spells.
    • Ultimate Heresy: (req Enhanced Curse III) Your Apostate's Curse gains 2 additional damage dice. On crit, you apply 1d3 stacks of Vulnerability and apply the effects of the Curse spell.
    • Shadows of Death: You gain +5% Negative and Alignment Spell Critical Chance

    Note that this tree releases alongside the revamped Divine Disciple tree, see below!
    100% radical, enthusiasm enthusiast.

    "Have you tried preproccing feat directory?"

  2. #2
    Systems Designer
    Lynnabel's Avatar
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    This tree has very strange core abilities. It will not make sense unless you look at it in-game.

    Core A: Multiselector:
    • Emissary of Light: Req Cleric 1, antireq Emissary of Darkness: You have chosen Light as your path. For each Core Ability you take in this tree, you gain +5 Light and Alignment Spellpower.
    • Emissary of Darkness: Req Cleric 1, antireq Emissary of Light: You have chosen Darkness as your path. For each Core Ability you take in this tree, you gain +5 Negative spellpower.

    Core B: Multiselector:
    • Aspect of the Sun: Req Cleric 3: You gain +2 to all Saving Throws and +3 PRR.
    • Empowered by the Darkness: Req Cleric 3: You gain +2 to all Saving Throws and +3 MRR.

    Core C: Multiselector:
    • Light Spellbook I: Req Cleric 6: Your Cleric spellbook gains Sunbolt as a Level 3 spell.
    • Dark Spellbook I: Req Cleric 6: Your Cleric spellbook gains Enervation as a Level 3 spell.

    Core D: Multiselector:
    • Light Spellbook II: Req Cleric 12: Your Cleric spellbook gains Sunbeam as a Level 6 spell.
    • Dark Spellbook II: Req Cleric 12: Your Cleric spellbook gains Necrotic Ray as a Level 6 spell.

    Core E: Multiselector:
    • Light Spellbook III: Req Cleric 18: Your Cleric spellbook gains Sunburst as a Level 8 spell. You gain +1 caster level and max caster level with Light/Alignment spells.
    • Dark Spellbook III: Req Cleric 18: Your Cleric spellbook gains Power Word: Stun as a Level 8 spell. You gain +1 caster level and max caster level with Negative Energy spells.

    Core F: Multiselector:
    • Priest of Endless Light: Req Cleric 20 and Emissary of Light: Your mastery over Light has granted you impossible power. +4 Wisdom, +2 to all Saving Throws, and +10 Light/Alignment spellpower and positive healing amp. You gain +1 caster level and max caster level with Light/Alignment spells and +1 evocation DCs.
    • Deacon of Endless Darkness: Req Cleric 20 and Emissary of Darkness: Your mastery over Darkness has granted you impossible power. +4 Wisdom, +2 to all Saving Throws, and +10 Negative spellpower and negative healing amp. You gain +1 caster level and max caster level with Negative Energy spells and +1 necromancy DCs.

    Tier 1:

    • Nimbus of Light vs Inflict Light Wounds SLA
    • Defense of the Heart: +2/4/6 PRR
    • Divine Smiting I: +2% Light, Negative, and Alignment Spell Critical Chance
    • Defense of the Soul: +2/4/6 MRR
    • Spell Points: +30/60/100 Maximum Spell Points

    Tier 2:

    • Spell Penetration: +1/2/3 Spell Penetration
    • Improved Metamagic: Empower/Enlarge/Maximize/Quicken
    • Divine Smiting II: +2% Light, Negative, and Alignment Spell Critical Chance
    • Shield of Dusk and Dawn: When struck, attackers are dealt 1/2/3d6 Light and Negative damage, scaling with your spellpower. Rank 3: When enemies critically hit you, they are Blinded for 2 seconds with no save.
    • Light and Dark: Whenever you cast a Light, Alignment or Negative spell, you gain +3 to your Negative, Light, and Alignment Spell Power for 6 seconds. This stacks up to 3/6/10 times.

    Tier 3:

    • Soundburst vs Inflict Light Wounds, Mass
    • Improved Metamagic: Empower/Enlarge/Maximize/Quicken
    • Divine Smiting III: +2% Light, Negative, and Alignment Spell Critical Chance
    • Multiselector:
      • Disciple of Dusk: You gain +5/10/15 Negative Healing Amplification. Rank 3: +5 Negative Spellpower
      • Disciple of Dawn: You gain +5/10/15 Positive Healing Amplification. Rank 3: +5 Light and Alignment Spellpower
    • +1 Wisdom

    Tier 4:

    • Sun Bolt vs Inflict Serious Wounds SLA
    • Improved Metamagic: Heighten
    • Divine Smiting IV: +2% Light, Negative, and Alignment Spell Critical Chance
    • Multiselector: (select what you did not select in Tier 3)
      • Disciple of Dusk: You gain +5/10/15 Negative Healing Amplification. Rank 3: +5 Negative Spellpower
      • Disciple of Dawn: You gain +5/10/15 Positive Healing Amplification. Rank 3: +5 Light and Alignment Spellpower
    • +1 Wisdom

    Tier 5:

    • Multiselector:
      • Divine Wrath SLA
      • Harm SLA
    • Multiselector:
      • Transcend Light: Req having only Emissary of Light cores. You now gain the Spellbook spells of the Path of Darkness.
      • Transcend Darkness: Req having only Emissary of Darkness cores: You now gain the Spellbook spells of the Path of Light.
      • Bring Balance: req having both Light and Dark cores: The Word of Balance spell is added to your Spellbook at level 7. (yes, both light and dark cores... this tree is funky fresh)
    • Divine Smiting V: +2% Light, Negative, and Alignment Spell Critical Chance
    • Condemnation: +5% Light, Negative, and Alignment Spell Critical Damage
    • Divine Empowerment: +1 DCs with Evocation and Necromancy spells
    100% radical, enthusiasm enthusiast.

    "Have you tried preproccing feat directory?"

  3. #3
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    Excuse me if this has already been answered elsewhere, but I saw multiple people ask this in the Producer's Letter thread and didn't see a dev response.

    Will the new Archetypes be required to get the Heroic Completionist Feat? That's the only thing I care about here, since none of the archetypes look interesting to me. I would only play them if required to get the Completionist feat. And even then, I'm not sure I'd particularly enjoy it.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by HailBlazR View Post
    Excuse me if this has already been answered elsewhere, but I saw multiple people ask this in the Producer's Letter thread and didn't see a dev response.

    Will the new Archetypes be required to get the Heroic Completionist Feat? That's the only thing I care about here, since none of the archetypes look interesting to me. I would only play them if required to get the Completionist feat. And even then, I'm not sure I'd particularly enjoy it.
    answered in this thread here

    Past Lives and Completionist

    Archetypes have their own past lives that fit in with the current Heroic Past Life system. If your majority class is an Archetype, you will earn that Archetype's past life.

    An Archetype's past life counts as a prerequisite for the Heroic Active past life feats. Furthermore, an Archetype's past life feat will qualify someone for Heroic Completionist, assuming they haven't earned it already. If you have 1 copy of all heroic class past lives done on a character except for Cleric, for example, you'd be able to qualify for the Cleric portion with either base Cleric or with Dark Apostate. This means that as we release new Archetypees, Heroic Completionist won't be removed from players that have already earned it, and new options will open up for players still on that journey. Finally, with this release, Heroic Completionist will become automatically granted to characters that qualify.

    In summary, Heroic Completionist will become: You win DDO! You gain +2 stats and +2 skills. This feat is automatically obtained at level 3 for all characters that have completed at least one class or archetype past life for each of the available classes in the game.

  5. #5
    Community Member Epicsoul's Avatar
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    Will additional dice for Apostate's Curse be added to the Draconic tree?
    Epicsoul | Omnisoul | Soul - Assistant to the Regional Manager of Lava Divers (2020-Present | Regional Manager of Lava Divers (2021-2022)
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  6. #6
    Community Member FuzzyDuck81's Avatar
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    No max caster level on inflict spells from dark emissary is going to make those some pretty hard hitting SLAs from divine disciple. Interesting idea with the curse mechanic too & having a weapon imbue will definitely assist warpriests in their damage dealing capability.
    I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.

  7. #7
    Community Member lain5246's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Howdy all! Please be sure to check out both the Producer's Letter and the Archetype Overview page before diving in here

    Dark Apostate is a Cleric Archetype.

    Spells/Feats/Class Features

    Instead of automatically preparing Cure Wounds spells, Dark Apostates automatically prepare the Inflict Wounds spells.

    Past Life: Dark Apostate: +5 Negative Healing Amplification and +5 Negative Spell Power (stacks 3 times)

    New Tree: Dark Apostate
    Replaces Radiant Servant

    Themes: Dark healing, evil magic, negative damage, undead control and destruction

    Summary: Shroud yourself in shadow as a master of darkness and negative energy magic.

    • Core 1: Dark Apostate Each core in this tree including this one grants you +5 Negative and Alignment Spellpower and +5 Negative Healing Amplification.
    • Core 3: Shadow Shrouding: Toggle: Shroud yourself in Necromantic Energies and assume the form of a Shadow. While in Shadow form, you are considered an Undead, gain a base 100% Fortification, and may heal from Negative Energies. This healing comes at a cost - Undead naturally only take 50% healing from Positive Energy and take 100% more damage from Light. You gain +2 Wisdom and +2 Constitution, as well as +5% Incorporeality and Concealment as your form is partially obscured and intangible. This is a Major Form.
    • Core 6: Enhanced Shadowform I: Your Shadow Shrouding gains an additional +5% Incorporeality and Concealment (for a total of 10% each).
    • Core 12: Enhanced Shadowform II: Your Shadow Shrouding gains an additional +5% Incorporeality and Concealment (for a total of 15% each). Your Bestow Curse, Doom, and Bane spells no longer have a saving throw.
    • Core 18: Enhanced Shadowform III: Your Shadow Shrouding gains an additional +5% Incorporeality and Concealment (for a total of 20% each). You also passively gain +1 Necromancy DC.
    • Core 20: Master of Shadows: Your Shadow Shrouding gains an additional +5% Incorporeality and Concealment (for a total of 25% each). You also passively gain +4 Wisdom.

    Tier 1:

    • SLA: Bane
    • Apostate's Skills: +1/2/3 Heal, Hide, and Bluff. Rank 3: +1 Will saving throw
    • Shadowy Bulwark: +5/10/15 HP
    • Apostate's Curse: Toggle: Your Favored Weapons channel the dark energies within you, twisting them into evil versions of themselves - they deal an additional 1d6 Evil Damage on hit (scaling with 100% spellpower).
    • Traditionalist Caster: +3/6/10 Universal Spell Power when wielding an Orb or Staff.

    Tier 2:

    • SLA: Prayer
    • Dark Judgement: When you critically hit with a Negative Energy or Alignment-based spell, you gain 3/6/10 Sacred temporary spell points. Rank 3: Your deity's favored weapon is considered a Spellcasting Implement in your hands.
    • Enhanced Turning: +2/4/6 Turn Undead charges.
    • Enhanced Curse I: (req Apostate's Curse) Your Apostate's Curse gains 2 additional damage dice, and grants your Favored Weapons Ghost Touch.
    • Cursed Words: Expend a Turn Undead charge to bestow a Curse to all enemies around you with no save.

    Tier 3:

    • Pray for Mercy: Your Prayer-like spells (Bless, Bane, Prayer) now resonate with Evil energies, dealing 1d6 Evil damage per Caster Level to all enemies. This damage is doubled against enemies that are Cursed.
    • Endless Turning: Turn Undead uses regenerate at a rate of one every 120 seconds, or 10%/20%/30% faster if it already regenerates.
    • Dark Consumption: Expend a Turn Undead charge to steal the lifeforce of target Undead, dealing 1d6 Bane damage per Character Level. You gain 1d6 Negative Energy healing per Character Level if you are in any Undead form.
    • Enhanced Curse II: (req Enhanced Curse I) Your Apostate's Curse gains 2 additional damage dice, and grants your Favored Weapons the ability to use Wisdom for their attack and damage mods.
    • +1 Wisdom

    Tier 4:

    • Blessings of the Shadows: You gain +5 Incapacitation range per character level.
    • Return to Dusk: While you are in any Undead form, when you are knocked unconscious, you dissolve into shadows, granting you Invisibility and Displacement. After 5 seconds, your body reforms, and you are healed for 1d6 Negative Energy per Character Level. This may only happen once every 3 minutes.
    • Visage of Shadows: You are immune to natural, magical, and supernatural diseases.
    • Enhanced Curse III: (req Enhanced Curse II) Your Apostate's Curse gains 2 additional damage dice.
    • +1 Wisdom

    Tier 5:

    • Benediction: Your Inflict Wounds spells have no maximum caster level.
    • Ward of Shadow: Wards all nearby allies against all four alignments and light. This is Protection from Elements but for Law, Chaos, Evil, Good, and Light damage.
    • Necromantic Devotion: +1 DCs with Necromancy spells.
    • Ultimate Heresy: (req Enhanced Curse III) Your Apostate's Curse gains 2 additional damage dice. On crit, you apply 1d3 stacks of Vulnerability and apply the effects of the Curse spell.
    • Shadows of Death: You gain +5% Negative and Alignment Spell Critical Chance

    Note that this tree releases alongside the revamped Divine Disciple tree, see below!
    WOW, this is not what I hoped for but I think I can make it work. It seems like overall a great boon for my aystyle
    Question though, will there be a crupted paladin coming?
    i believe that most classes are best to play with a tower shield and bastard sword.

  8. #8
    Community Member RavenStormclaw's Avatar
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    Default New Alignments?

    with the introduction of Dark apostate I am wondering if we can finally get evil alignments. I mean Dark Apostate is nothing but evil. Has to be for your weapon imbue to be of the evil type. Or at least lock out being any type of good alignment for this archetype. I can't see being lawful good and being a Dark Apostate i think your god would smite you!

  9. #9
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    The Dark Apostate doesn't play nicely with Divine Disciple, or else all of the Divine Disciple cores are broken.

    I selected Core 1 of Dark Apostate. For Core 1 of Divine, my options were the level 1 Divine Emissary of Light, or the level 20 Deacon of Endless Darkness (which I could not pick). In Core 6 as a level 7 veteran Dark Apostate cleric, I found the Divine Emissary of Darkness, and was able to select it. All of the other Cores in Divine Disciple were also messed up in order and type (light/dark).

  10. #10
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    Shadow Shrouding, Dark Consumption and Cursed Words appear to share a cooldown. They need to be separate cooldowns, as 30 seconds is already too long for the pace this game gets played at.

  11. #11
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    At 12 spell points per cast for tier 1 and 2 SLAs, Dark Apostate must have the most expensive SLAs of any class. It burned SP faster than an alchemist.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by RavenStormclaw View Post
    with the introduction of Dark apostate I am wondering if we can finally get evil alignments. I mean Dark Apostate is nothing but evil. Has to be for your weapon imbue to be of the evil type. Or at least lock out being any type of good alignment for this archetype. I can't see being lawful good and being a Dark Apostate i think your god would smite you!
    Yeah I dont want to see Evil alignments, that's a whole can of worms...but I think "cannot be Good" is fine for this in principle

    That being would be nice to run 17 DA/3 Pal or something as a "death knight" type build, which would require LG right now, but maybe we'll see Blackguard as a bona fide Paladin archetype in a future patch

  13. #13
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    I'm not seeing a debuff applied to surrounding mobs with cursed words at level 7 in fey wilderness. I am also not seeing a charge of turn undead used.

  14. #14
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    - Why Shadow? Incorp and Conceal are so devalued in Reaper mode, that seems to be pigeonholing the build a bit, or at least putting a ceiling on it. Why not Wight Priest shroud, and turn the bonuses into MRR and SR, or PRR + AC, or something like that?

    - Finally valuing up Favored Weapons a bit more!

    - Is everything that calls itself a "curse" supposed to qualify as Cursed for the purposes of doubling Pray for Mercy? Cursespewing weapons, etc.? Or just specifically the Bestow Curse spell?

    - Glad its an all-in-one WIS fighting tree with hit and dmg baked in

    - I reeeeally wonder looking at this if its even worth it to play it without /3 Wiz, just for so much low-hanging synergy in PM. 17 Clr gets you two L9 spells, and the last two cores are good but not build-defining, especially for a nuker and not a CC/IK build

  15. #15
    Community Member Zeklijan's Avatar
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    Default Immunity Removal?

    I said the same thing about Stormsinger, a lack of immunity removal mechanic is going to make the negative energy part of the build very unreliable. There are a lot of monsters immune to negative energy in the game.... thankfully less so for alignments, so at least that will work. I'm also unsure why one of the core mechanics of the tree (Apostate's curse) is locked behind using weapons when warpriest could do that. Perhaps adding a way to use it with spells would add more ways to use it...?

    I like the idea of archetypes in general though.
    Last edited by Zeklijan; 08-09-2022 at 02:13 PM.

  16. #16
    Community Member RavenStormclaw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    Yeah I dont want to see Evil alignments, that's a whole can of worms...but I think "cannot be Good" is fine for this in principle

    That being would be nice to run 17 DA/3 Pal or something as a "death knight" type build, which would require LG right now, but maybe we'll see Blackguard as a bona fide Paladin archetype in a future patch
    I feel you but this archetype is just plain evil at heart. Which is cool. I just don't think you can be good aligned and be this.

  17. #17
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khimberlhyte View Post
    The Dark Apostate doesn't play nicely with Divine Disciple, or else all of the Divine Disciple cores are broken.

    I selected Core 1 of Dark Apostate. For Core 1 of Divine, my options were the level 1 Divine Emissary of Light, or the level 20 Deacon of Endless Darkness (which I could not pick). In Core 6 as a level 7 veteran Dark Apostate cleric, I found the Divine Emissary of Darkness, and was able to select it. All of the other Cores in Divine Disciple were also messed up in order and type (light/dark).
    Lich mentioned that the new DD cores (2nd post on this thread) are odd. I kinda like the new design, where light comes in from the left and darkness comes in from the right. You can mix/match taking both paths this way and meet in the middle or go a single path (from left to right or right to left depending on what you're doing). Nifty new spin on core design.

  18. #18
    Community Member lain5246's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    This tree has very strange core abilities. It will not make sense unless you look at it in-game.

    Core A: Multiselector:
    • Emissary of Light: Req Cleric 1, antireq Emissary of Darkness: You have chosen Light as your path. For each Core Ability you take in this tree, you gain +5 Light and Alignment Spellpower.
    • Emissary of Darkness: Req Cleric 1, antireq Emissary of Light: You have chosen Darkness as your path. For each Core Ability you take in this tree, you gain +5 Negative spellpower.

    Core B: Multiselector:
    • Aspect of the Sun: Req Cleric 3: You gain +2 to all Saving Throws and +3 PRR.
    • Empowered by the Darkness: Req Cleric 3: You gain +2 to all Saving Throws and +3 MRR.

    Core C: Multiselector:
    • Light Spellbook I: Req Cleric 6: Your Cleric spellbook gains Sunbolt as a Level 3 spell.
    • Dark Spellbook I: Req Cleric 6: Your Cleric spellbook gains Enervation as a Level 3 spell.

    Core D: Multiselector:
    • Light Spellbook II: Req Cleric 12: Your Cleric spellbook gains Sunbeam as a Level 6 spell.
    • Dark Spellbook II: Req Cleric 12: Your Cleric spellbook gains Necrotic Ray as a Level 6 spell.

    Core E: Multiselector:
    • Light Spellbook III: Req Cleric 18: Your Cleric spellbook gains Sunburst as a Level 8 spell. You gain +1 caster level and max caster level with Light/Alignment spells.
    • Dark Spellbook III: Req Cleric 18: Your Cleric spellbook gains Power Word: Stun as a Level 8 spell. You gain +1 caster level and max caster level with Negative Energy spells.

    Core F: Multiselector:
    • Priest of Endless Light: Req Cleric 20 and Emissary of Light: Your mastery over Light has granted you impossible power. +4 Wisdom, +2 to all Saving Throws, and +10 Light/Alignment spellpower and positive healing amp. You gain +1 caster level and max caster level with Light/Alignment spells and +1 evocation DCs.
    • Deacon of Endless Darkness: Req Cleric 20 and Emissary of Darkness: Your mastery over Darkness has granted you impossible power. +4 Wisdom, +2 to all Saving Throws, and +10 Negative spellpower and negative healing amp. You gain +1 caster level and max caster level with Negative Energy spells and +1 necromancy DCs.

    Tier 1:

    • Nimbus of Light vs Inflict Light Wounds SLA
    • Defense of the Heart: +2/4/6 PRR
    • Divine Smiting I: +2% Light, Negative, and Alignment Spell Critical Chance
    • Defense of the Soul: +2/4/6 MRR
    • Spell Points: +30/60/100 Maximum Spell Points

    Tier 2:

    • Spell Penetration: +1/2/3 Spell Penetration
    • Improved Metamagic: Empower/Enlarge/Maximize/Quicken
    • Divine Smiting II: +2% Light, Negative, and Alignment Spell Critical Chance
    • Shield of Dusk and Dawn: When struck, attackers are dealt 1/2/3d6 Light and Negative damage, scaling with your spellpower. Rank 3: When enemies critically hit you, they are Blinded for 2 seconds with no save.
    • Light and Dark: Whenever you cast a Light, Alignment or Negative spell, you gain +3 to your Negative, Light, and Alignment Spell Power for 6 seconds. This stacks up to 3/6/10 times.

    Tier 3:

    • Soundburst vs Inflict Light Wounds, Mass
    • Improved Metamagic: Empower/Enlarge/Maximize/Quicken
    • Divine Smiting III: +2% Light, Negative, and Alignment Spell Critical Chance
    • Multiselector:
      • Disciple of Dusk: You gain +5/10/15 Negative Healing Amplification. Rank 3: +5 Negative Spellpower
      • Disciple of Dawn: You gain +5/10/15 Positive Healing Amplification. Rank 3: +5 Light and Alignment Spellpower
    • +1 Wisdom

    Tier 4:

    • Sun Bolt vs Inflict Serious Wounds SLA
    • Improved Metamagic: Heighten
    • Divine Smiting IV: +2% Light, Negative, and Alignment Spell Critical Chance
    • Multiselector: (select what you did not select in Tier 3)
      • Disciple of Dusk: You gain +5/10/15 Negative Healing Amplification. Rank 3: +5 Negative Spellpower
      • Disciple of Dawn: You gain +5/10/15 Positive Healing Amplification. Rank 3: +5 Light and Alignment Spellpower
    • +1 Wisdom

    Tier 5:

    • Multiselector:
      • Divine Wrath SLA
      • Harm SLA
    • Multiselector:
      • Transcend Light: Req having only Emissary of Light cores. You now gain the Spellbook spells of the Path of Darkness.
      • Transcend Darkness: Req having only Emissary of Darkness cores: You now gain the Spellbook spells of the Path of Light.
      • Bring Balance: req having both Light and Dark cores: The Word of Balance spell is added to your Spellbook at level 7. (yes, both light and dark cores... this tree is funky fresh)
    • Divine Smiting V: +2% Light, Negative, and Alignment Spell Critical Chance
    • Condemnation: +5% Light, Negative, and Alignment Spell Critical Damage
    • Divine Empowerment: +1 DCs with Evocation and Necromancy spells
    the loss of negative energy burst is rough
    i believe that most classes are best to play with a tower shield and bastard sword.

  19. #19
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by lain5246 View Post
    the loss of negative energy burst is rough
    It was still the choice on LAM, so not sure if the lam build has the wrong SLA or if the notes are wrong there.

  20. #20
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    [*][*]Bring Balance: req having both Light and Dark cores: The Word of Balance spell is added to your Spellbook at level 7. (yes, both light and dark cores... this tree is funky fresh)
    This seems odd as its an Untyped spell and thus scales off Force spellpower, which this tree and class dont otherwise support (outside of a few spells like Cometfall and the antiquated Blade Barrier). Its a nice idea in principle but maybe this needs a special version of the spell that does Light damage instead of Untyped, or something.

    Also, the tree has completely lost any support for Fire casting...which seems odd given so many Fire spells in the Cleric spellbook, and now you're pretty much shoehorned into Fire Domain if you want to cast them with any kind of support.
    Last edited by droid327; 08-09-2022 at 03:10 PM.

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