I won't have a chance to look on Lamannia for myself, but I've looked at this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APkTOj-MAS0 and just wanted to note that it's fantastic to see progress on banking!
- This is an IMPROVEMENT on the status quo.
- This is still a few steps away from being an excellent experience.
Issues (ignoring minor bugs like capacity display that can presumably be resolved and assuming it's all rigorously tested to avoid either lost items or rampant duping bugs):
- Searching account-wide is still a disaster, and in some ways made worse by this - if you sort items by tag then when you want to find something you have to look through each individual tag on each individual character - agony even with improved filtering and searching
- This doesn't help with finding things in the black hole that is the crafting storage
- The expanded UI means the screen is cluttered with big overlapping boxes (bad on a high res monitor, I can imagine unusable playing at minimum res)
Suggested changes that I hope would be feasible:
- Add an 'All tabs' tab as well as the Main and custom tabs that just displays everything at once
- Unify all the banks into one box, so the sections across the top go... "All locations", "Shared account bank", "Character bank", "Reincarnation cache", "Crafting storage"
- "All locations" displays everything from Shared bank + Character bank + Reincarnation cache (with either a color scheme for rows or a little icon to the side to show where they actually are - and ideally allow that location to be changed with a little dropdown on the icon if possible) - now finding items is a breeze wherever they are if you go to "All locations" on the top and "All tabs" on the right!
- Dropping an item into the "all locations" tab would default to crafting storage if possible, then shared bank, then character bank
- Dramatically scale up the amount of shared bank space for sale to reduce the need for mules for the masses and masses of BTA items, as well as selling incremental additional character bank space
- Maintain the tag of an item so it keeps that tab when you move it between bank locations or characters or when you TR (but drop the tag when another player acquires it through trade or selling) [may already be the case?]
Bonus extra changes that may be less technically feasible:
- Add a filter option for set bonus as well as slot? Set bonuses are such a big part of the game now and often what I'm looking for is the rest of a set.
- Apply the same tab system for crafting storage, but manually tagging and arranging thousands of these would be a nightmare so I suggest applying default tags to all items based on whichever crafting system they belong to. I don't know how else anyone would sort these?
- Replace the Guild chests with a Guild bank of equal and/or greater total capacity including cargo vault chests and add that to the tabs above (possibly as a UI option in settings: I have a small guild with a few close friends and this would be nice, others in big guilds might not want to accidentally risk dropping a cool unbound item in their guild bank)